popular girl trouble

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    • Re: popular girl trouble

      this is part of growing up in my books, every guy, well, every guy who found his own way anyway and didnt just follow every bit of advice his mum gave him has fancied a girl like this. (my mum still doesnt understand why i never take her advice, i know its going to fail mum..... i just want to make my own mistakes.)

      every guy has fancied a girl well out of his league when he was younger and couldnt break the ice with her. even the guys who would usualy get the better looking girls his age, they usualy try and get a much older girl. it rarely happens, the girls are always too shallow and much more interested in how they appear to their popular friends than whether or not theyre happy. theres a reason why theyre popular, theyre pretty, and theyre suckers.

      [edit: had some girlfriends before this but it was hardly worth calling a girlfriend, when your that young, its just a title, nothing else.]

      i did this when i was about 13-14 i guess, there was a really stunning girl in the year above me, i fancied the pants off her, i probably thought it was love then, but it wasnt, well, i fancied her for months but never managed to really break the ice. i moved on, i did the exact same thing with another girl, then after that i blew it with a really lovely girl who liked me back (idiot...) then i got knocked back by a few girls, they werent really out of my league but i wasnt really confident with girls then, and thats a recipe for disaster. then i went through a series of fuck arounds and fuck ups untill i met my current girlfriend who was the hardest catch of my life but well worth it, she lead me on and teased me for like 2 months before she dated me.... i have no idea why i kept chasing i usualy wouldve given up by then, she was a bit of a pro tbh, i knew precisely what she was doing but i kept saying to myself, ill give her one more go :rofl:

      anyways, the moral of the story is this girl is just part of a learning curve. im not going to say move on now, im going to say keep trying, and find your own way, because thats the most important thing, it useless playing it safe if you learn nothing from it. plus who knows, you MIGHT be one of the lucky ones who suceeds with their crush.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sharkbait ().

    • Re: popular girl trouble

      Hm, well, quite the classic dilemma, no?

      Well, if she's a decent girl, and you're a decent guy, then of course you have a chance! If she's not shallow, and won't just date as a means of preserving her "status" (You know, only dating other popular people,) then I think you can be in the center of her heart. Prove to her that you are not at all like any other guy. Be sensitive and caring and relate to her. Understand her feelings, really make a connection! Make her understand you're not there just to sweep her away, but to be with her to make her happy. Make it very clear! And once you've made that point, be forward. Tell her that you like her and that you think you can surprise her, if she's willing to date this wonderful, quirky "you." Trust me! You can get any girl you want that way! Be sincere and polite and romantic!