My parents won't tell me what they think...

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    • My parents won't tell me what they think...

      So over the last few months (actually nearly a year) I've gone through some seemingly extreme changes. I'm not talking about dying my hair or buying new clothes - I mean about my future goals.
      I used to think of being nothing other than a nurse or a neurosurgeon, and I signed up for a bunch of advanced courses and got on the track to do just that. Well, about 10 months ago there was this rather large family issue, and I was very depressed and going through a bad time. I noticed during that time that there were only two things that could cheer me up - music and art.
      So I recently told my mom that I wanted to switch into this AMAZING art program at my school, and I told her I had been looking into art schools for after I graduate too. She basically gave me a half hearted smile, listened to what I said and walked away.
      Ever since then she seems to be dropping subtle hints that she doesn't like my ideas. The other day we were talking about all of the things I've ever wanted to be and she listed doctor, lawyer, teacher... so I added artist and she went silent, then said that I should choose my two favorite or best occupations and keep the others for "hobbies".
      Now, maybe I'm just paranoid but the last time I checked being a lawyer or doctor is NOT a hobby.
      And then earlier today I brought up the new class I wanted to take, and I told her I'd have to drop one of my advanced courses. She started to give me this speech about "well, if you want to go to college or a university you should really stay in your advanced class, but I guess if you just want to try to plunge straight into the workforce and take school on the side...."

      I'm sorry for how long this is, but what do you think I should do?
      If I don't have my parents' support I don't know if I'll be able to live out my goals.

      And don't most people say that it's better to have a job you love and get less pay than a job you hate that'll make you rich?
    • Re: My parents won't tell me what they think...

      Do what you like. Parents sometimes just dont quite get it you see, and life is too short. Just think about what would you have liked to do if you was to die pretty soon; waste all your life doing what your parents wanted you to do all your life, or do something you've always wanted to do.
      [FONT="Arial Black"]“When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, 'Why god? Why me?' and the thundering voice of God answered, 'There's just something about you that pisses me off"[/FONT]
    • Re: My parents won't tell me what they think...

      Well shes probly just concerned about you, I mean think about, you gonna live off selling ur art? You gotta be really good man and if you are go for it but she dosent want you to be one of those starvin artists being happy in the end is whats important but keep that in mind, thats why shes worried probably.
    • Re: My parents won't tell me what they think...

      Well when I say artist I don't just mean make a painting and hope somebody buys it.

      I don't know what field I'd go into yet, but the most likely would be animation (like tv shows, commercials), graphics (advertising, web development, logo design), or another.
      The school I want to go to offers majors in advertising, animation and special effects, photography, game design, media production, culinary arts, web design, graphic design, interior design etc. And they also have many employers looking to hire graduates right out of college, because the schools are very well known and have excellent standards.
      So it's not like I wouldn't be going to college - they still teach your basic courses like math, science, english, history, etc.

      And the reason I feel I need my parents' support is because I need to get lots of practice and experience before I graduate high school in order to get INTO this college.

      So I see your point about why she would worry, but I'm pretty sure she knows it's not quite like that.
    • Re: My parents won't tell me what they think...

      Look dude, both my parents are musicians. The music and art fields are tough. You have no idea how hard it is to survive being a musician or an artist. I noticed you mention animation. That's different, but not entirely. Trust me, unless its the only thing that keeps you going in your life and nothing else will make you happy, don't go into music and art. As a hobby, they're great, but not as a career.

      Do what you love, but be warned. You've got a long and hard life ahead of you if you go into music or art. I can understand your parents concerns.
      Unfortunately my producer Azamat Bagatov could not make entry to your country because of sex crime problem. But it has been resolved now, because the horse was above the age of consent.