Should i go back out with him?

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    • Should i go back out with him?

      Ok so there is this guy i went out with towards the end of the school year. but then i broke up with him after school ended because i didn't want a bf over the summer and i had a very busy basketball schedule. the other reason is he was very obsessive and i told him i didn't want an obsessive bf and he was always calling and we never really had anything to talk about. he would ask me the same things everyday about 3 times a day. yeah we kisses everyday and stuff but it always felt like he was way to clingy. all my friends said i could do better. when i broke up with him, he apparently cried. he get attached way to fast, and he also told me 3 weeks ago that he likes me and 6 other girls.

      i don't know what to do so please help me with this. give me advise. and i am only 13. sometime it feels i don't really like him anymore, but when i saw him again over the summer i felt like i liked him again. (sorry if i rambled there)
    • Re: Should i go back out with him?

      ya i'd say don't date him. don't worry, he'll move on too. or by the sounds of it, he already has lol 6 girls? really? and why would he tell you that? dumbass.... but you're smart to not get so attached so soon.

      and i dated when i was 13, the age doesn't mean you shouldn't date. just don't get too serious, but it doesn't sound like i need to tell you that anyway.
    • Re: Should i go back out with him?

      coming from another clingy guy who has been dumped for some of the same reasons, you did the right thing, coz he likes 6 other girls, now thats a lot and its kind of stupid to tell a gf that you like other people.. i dont really approve of dumping coz u dont want a bf over the summer but o well... but that might be because of a recent breakup just 2 days before i went on holiday and i still have no reasons or contact with her... i will find out soon, and then i will get her back (determined not changing mind about that)

      he needs to learn just like i did you cant be too clingy you cant just let someone take over your entire life within a few weeks.
      we all got troubles, we all got pain, we try to hang onto love, try to keep it the same, we all got issues, i put mine in my songs, sometimes im not fine but im carrying on
    • Re: Should i go back out with him?

      bballbabiie wrote:

      Ok so there is this guy i went out with towards the end of the school year. but then i broke up with him after school ended because i didn't want a bf over the summer and i had a very busy basketball schedule. the other reason is he was very obsessive and i told him i didn't want an obsessive bf and he was always calling and we never really had anything to talk about. he would ask me the same things everyday about 3 times a day. yeah we kisses everyday and stuff but it always felt like he was way to clingy. all my friends said i could do better. when i broke up with him, he apparently cried. he get attached way to fast, and he also told me 3 weeks ago that he likes me and 6 other girls.

      i don't know what to do so please help me with this. give me advise. and i am only 13. sometime it feels i don't really like him anymore, but when i saw him again over the summer i felt like i liked him again. (sorry if i rambled there)

      I don't think any girl wants a guy that obsesses about her. First off it's not healthy and second your putting yourself in danger he could harm you and you'd never think he would. It's happen before. Clingyness is a pet peeve as well especially in a relationship, you want your space and he will need his too. You need a find a guy that qualify your needs. Don't try and rush into a relationship either, enjoy being 13, spend time with friends and do what girls do. You'll have plenty of time to date as high school goes through and also when you get passed that.

      Your Support Leader,
    • Re: Should i go back out with him?

      Sometimes, guys can be clingy because they are low on self confidence and they are scared you are going to dump them. So, they get clingy, as a way of constantly letting you know they're there and are thinking about it. It's usually a sign of immaturity, and if he's saying the same things over and over, then it pretty much proves that point really.

      I think at 13, it's too young to be worried about dating guys seriously like that. And I don't mean that in a patronising way, I am sure you're quite mature and responsible for your age - but you know, being 13 only happens once, and it's an amazing time in your life, you have few responsibilities and can have fun, hang with your friends and just enjoy life. You will have many years to come of stressing over relationships, so why not just put dating on hold for now, and focus on having fun?

      I don't think you should ask him out again. He will only annoy you again, and then you will end up dumping him again. There's no point
      [SIZE=2]Aaron - [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Support Leader[/SIZE] :kiss:

      Saradactyl;2086538 wrote:

      Haha, Aaron. I wuv youuuu.