I hate people my age.

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    • Re: I hate people my age.

      Kazaman wrote:

      Yes! I find my age-group (14-16) very, very frustrating. Partly because I think differently than the vast majority of them, and choose my own views rather than going with the societal norm.

      Exactly! Most girls around here walk around with their overdyed hair, fake tans that they think are so pretty, tshirts that read "HOLLISTER" or "AMERICAN EAGLE OUTFITTERS" across their chests, and too-tight jeans. Not to mention the stupid huge, "gangsta" Nikes. Gimme a break. *eye-roll.* And because I choose to not be a walking billboard for corporations that already have enough money, I am cast to the side as a social pariah.

      I can't wait to go to college.

      And everything is "so cool", or even better "like so cool, sick-nasty, dude."
      I feel like I have to translate the conversations I hear in the hallways into legitimate English.

      Teenagers are weird.
    • Re: I hate people my age.

      Kazaman wrote:

      Yes! I find my age-group (14-16) very, very frustrating. Partly because I think differently than the vast majority of them, and choose my own views rather than going with the societal norm.

      i totally agree with you, its like all they Know is texting ,and they think they now the world when they barley look at it. There nose in there cell phones 24/7, its like i don't belong with those people.
    • Re: I hate people my age.

      Yep! You say one freaking thing that one of the stupid self-declared "popular" kids disagrees with, and you're hated. By everyone.

      And they wonder why I have trust issues...

      ---------- Post added at 12:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:42 AM ----------

      Kazaman wrote:

      It's too bad all the people who think likewise are usually met over the internet and live far, far away. *sighs*

      Thank goddess for the internet!
    • Re: I hate people my age.

      I know what you mean. This is going to sound stuck up - but i've always been too mature for my age. Everyone my age seems to be so preoccupied with being the best, the most popular, the prettiest etc - it's all so superficial. Everyone basically only cares about themselves, I find it difficult because i'm overly sensitive and try very hard not to ever offend anyone in the slightest. I think what makes it harder is the fact I go to an all girls grammar school where it's extremely competitive and mostly everyone is just out for themselves.

      I cannot wait to escape to university and be with a normal mix of people. I think single sex grammar schools are such unnatural environments, it's like living in a bubble
    • Re: I hate people my age.

      i kN0w wHh@tcYUU m3@N!

      Hahaha oh jeez, people can be so idiotic. But yeah, most people my age just go to the beach and drink and smoke away their life. As far as I'm concerned, thats a waste.
      And my 1 good friend from my town is leaving to go to college next week, and he's my only friend from my town. Everyone else is over 30 minutes away =/
      Being a senior with college friends suckkkss.
    • Re: I hate people my age.

      jessicarrr-x wrote:

      I know what you mean. This is going to sound stuck up - but i've always been too mature for my age. Everyone my age seems to be so preoccupied with being the best, the most popular, the prettiest etc - it's all so superficial. Everyone basically only cares about themselves, I find it difficult because i'm overly sensitive and try very hard not to ever offend anyone in the slightest. I think what makes it harder is the fact I go to an all girls grammar school where it's extremely competitive and mostly everyone is just out for themselves.

      I cannot wait to escape to university and be with a normal mix of people. I think single sex grammar schools are such unnatural environments, it's like living in a bubble

      if you think people grow up in university you got another thing coming :P atleast not in the first year, or 2.

      however atleast youll be out of your single gender bubble, i went to a boys grammar school. sucked ass, theres a girl grammar school nearby aswell, apparently half the girls there are lesbians :rofl: and the other half were off the charts easy.

      after i finished gcse's though i got out of that 1 gender bubble, not that i was really in it anyway, hated the school kids, all a bunch of rich spoiled stuck up bastards. all my friends where too dumb to get in and went to the comprehensive at the bottom of the hill, so i just went to school, came home and hung out with them.

      then i went to a mixed gender sixth form and got distracted and then fucked up like all the other guys. i blame the girls, i was a top notch student before there was girls in school. when i did my a levels i only did well in geography, did mediocre at chem and fucked up good style in maths and physics. subjects which i got pretty much full marks at in my gcse's.
    • Re: I hate people my age.

      I see exactly where you're coming from, as I often find myself thinking "man... people are so immature at this age."

      The best course of action in the is to find a club you enjoy, or a class that really interests you, and try to befriend some people in those groups. If you have a common interest that's off the beaten path, then it can be a real bonding point. Those who are different from the crowd often flock together if given the chance.

      Don't be afraid to approach those older than you. It may not go well all the time, but I'm sure some will appreciate your maturity and find you interesting.

      Also, keep in mind that many people act less mature than they are, if for no other reason than to "fit in." Also, the people you meet in high school/foreign equivalents often don't end up as lifelong friends. You may keep in touch with a handful, but friends from College are much more likely to stay with you, so don't put too much emphasis on right now.

      Best of luck,

      [FONT="Book Antiqua"][COLOR="Teal"]Hakuna Matata.
      Windows/MSN: laxinsjsb[/COLOR]
    • Re: I hate people my age.

      Personally I don't have that problem because I tend to hang out with the smart artistic people. My best friend connor is a brilliant writer, for example. I just love intellectuals. I've grown apart from all my lazy not-going-anywhere-do-lots-of-drugs friends
      [CENTER]The only angels we need invoke are those of our better nature; reason, honesty and love.
      The only demons we need fear are those that lurk inside every human mind; ignorance, hatred, greed, and faith.

