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    • How do you define sexuality? and how did you arrive at your own? (assuming you have)

      I was talking to a friend who told me "if he has sex with a guy, he's homosexual."
      I don't quite agree, fully anyway... I mean, if a gay guy has sex with a girl is he still gay or must he be assumed bi. And I know a "straight" guy who says he's attracted to other guys but he wouldn't have sex with them...does this make him gay, asexual, still straight?

      where do you draw the line... is it a mere attraction, sexual activity, or something more complex that defines your personal sexuality?
      Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.
    • Re: Sexuality?

      Sexuality is what you say you are. You can have sex with a girl and still be gay. You can have sex with a guy and still be straight. It is what you see yourself as not what others see you as. You find your sexuality by experimenting and seeing what you like. It is a decision for some and others are blessed with the decision already made for them. Some dont like their sexuality because sometime you cant pick but in the case that you stated I think the choice is the persons. Which this person should choose based on themselves and no one else.
      To a new beginning.
    • Re: Sexuality?

      I wouldn't classify someone's sexuality by past sexual experiences. I mean, lots of times people have to try something before knowing whether or not they like it. Sexuality has to do with who you are sexually and romantically attracted to.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?
    • Re: Sexuality?

      Hi :)
      Personally I believe that your sexuality has nothing to do with past experiences. It depends entirely upon what you are willing to try, what you want to try and what you yourself want to be. If you are unwilling to experiment with men at all, then that would suggest you being straight. If you find yourself attracted to both males and females, then that would suggest bisexual, and if you find yourself only attracted to males and not females at all, then that would suggest gay (of course, I am refering to a male when I say "you").
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]My mind turns to metal, its gears are turning,[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]And my sanity withers and dies.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]This world all around me, it's bitter and twisted;[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]Reality, madness or lies?[/SIZE][/LEFT]
    • Re: Sexuality?

      its rather plain and simple, if you only sleep with girls but find guys hot, your bi-curious. if you sleep with both but prefer girls, your bisexually straight, if you sleep woith both but prefer guys, your bisexually gay, if you only sleep iwth girls, your straight, and if you only sleep with guys your gay, and if your attracted completely 50/50 to both genders, your a very rare breed of pure bisexual.

      its about attraction AND sexual desire.

      just because you cant fall in love with a guy but can fuck or be fucked by them, doesn't mean your straight, it means your bi with no emotional attatchment.

      your friend, is not straight, he's bi-curious as he says he is attracted to guys.
      [SIZE=2]Gay and looking for a friend? Hell, any sexuality is welcome. PM ME FRIENDS VERY WELCOME! hehe[/SIZE]

      Reliving life as I should. :)
    • Re: Sexuality?

      I would define sexuality as which gender you feel a true sexual attraction (sexual urge and desire) to.

      Some people will have sex the gender they're not attracted to for fun, satisfaction, experimentation or money but have no deal natural attraction to them.

      If you have a natural sexual urge and desire towards a gender that defines your sexuality. Be it to the opposite, same or both genders.

      I'm bi-sexual. I have always been attracted to guys and had a natural urge and desire to have sex with them. But ever since I was 12/13 and found my self looking at other girls sexually, finding them attractive and fantasising about them. I then became sexually confused and bi-curious. When I was 15, nearly 16 and knew one of my school friends was in the same position. So we experimented, when out with each other, kissed, kissed sexually, fondled etc. Taking it in quick but small steps until we eventually slept together and had full sex, which we did a few times. I felt comfortable and loved the experiences and felt very strongly for her. Then I knew I was truely Bi-sexual. She went the other way and decided she just prefered men.

      Since then I've been comfortable in my sexuality and Bi-sexual. I feel a stonger attraction to men and have had more male partners and only the one female and I have a current BF. But I'd happly enter a relationship or a sexual fling with another girl if I met someone in the future.