sigh, stupid laptop. now its the AC adapter

    • sigh, stupid laptop. now its the AC adapter

      i fucking hate this laptop, now the battery doesnt work....i think.

      yesterday it was workingfine but this morning it started failing. the little green light of the charger is lit, but the battery doesnt charge. in the bottom right corner (where all the icons are) it only says "altern current", but it doesnt have the little thunder it has when charging.

      please help, it took me 10 min to find a position so the cable worked and i cant move 1 inch because it will "disconnect"
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    • Re: sigh, stupid laptop. now its the AC adapter

      Mine sarted doing that :mad:
      Extremely annoying.
      I got a new adaptor for €65 that works for pretty much any electrical appliance that requires charging from mains though, so not too shabby :) And it has a really cool blue light!
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