This is driving me crazy!

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    • This is driving me crazy!

      Okay, so this is a long story but I will make it as short as possible.

      My best friend and I (we are girls) always held hands just as a joke kind of, then the holding hands started to mean something to us. We both admitted that we sort of liked each other. So we talked about kissing and it almost happened a few times and blah blah blah.

      Then one night we DID kiss and it was nothing big, just a small kiss. And to my dismay that kiss ruined us liking each other. Well, I still like her but she doesn't like me anmore i guess :/

      So we are still best friends but it really gets to me how much I like her and I can not get over her no matter what I do.

      Any ideas as to how to get over her? Or any advice?
    • Re: This is driving me crazy!

      That's tough. Since your best friends, you guys should stay close, obviously. Don't let this ruin a good relationship.
      As for getting over her, just surround yourself with your guy friends, invite other girls... just start talking to other girls. You'll be over her in no time, unless you make it more difficult for yourself. You may want to take a break from hanging out with her, still talk to her, but maybe you shouldn't see her for a while, until you can start figuring out how to get over liking her.
      But don't lose her, losing a best freind sucks.

      I hope this makes sense. Good luck, :)

      and message me if you need someone to talk to about this.
      [LEFT] yahh trick.
    • Re: This is driving me crazy!

      Yeah we have talked about it countless times. i asked her recently why she didn't like me and she said "idk i just stopped for some reason". I kind of think she might just be scared but I don't like to think that because then it will be even harder to get over her.
    • Re: This is driving me crazy!

      Its best to stay her best friend than to not be in her life at all. As once said in The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, "I'd rather play 2nd fiddle than not play in the band at all," because I know how hard it is to be someone's friend, someone you're in love with and they don't love you back (they're called exes lol) but also friends, GOOD friends at that...and as hard as it is, its just gonna have to be something you stick out. Maybe you should talk to her about it...if she's your best friend, she'd understand how you're feeling and who knows? Maybe she is only saying she doesnt like you because she's afraid that you dont like her....Think about it. You may just be surprised
    • Re: This is driving me crazy!

      Yeah we have talked about it countless times. i asked her recently why she didn't like me and she said "idk i just stopped for some reason". I kind of think she might just be scared but I don't like to think that because then it will be even harder to get over her.

      I wouldn't overthink the situation. It seems that she already told you that she see's you as a best friend and thats it. For right now, you should focus on getting over her. Be there for her as a best friend would, but occupy your time with other girls. Because in the end, why be with someone who isn't as into you, as you are to them. Goodluck! :)