is love a choice?

    • Re: is love a choice?

      Nothing is a real choice, we do what we are compelled to do by our instincts and by our passed experiences, neither of which is a choice. We do not choose the compulsions that we have we just have them, and they lead us down all manner of paths. In the end we just play the roles given us, and sometimes we are lucky, and other times we are not. If you look back at your life, could you really have chosen anything differently, really? Because either there was a specific reason you chose one way and not another, or there was not (logical truth) and if there was not then the choice was random, and randomness is not control, so it wasn't really you who made that decision, but random chance.

      It's simple nature and nurture. Free will has very little to with anything really. It's a flawd concept