Parents Harassing me Every Time I go out of the House

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    • Parents Harassing me Every Time I go out of the House

      I'm gonna be 18 next month, and my Dad always rides me hard every time I wanna go out. "Where are you going, Who are you going with, What are you doing with them?" every single time. Then he calls me every hour or something to see where I am. When I ask him why he needs to know he says "If you're not doing anything bad why can't you tell me?"
      His idea of bad is me hanging out with girls, since my family is religious and he doesn't believe in it. That's bullshit.
      What can I tell him to convince him to let me out without an interrogation?
    • Re: Parents Harassing me Every Time I go out of the House

      That is annoying, just talk to him..tell him your almost a legal adult and you should learn to be independant. If he disagrees, well you're almost 18 you can move out soon anyway =]

      Best of luck,

      Hanna <3
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year,
      and i'm so sick of watching while
      the minutes pass as i go nowhere. <3AllTimeLow[/SIZE]

    • Re: Parents Harassing me Every Time I go out of the House

      Give him the "It's time for me to grow up and for you to accept that" talk. Basically, talk to him and let him know that you're going to be an adult and you're going to make your own decisions and you're going to live your life the way you want to live it. He needs to understand where you are coming from and he needs to let you be independent for a change and he needs to trust you. However, for parents, it's always hard to let go of your kids when they are all grown up. With that said, your job is to make it easier for your dad by being responsible and letting him know that he can trust you to make good choices.

      Good luck!
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: Parents Harassing me Every Time I go out of the House

      You have some really good advice from Jenn there, as always, so I would only just like to add a couple of things to what she has said.

      Maybe, you could take the pro-active slant to this and as he's so predictable, have everything ready before you go out. His comment, about if you're not doing anything wrong, why worry is a good one, and it's hard to argue against. So, don't argue. When you go out, or if you're going out, just say 'Im going out for a couple of hours, I'm going to *insert place* with *insert 1 or 2 names* and I have my phone with me, phone anytime if you need to' and then he knows where you are, who with and you have offered the option to phone.

      This is a phase, and it will eventually stop. He's just getting used to you getting older, and knows he has to let go eventually, but it's not easy for parents to do that. They think the moment they stop, you will get into trouble. It's your job to prove that's not the case, and you can be trusted. Once you do that, then he won't worry and will eventually stop.
      [SIZE=2]Aaron - [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Support Leader[/SIZE] :kiss:

      Saradactyl;2086538 wrote:

      Haha, Aaron. I wuv youuuu.
    • Re: Parents Harassing me Every Time I go out of the House

      Inshades wrote:

      I'm gonna be 18 next month, and my Dad always rides me hard every time I wanna go out. "Where are you going, Who are you going with, What are you doing with them?" every single time. Then he calls me every hour or something to see where I am. When I ask him why he needs to know he says "If you're not doing anything bad why can't you tell me?"
      His idea of bad is me hanging out with girls, since my family is religious and he doesn't believe in it. That's bullshit.
      What can I tell him to convince him to let me out without an interrogation?

      Maybe this is your problem.
    • Re: Parents Harassing me Every Time I go out of the House

      Inshades wrote:

      I'm gonna be 18 next month, and my Dad always rides me hard every time I wanna go out. "Where are you going, Who are you going with, What are you doing with them?" every single time. Then he calls me every hour or something to see where I am. When I ask him why he needs to know he says "If you're not doing anything bad why can't you tell me?"
      His idea of bad is me hanging out with girls, since my family is religious and he doesn't believe in it. That's bullshit.
      What can I tell him to convince him to let me out without an interrogation?

      :rofl: at the bold bit!

      Anyways, since it's a religion thing it's probably quite deep-seated so it might be a little difficult to talk him out of it - however, there's no harm in speaking to him, and telling him how his behaviour affects you. :)
    • Re: Parents Harassing me Every Time I go out of the House

      You live in his house under his rules... Plus he cares about you

      My dad is a detective so I get questioned like I am a criminal about everything. What did you eat today, how was school, where are you, what are you doing, is your mother home, are you at laura's... so on and so forth (parents are separated).

      Just answer his question and continue with what you were doing

      And what if u dont answer the phone?? Will he be pissed?
      To a new beginning.
    • Re: Parents Harassing me Every Time I go out of the House

      eh just don't mind it. just let his words pass from ear to ear. hehe. he'll just get used to it. just continue having fun, just as long as you don't break his trust. that's what's important. i've been in this situation before, and my seniors told me to do it. it worked. :p