I need serious help

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    • I need serious help

      I know i'm new here. hello everyone. This is kind of a long story.
      Recently I've been dating this smart, straight-A girl. 2 weeks ago she went to a town about 2 hours away to take care of her grandpa while her aunt and uncle were gone. While she was there she met a couple of people at an orientation for a college. She started hanging out with these people while she was there. She was invited to a party by a few of these people and i asked her not to go. She then promised me that nothing would happen. I didn't hear from her until the morning.

      When i woke up she called me crying. Apparently 3 of the people there were drunk and raped her. She was abstinent so she didn't want to have sex until she was married. I wanted to go down there to help her through it but she didn't want to give me her address. Shes now afraid of all men, including her me and her uncle. she doesn't know anything about the guys so i cant go snap their necks. Like i said above, shes a straight A student and had a great future, but now shes worried she may be pregnant. She also feels weak and like a peice of meat because she is a black belt in karate but was no able to stop them. I want to be there for her but I'm not able to other then in phone calls. I need to know what i should do and what i should tell her. I don't want to lose her.

      PS. Dont worry she called the cops already.
      PSS. Also dont worry, shes going to the doctor.
      PSSS. I refuse to call these people, guys or men. I dont think they deserve that.
    • Re: I need serious help

      burninryu wrote:

      Thanks. She already went to the doctor but there not sure if she's pregnant yet, and the cops tried everything but have no leads. These people are still out there which is yet another thing I'm worried about

      She doesn't remember any details about the perpetrators? Such as hair color, any facial scarring, etc etc?
      You can't really do much in the way of catching them, which I'm incredibly sorry about since these guys need to get their asses slammed in jail, but what you can do is try to comfort this girl as best you can, and let her know that you'll be there for her.
    • Re: I need serious help

      Hi :)
      To be honest, there is nothing you can do. If someone is hurt physically, you can bandage it up, stop it from bleeding etc...but when someone's mind is hurt, all you can do is wait for nature to take its course and do nothing.
      She will never really get over this, but in time she will come to terms with it. The only thing that you can do is wait. When she needs someone close to her, and when she has got over her fear of men, she will need you. Your job isn't to stay close to her or to make sure she never gets hurt. Your job is to be there for you when she wants you to be, and to comfort her when she feels that she needs comfort while she heals.
      It takes time to get over something like this...be it days, months....even years.
      Wait for her. Let her gain confidence, and in time, she'll come back to you if that's what she wants.
      As for these men...you have nothing to worry about. They acted on drunken impulse; they're not stalkers. That's easy enough to tell from the circumstances. Leave them alone, and in time they'll make another mistake and not be so lucky.
      Give it time :)
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]My mind turns to metal, its gears are turning,[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]And my sanity withers and dies.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]This world all around me, it's bitter and twisted;[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]Reality, madness or lies?[/SIZE][/LEFT]
    • Re: I need serious help

      :( is she ok now? I hope she can still go on with her life , reach for her dreams and live a life that she deserves to have even if she went through such ordeal.
      With your help and the people around who love her and care for her I hope she'll remain strong and can still see the brighter side of life. She'll always be in my prayer, in our prayers.
      :hugs::hugs: tc and GBy
    • Re: I need serious help

      I sincerely hope the three so-called "men" are identified and caught, and will end up in jail.
      As for you: stand by her and support her in every way, especially morally. Remember, it was not her fault that she fell victim to rapists, so don't ever blame her for going to the party against your wishes or advice. I suggest that she gets psychological counselling to get over her ordeal.
    • Re: I need serious help

      She has been through one of the hardest things a girl can go through in their life.. you need to make sure she knows that it isn't her fault and how much she means to you. You also need to let her know that you are there for her no matter what, and that you support her. She REALLY needs you, but don't rush her into seeing you in person. After something like that happens to someone they typically go into shut down mode and won't leave the house for a few days. Wait it out, and when she is ready just be there for her and do what I said to do in the first part, but still answer her phone calls and check up on her to make sure she is okay.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?