What do you do when you realise you cant hold on any longer ?

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    • What do you do when you realise you cant hold on any longer ?

      me and my bf have been together for a year and 4 months, everything was fine for the first 10 months but recently we've been arguing over nothing its really putting a strain on things. i feel things have gone on long enough and know its best too let him go. im still really in love with him and dont want too leave him i just dont know how too make things better. its been really quite depressing me recently and just wondered if anyone had any advice ?
    • Re: What do you do when you realise you cant hold on any longer ?

      me and my bf have been together for a year and 4 months, everything was fine for the first 10 months but recently we've been arguing over nothing its really putting a strain on things. i feel things have gone on long enough and know its best too let him go. im still really in love with him and dont want too leave him i just dont know how too make things better. its been really quite depressing me recently and just wondered if anyone had any advice ?

      I've gone through that exact same thing :( and it sucks! Because you don't know what you did wrong.. you don't know why things have changed.. its like why can't you be like you were in the beginning right? Why are you fighting about stupid things and getting upset for no reason..

      I agree with the other that space is always a good thing. If you guys are seeing eachother too often on a regular basis it can lead to irritation and annoyance. The one thing I've discovered about relationships is that its good to be close to the person, but you still have to lead your own life.

      However, if you guys already have space and are still fighting about certain things maybe its time to just sit down and have a nice heart to heart. Figure out what you both want in the relationship and what you aren't getting thats leading to all these disagreements. I am sure if you guys open the channels of communication you'll easily resolve everything. Goodluck!! :D
    • Re: What do you do when you realise you cant hold on any longer ?

      Alot, try to stop the arguing. It takes two sides for an argument, so you aren't helping at the moment. Stop them before they happen, do things that you normally would think of that would help make things easier for the other person. Just stop, pause, get control of yourself, and take things slowly. Think it over before arguing. And remember, Patience is a Beauty.

      Take Care, Have Fun, Good Luck
    • Re: What do you do when you realise you cant hold on any longer ?

      ames wrote:

      I've gone through that exact same thing :( and it sucks! Because you don't know what you did wrong.. you don't know why things have changed.. its like why can't you be like you were in the beginning right? Why are you fighting about stupid things and getting upset for no reason..

      I agree with the other that space is always a good thing. If you guys are seeing eachother too often on a regular basis it can lead to irritation and annoyance. The one thing I've discovered about relationships is that its good to be close to the person, but you still have to lead your own life.

      However, if you guys already have space and are still fighting about certain things maybe its time to just sit down and have a nice heart to heart. Figure out what you both want in the relationship and what you aren't getting thats leading to all these disagreements. I am sure if you guys open the channels of communication you'll easily resolve everything. Goodluck!! :D

      Wow, that first paragraph sounds like a broken record in my head. I don't know how many times I said that to my ex...

      And you guys are together, and have been together for a year and 4 months, it's hard for anyone to say that after a few more than likely petty fights, that you should break-up. In my opinion, do not break-up, it will cause more hurt than is actually wanted or needed... like the others have said, give each other some space, take a bit of time away from each other, maybe talk a bit less for a few days, and it will make you realize how much you love each other and how much you both want to be together.

      Best of luck :).
    • Re: What do you do when you realise you cant hold on any longer ?

      My boyfriend and I have been together that long too. We started having disagreements when we spent way too much time together. We saw each other at school and after school until 9 pm. It frustrated me because I need my alone time too. I think even the closest couples need some space, or both people end up getting irritated. I agree that you should see each other less. Also, concentrate on the little things. Send him a nice sorry card, or a love letter. It'll remind him that you still care despite the fights. Many times the little things aren't so little. :)
      [LEFT]These are hard times for dreamers.[/LEFT]