Majority Pro-life on abortion

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    • Majority Pro-life on abortion

      Whats your opinion on abortion 25
        I am pro-choice (18) 72%
        I am pro-life (6) 24%
        I don't kow (1) 4%
      This might be an old topic, but in the latest polls 51% of people in the US are now Pro-life and only 42% pro-choice.

      What do you think about abortion?
      Why is the majority leaning towards pro-life?
      Do you think new abortion laws should be made?
      Is abortion acceptable if someone is raped?
      What about teen pregnancies?
      Are there too many kids in the foster care-system?
      Is abortion killing a human or a clump of cells?
      At this point in time if you became pregnant (or impregnated a girl) would you get an abortion (or encourage them to get an abortion)?
      Discuss and debate.
      [FONT="System"]"The hardest people to love are the ones who need it the most."[/FONT]
    • Re: Majority Pro-life on abortion

      What do you think about abortion? I say go for it, if you don't want the kid don't have it.
      Why is the majority leaning towards pro-life? Because they're nuts.
      Do you think new abortion laws should be made? No.
      Is abortion acceptable if someone is raped? Of freaking course.
      What about teen pregnancies? Duh, why ruin a childs life?
      Are there too many kids in the foster care-system? I haven't looked into that.
      Is abortion killing a human or a clump of cells? Both, but what must be done, must be done.
      At this point in time if you became pregnant (or impregnated a girl) would you get an abortion (or encourage them to get an abortion)? Yes.
    • Re: Majority Pro-life on abortion

      I'm not exactly 100% in favor of either. I mean I don't think abortion is killing another person but I'm not sure if it's right. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't get an abortion if faced with the choice, but I also don't really think its up to me to decide what other people do. If there was a law on abortions made, I would probably just have the time period your allowed to have one moved back. I mean who knows if the baby is aware of its existence. At the same time fetuses begin to form in to babies.
      I guess pro-choice is what I'd be.
      [FONT="System"]"The hardest people to love are the ones who need it the most."[/FONT]
    • Re: Majority Pro-life on abortion

      That's fairly disturbing.

      I think it needs lowering in the UK.

      And tighter regulations need put in place.

      Each abortion should be assessed independantly, judging on financial situation of the mother, age of the mother, etc.

      To be honest I think most of the time they should be forced to have the child, and then put it up for adoption, rather than kill it.
      [LEFT]"Pin the donkey on her tail, that's entertainment!"

    • Re: Majority Pro-life on abortion

      ^^^^ completely agree, thats really wrong that babys of 24 weeks get aborted, if abortion laws are there, then they should be way way below that.
      in my opinion, once the baby has a heartbeat it is a human, and therefore should not be killed, most abortions are done bases on reasons like "too young to have a baby" i just feel that the baby should be born and then be put up for adoption!!! now i duno in cases like incest, rape etc, like i cant imagine being in that situation so i cant really say what i would do, but if i inpregnated a girl i would encorage her to have the baby!!!

      basically no glove no love!!!!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by kopite ().

    • Re: Majority Pro-life on abortion

      What do you think about abortion?
      Abortion is something that depending on the situation can be good, or can be bad, depending on how it is used

      Why is the majority leaning towards pro-life?
      The Majority of people are probably leaning towards pro-life, because of pressure from friends, communities, churches, and many other things. Also if you are brought up by pro-life people, then you are convinced it is the right thing to do. Some people are so easy to influence, and saying abortion is killing little helpless babies is a good way to convince a lot of these impressionable people

      Do you think new abortion laws should be made?
      I think they should be made for sure, but the thing is that they wouldn't be able to be enforced. People use abortion as birth control, so they don't have to go through the hassle of "the pill" or condoms, which isn't right, but also imagine getting raped, and becoming pregnant, and how much that would screw up your life. Now imagine your kid, if you kept it, they would remind you of that person who raped you, and you would never be able to bond with them because of this, and if you put them up for adoption, you would still have to go through the hell of the pregnancy with your rapist's child. When people get raped, it isn't something easy to go through, and a child will just make it so much worse. This is only one reason though, there are so many others

      Is abortion acceptable if someone is raped?
      As I said above, abortion shouldn't be an easy choice, and something you can walk right in and get done, it should be something that requires thought, and actually considering every possible option. If ultimately the woman chooses to abort the child, then they should not have to suffer for their choice. But once again, it shouldn't be a light choice.

      What about teen pregnancies?
      Teen pregnancies, well I look at it this way, if you are stupid enough to go out and get pregnant, you still have many other options than abortion. You shouldn't just go out and get it aborted. That's not right, put it up for adoption if you don't want it, but when you have sex, there is always the risk of a child, after all, that is the main function of sex, to reproduce. If it is rape, then that's another case, as noted above.
      Are there too many kids in the foster care-system?
      Some places, yes, there are way to many kids, but does that mean we should all start aborting children we don't want? No! Last time I checked, a human is a human, and killing them because "they are are too much of a hassle, and I don't want to put them in foster care" is not the answer, there are loving families out there, that want a child, and can't have one of their own. Personally I think the foster care system almost everywhere needs to get revamped, but that's another topic for another time

      Is abortion killing a human or a clump of cells?
      Well to me, you technically are killing a baby, but depending on the situation, it may be acceptable, such as what if the baby would die shortly after birth, or the mother would be killed by birth, and the baby mightn't make it, then is it really worth it? There are at least 2 sides to every story, and before you can judge, you need to take all sides into account
      At this point in time if you became pregnant (or impregnated a girl) would you get an abortion (or encourage them to get an abortion)?
      Well I would never rape a girl ever, so that side is gone. If it would have effects such as death for the mother of child shortly after birth, then maybe. I don't take sex lightly, like if you are going to do it, do it with someone you love, and make sure you are ready for all the responsibilities of the outcomes. However, if the mother and child were both going to be fine, then no I wouldn't encourage abortion, if we decided we couldn't take a child right now, then we could look at so many other options, from a completely closed adoption (where we don't see the child again), or even giving it to a couple who can't have children, but want them, and they can raise it as their own, but we can still be involved in our child's life.

      That is my take on all this, comments are welcome. If you don't agree, and you really feel the need to -rep me, go ahead, but sign it, and well we can discuss/debate what you think.

      As a note on the laws... Clarification, they shouldn't be a definitive yes or no, but instead, a regulation, so it isn't used as birth control
      Very Original Signature!
    • Re: Majority Pro-life on abortion

      What do you think about abortion?
      It's wrong unless it is decided by doctors that having the baby will kill the mother and/or the baby. The way I see it embryos are just like any other human, just in a different stage of development. And no one has the right to decide at what point in the person's development they should be guaranteed life.

      You must think of yourself as very high-and-mighty if you believe that you have the right to judge at what point in time someone's life is worth living and at what point it isn't.

      Why is the majority leaning towards pro-life?
      Because it's right? There are lots of different reasons.

      Do you think new abortion laws should be made?
      Well I think anti-abortion laws should be made, yes.

      Is abortion acceptable if someone is raped?
      No, because getting raped doesn't change the fact that an embryo is the same as any other human being, just in a different stage of development.

      What about teen pregnancies?
      It's still wrong.

      Are there too many kids in the foster care-system?
      There might be. It doesn't mean we should encourage abortion though.

      Is abortion killing a human or a clump of cells?
      It is killing a human. (Which, by the way, are made up of clumps of cells :rolleyes:)

      At this point in time if you became pregnant (or impregnated a girl) would you get an abortion (or encourage them to get an abortion)?
    • Re: Majority Pro-life on abortion

      What do you think about abortion?
      -it is the unnecessary taking of a human life

      Why is the majority leaning towards pro-life?
      -because it is right

      Do you think new abortion laws should be made?
      -anti abortion laws

      Is abortion acceptable if someone is raped?
      -no, why should an unborn child pay the price of you being fucking retarded and failing to defend yourself

      What about teen pregnancies?
      - what about them, the teen was an idiot, got pregnant, and now has to live with it.

      Are there too many kids in the foster care-system?
      - maybe, but there are also too many prisoners in the jail system, both are a result of people who are fucking retarded and corrupt government, if we allow abortion, allow mass killings of prisoners

      Is abortion killing a human or a clump of cells?
      - all humans, no matter how developed are a clump of cells

      At this point in time if you became pregnant (or impregnated a girl) would you get an abortion (or encourage them to get an abortion)?
      -no, if i was that stupid, i would live with it
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