HELP!!!!!!!!!!! (no douche bags please)

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    • HELP!!!!!!!!!!! (no douche bags please)

      okay, so I'm bi, more gay, though. I like men who are manly, I'm more feminine so I like men who act like men, but the problem with that is the guys I like and talk to only want to talk on the D.L, I mean I don't want to yell it from the top of a mountain but hell I don't want to have to hide my feelings around everybody, so what should I do, I try to talk to them about coming out to some of our mutual friends, but they will not hear it, I'm talking to this one guy, I'll call him ''Mike'', well Mike told me he was bi but not to tell anybody and we have this mutual friend I'll call her "Jamie" well I told Jamie and she thought he was, but how do I get him to tell Jamie, so that we don't have to talk on the D.L.? Oh we are going to the movies this weekend. What to do?
      [SIZE=3]I walk this lonely road!!!!!!!![/SIZE]:cries:
    • Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!!! (no douche bags please)

      What to do at the movies: Suck him off in the darkness. :P

      Anyway, about the other situation. Just give him time. You can't force him to come out when he deosn't want to. Just be happy with what you have. Besides, a secret relationship is more fun.
      Australian | 20 | University Student | Epic
      (818): dude you made out with his girlfriend and stole his credit card to buy more drinks.
      well when you put it like that, I sound like a terrible person.

    • Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!!! (no douche bags please)

      yea, coming out of the closet can change people's lives completely, and whether or not you think it's a good idea, let them stay in if they want. There are legitimate reasons for staying in the closet. It's hiding feelings, but everyone hides their feelings in some way. Let him choose who he wants to come out to.
    • Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!!! (no douche bags please)

      tHe CoBb wrote:

      okay, so I'm bi, more gay, though. I like men who are manly, I'm more feminine so I like men who act like men, but the problem with that is the guys I like and talk to only want to talk on the D.L, I mean I don't want to yell it from the top of a mountain but hell I don't want to have to hide my feelings around everybody, so what should I do, I try to talk to them about coming out to some of our mutual friends, but they will not hear it, I'm talking to this one guy, I'll call him ''Mike'', well Mike told me he was bi but not to tell anybody and we have this mutual friend I'll call her "Jamie" well I told Jamie and she thought he was, but how do I get him to tell Jamie, so that we don't have to talk on the D.L.? Oh we are going to the movies this weekend. What to do?

      you just did something so fucked up..

      you outed that kid to some girl he knows.. how could you?
      do you know how bad that is? he is going to feel so betrayed by you..

      I really hope you can make this girl swear to keep quite, because outting him before he's ready could do loads of emotional wreckage..
      "be the change you desire to see", -ghandi