Holding a party.

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    • Holding a party.

      hey guys, im holding a little party picnic thing for my birthday, just a few mates over for some food and a quiet drink. next week
      how can i make it so my geusts have a great time :)
      i've got food and drinks sorted, i'm alright for entertainment and music, i just really dont want them to be bored, people have assured me it won't, and conversation will just start itself, but im still anxious.

      any tips just to make sure everybody has an extra cool time ?

      [RIGHT][SIZE=3]we each owe a death, [/SIZE][SIZE=3]there are no exceptions ,[/SIZE][SIZE=3]but sometimes, oh god, [/SIZE][/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT][SIZE=3]the green mile seems so long.[/SIZE][/RIGHT]
    • Re: Holding a party.

      Oh. Thought it was a party party.

      But let's see. If you have some powerful fireworks that works. If you can do paintball, that's epic. Hmm. I'm not sure. If you live in an urban area you can find a game or something. Maybe wear masks and throw water balloons at strangers (throwing them at teenage girls is the most amusing). Wear face masks to make sure no one sees your face ;).

      [CENTER][SIZE=4]Chivalry isn't dead. It's just being a really good ninja.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Holding a party.

      In my experiance twister when drunk results either in a giant orgy or a giant fight, one never knows which, twister is unpredictable. A quite drink is pleasant but it doesn't really hack it for a really special time so make sure you get good n trashed, unless there are girls or parents there in which case mind your manners and your alcohol intake. :wink: If girls are present and no parents, see if you can coerce them into a game of "never have I ever" "Truth or dare" or "strip poker" if possible...naturally...

      Besides that, fire works, ball games, movies, the odd spliff (if thats ur thing), water fight, tramplene, basically whatever you have in the house, use it...

      My 20th (which was a month ago) consisted of the creation of a gargantuan punch, and playing diagonal drunken twister on a steep hill whilst raiding the surrounding area for miscelanous objects (like thrown away seats), and sitting on said hill with music, weed, whiskey and cigars, then playing volleyball in the park, then down the pub for numerous rounds and shots, then hitting the clubs...lasted 11 hours, started with 10 people and ended with 30...good night...

      (on the hill we found a crockey mallet!)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by dawoel ().