Black people.

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  • Black people.

    The people I hate the most in the world are black people. And right now, you're problaby going to enter my thread and bash me on count of what I posted. Remember, I said my thread.

    And half of the black community hates whites. They have for the longest time. They call out to us about holding this generation grudge when in reality they hold the "slave" thing against us. You see younger blacks kids coming up to us and bashing us because of something our great, great grandfathers did. And it's fucked up. I seriously can not stand it.

    And they came up with this new catch phrase. Want to hear it? "It's because I'm black, isn't it?" Do you see us white people marching around claiming that bad shit only happens to us because we are white? Fuck no, so don't come up with excuses for them.

    The worse, the fucking worse is when black men date white women. Or the opposite. It pisses me off. Don't you want a player? A black man that will go around stealing earrings for you instead of buying them? Because we all know he doesn't have a job. You know why? It's because he is black.

    And people stand up for them. And it's pathetic and sad. You see mostly black people on the news for fucking killing someone. I want you to do something. Sit down in front of a goddamn TV, turn it on the news and count all the black people you see VS the white people. You know who is gonna win that race? The black people.

    They think it's okay to kill because us mighty high white folks did it. They want pay back. I hate black people with a dying burning passion. And if you don't like it then go tell a black person about it.
  • Re: Black people.

    I agree. It's always "because they're black". It's shallow. It's a huge fucking excuse for their stupidity. Slavery happened a long time ago. And guess what happened when we let them free? They got killed anyway. It was worse for them when we set them free. And now they still think it's worse. They're in the illusion that it's still ethic or something for people to go around lynching them from trees. Well guess what? It's not.

    If black people have so much of a problem with whites, then go back to Africa. We'll buy a plane for you. Seriously. If you have a problem with America and how we're all white, then go somewhere where most of the people are Black. Haiti is a wonderful place. You can shoot as many people, rape as many women, and kidnap as many children as you want.
    Signature Removed.
  • Re: Black people.

    This thread pissed me off. And I lost pretty much all respect for you.

    The white minority in older times made black people the lesser of all races, basically you were lower then dirt if you were black. Black people went through hell to be where they are today and you have no right to say any different.

    The term "Its because Im black, isnt it?" Became known because of all the years that they could not do anything because they were black. For years, black people were killed, harassed, insulted, and violated just because of the color of their skin. They couldnt walk down the street without having someone call them a piece of shit or the N word.

    It pisses me off that you group them together like that. That because some black males make the wrong decision and steal, or do whatever that you think you can just say that about every black man on this earth.

    White men make the same mistakes too.

    Fuck you.

    They arent all the same. Infact, a lot of them will grow up to be a better person then you will ever be.

    What are you going to bash me because I find that black guys are hotter then white guys?

    Its true, I would date a black person in a second. Because it doesnt matter the color of their skin.
  • Re: Black people.

    livelovelaugh24 wrote:

    This thread pissed me off. And I lost pretty much all respect for you.

    The white minority in older times made black people the lesser of all races, basically you were lower then dirt if you were black. Black people went through hell to be where they are today and you have no right to say any different.

    The term "Its because Im black, isnt it?" Became known because of all the years that they could not do anything because they were black. For years, black people were killed, harassed, insulted, and violated just because of the color of their skin. They couldnt walk down the street without having someone call them a piece of shit or the N word.

    It pisses me off that you group them together like that. That because some black males make the wrong decision and steal, or do whatever that you think you can just say that about every black man on this earth.

    White men make the same mistakes too.

    Fuck you.

    They arent all the same. Infact, a lot of them will grow up to be a better person then you will ever be.

    What are you going to bash me because I find that black guys are hotter then white guys?

    Its true, I would date a black person in a second. Because it doesnt matter the color of their skin.

    Did I ask if I should regain your respect or not? Do you think it matters if you lost all respect for me? Not at all. Because to me, you are nothing. A piece of internet space, so take your "I lost all respect for you" to someone that will honestly care.

    Second off, whites face shit everyday. Back in the day black people couldn't fight in the wars. And white people died. And you know what's worse is knowing that half of America is based on something that couldn't even involve black people.

    And I feel good because? If a black person can go around calling their homies a nigger then I'm going to do it. A porch monkey is actually better. They call us crackers, honkeys, wonderbreads and everything. I seriously could care motherfucking less.

    Ohh, the fuck you thing. That totally flew right over my head. It wouldn't fly over yours considering you got all that fat hanging over your head to let it sink through your skull.

    So, fuck you.
  • Re: Black people.

    Dysfunctional|Murder wrote:

    Did I ask if I should regain your respect or not? Do you think it matters if you lost all respect for me? Not at all. Because to me, you are nothing. A piece of internet space, so take your "I lost all respect for you" to someone that will honestly care.

    Second off, whites face shit everyday. Back in the day black people couldn't fight in the wars. And white people died. And you know that's worse is knowing that half of America is based on something that couldn't even involve black people.

    And I feel good because? If a black person can go around calling their homies a nigger then I'm going to do it. A porch monkey is actually better. They call us crackers, honkeys, wonderbreads and everything. I seriously could care motherfucking less.

    Ohh, the fuck you thing. That totally flew right over my head. It wouldn't fly over yours considering you got all that fat hanging over your head to let it sink through your skull.

    So, fuck you.

    Hmm. Then you are fake like I have always assumed you to be, because your always like OMGZ I LOVE YOU to everyone, you have even done it to me, and you just admitted that these people mean nothing to you.

    Black people werent allowed to go to war because America didnt want to be represented by people of another race. Because America didnt want another race getting the medals of honor on their way back home.

    Oh come on Fay, you know that means nothing to me. Im fat, who cares? I sure dont. At least Im not afraid to admit it.
  • Re: Black people.

    Then you are fake

    Fay is one of the few people I've met who knows what's going on. She's nothing near "fake", whatever that's supposed to mean.

    Black people werent allowed to go to war because America didnt want to be represented by people of another race. Because America didnt want another race getting the medals of honor on their way back home.

    The Confederates and the Union died FOR the blacks. And yet they still hate us. Even the north. We saved their ass.
    Signature Removed.
  • Re: Black people.

    livelovelaugh24 wrote:

    Hmm. Then you are fake like I have always assumed you to be, because your always like OMGZ I LOVE YOU to everyone, you have even done it to me, and you just admitted that these people mean nothing to you.

    Black people werent allowed to go to war because America didnt want to be represented by people of another race. Because America didnt want another race getting the medals of honor on their way back home.

    Oh come on Fay, you know that means nothing to me. Im fat, who cares? I sure dont. At least Im not afraid to admit it.

    A fake. Are you fucking dense? A fake would be too scare to post a thread knowing that half the world would see. And knowing those people, they would run along to my thread and start a never winning battle because half of them know I'm fucking right.

    And you know what's worse than niggers living? Me lying to a bunch of people. I love fucking with you people's emotions. I tell them everything they want to hear and when they open up, that's when I make my move. I make my move to break them down.

    So, you're the one that's a fake. Because I left the other forum when you people got sick of me. You lashed out to me and told me to never come back. And look what happened? You fucking attention seekers followed me. You couldn't get enough of me. But it's okay. Because I enjoy what you're doing. You're just knocking yourself down to my level.

    If you know you are fat then do something about it. Finger anyone?
  • Re: Black people.

    Dysfunctional|Murder wrote:

    A fake. Are you fucking dense? A fake would be too scare to post a thread knowing that half the world would see. And knowing those people, they would run along to my thread and start a never winning battle because half of them know I'm fucking right.

    And you know what's worse than niggers living? Me lying to a bunch of people. I love fucking with you people's emotions. I tell them everything they want to hear and when they open up, that's when I make my move. I make my move to break them down.

    So, you're the one that's a fake. Because I left the other forum when you people got sick of me. You lashed out to me and told me to never come back. And look what happened? You fucking attention seekers followed me. You couldn't get enough of me. But it's okay. Because I enjoy what you're doing. You're just knocking yourself down to my level.

    If you know you are fat then do something about it. Finger anyone?

    Oh thats right, Im sorry your not fake, your just an attention whore that will do anything for attention, positive or negative. Thats why you had to make that thread on TN saying you were a guy and shit. You just want the attention. Seriously, are you THAT desperate for attention that you have to get it from people on the internet?

    I was gone when all that shit went down on TN. I wasnt even part of it, I came back like a week or two later and everyone told me what you had done. The only reason I came here is because TN is always dead, no one is ever on. You have to wait an hour before even getting any posts back, this place has more people. And some of the people I love from TN came here, and I didnt want to lose contact with them.

    EDIT. Oh and Im not going to be another teenage girl that gets an eating disorder. Im not that shallow about looks.
  • Re: Black people.

    Oh thats right, Im sorry your not fake, your just an attention whore that will do anything for attention, positive or negative. Thats why you had to make that thread on TN saying you were a guy and shit. You just want the attention. Seriously, are you THAT desperate for attention that you have to get it from people on the internet?

    She just loves to take the piss out of people.
    Signature Removed.
  • Re: Black people.

    livelovelaugh24 wrote:

    Oh thats right, Im sorry your not fake, your just an attention whore that will do anything for attention, positive or negative. Thats why you had to make that thread on TN saying you were a guy and shit. You just want the attention. Seriously, are you THAT desperate for attention that you have to get it from people on the internet?

    I was gone when all that shit went down on TN. I wasnt even part of it, I came back like a week or two later and everyone told me what you had done. The only reason I came here is because TN is always dead, no one is ever on. You have to wait an hour before even getting any posts back, this place has more people. And some of the people I love from TN came here, and I didnt want to lose contact with them.

    EDIT. Oh and Im not going to be another teenage girl that gets an eating disorder. Im not that shallow about looks.

    You know what? You keep repeating yourself now. And you look stupid on your part. I suggest you get over yourself and stop replying.

    I don't need you to say I am an attention whore. Because everyone on this board knows that. I, myself, know that. And I enjoy it. I enjoy letting people think for a moment that I'm just some innocent girl that will be so nice to you and then when you least expect it, I will break you down. I will get into your goddamn mind and fuck with it so bad that you can not even think without questioning half the shit I said.

    You know what kind of reactions I got for that? I had my name casted all over that forum. Every thread or post was about me. And it felt great to know that I affected you, I affected half the people on that goddamn board. And at the end of the day, it felt amazing. I got you going, I got you pissed at a person over the internet and you took it seriously.

    Then you blew it and said I was a loner that I didn't have real life friends. But it's better when you go on the internet, make up a name and fuck with people behind a screen. And what's even better is knowing you made some people cry when you threw out insults over personal matters like parents dying or some shit like that. It was amazing to have someone IM me just to tell me that I put them through a motherfucking mental breakdown.

    A fucking human behind a computer screen did that. Amazing, isn't it. I don't care about people that think they are better. And people that continue to throw out insults over stupid shit.

    You proved my fucking point, again.
  • Re: Black people.

    Wow Fay, thats going to get you so far in life.
    Your going to fuck everyone over that your going to fuck yourself over even more.

    Dont flatter yourself sweetie, you arent that fucking good at what you do. Because I saw through you since the first time I talked to you, the whole "Your amazing. You deserve so much. bleh bleh bleh." Was all bullshit.

    I dont know how someone can be so heartless, how you can honestly say you get joy out of seeing other people get hurt by your words and actions.

    How, you can gain all the trust from someone of these people and completely fuck them over. Even if it is the internet, there are people behind the keyboards, real people.
  • Re: Black people.

    It's going to get me so far knowing now that I have your goddamn attention. You love feeding me the attention yet you continue to bash for me recieving it. Eh, makes you think doesn't it.

    I'm not flattering myself. But thanks for trying to judge me. You did a horrible job at it as well. I don't give a flying fuck what you say. Because I know I'm better than half the people that live, including black people.

    Remember bitch, I'm coldhearted. You can shave ice from my heart.

    Oh and that's my problem. I remember someone telling me to not take what people say on the internet so seriously. If I can break you down over the internet, imagine in person.

    I get a kick from this. I'm laughing to see that you take me seriously.
  • Re: Black people.

    This is really stupid, because no matter what your always going to have something to say back, and your right I am giving you attention by posting.

    So Im done, E-fighting is stupid and a waste of time.

    I know your going to laugh and say that Im giving up because I have nothing else to say, but hun, I could go on for hours. But its pointless.

    Honestly, I wish you and Alex luck..