What does it mean?

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    • What does it mean?

      Yea.. kind of awkward actually putting it out there on the net.. but my girlfriend recently sort of tugs at my boxers. Sometimes in a playful way where she snaps the back of them or.. where she either lifts the front but doesn't really look.. unless she does.. but my minds obviously elsewhere.

      She isn't pulling them down or anything like that yet, but she'll also rub my stomach and then sort of either slip a finger or a few fingers past the boxer strap. Now what does all this mean? Does she want to touch it? Or is it all playful teasing.. which puts me into either extremely wanting it.. or just irritated because I know she won't.

      We've dated for months, and we're more open on the "Sex" talk now, which is cool, it isn't awkward and I don't have to 100% behave. But as cheesy as this sounds and even though I'm a guy, I don't really want to have sex anytime soon, just touching.. because well I see as this, touching before penetration. I mean she hasn't shown me anything and I haven't shown her anything so Sex is out of the question. But she has let me touched, and rub (through clothing, above and below waist).

      Can anyone please answer this?
    • Re: What does it mean?

      DareToDream wrote:

      Maybe she's exploring the idea of going in your boxers, but isn't fully comfortable actually doing all the touching yet though. Give her time to decide when she's ready to go further.

      By far the best answer :P

      But I also forgot to mention she sort of "dry grinds" me :\ which not going to lie feels pretty good, because I love her. But I'm more so kinda scared of either screwing it up by doing something like that.. or hurting her. But everything been turned into more intimate stuffs.
    • Re: What does it mean?

      Hi :)
      It's normal for two young people to start getting ideas into their heads when they have been in a relationship for a while and have started being more open with each other. This is the ideal time for you and her to start exploring with what you want and whether you are ready for certain things.

      If you want her to touch, rub, whatever you want her to do with her hand, then try to tell her with subtle gestures. she'll catch on quickly enough. When she's rubbing your boxers, you could try lightly pushing her hand down to your penis while looking into her face. I say while looking into her face so that you can detect any positive or negative features. They're not hard to spot, and you'll know straight away whether it's what she wants or not if she's too nice to tell you.

      Now...as for sex. Well, whether she wants it or not is irrelevant. Others in this thread have told you to just go ahead and have sex with her because it's what she wants, and people always automatically think that the guy is happy to go along with it. Obviously, this is not the case, and you should not have sex until you want to.

      If it is because she is teasing you and she doesn't necessarily want to go further, then tell her exactly what is wrong. It's confusing you concerning what she wants, you don't like the fact that she is messing with your mind etc. You need to let her know exactly what is wrong, because trust and being comfortable around each other are what a relationship is based on. Just talk to her!!

      Hope I helped.
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]My mind turns to metal, its gears are turning,[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]And my sanity withers and dies.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]This world all around me, it's bitter and twisted;[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]Reality, madness or lies?[/SIZE][/LEFT]
    • Re: What does it mean?

      She exploring seeing how far she will let her self go ,, she prob wants to please you but isint quite sure if shes ready to go all the way down your pants, i was like that with my first bf i always did those little things she does ,, but honestly i didnt feel confortable going all the way down his pants , so just maybe talk to her about it if it bothers you and well see from there ,, do not force her to do anything she doesn't want to .
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]It's the little things that cause a storm inside me.[/SIZE][/CENTER]