I lol'd at 9/11

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    • Re: I lol'd at 9/11

      [FONT="Arial"][SIZE="1"][RIGHT]Obsession is a strong word; it’s also a strong, dangerously uncontrollable feeling.
      It’s something you can’t fight, something you can’t help but succumb to. And no
      matter how hard you may try, you just can’t seem to shrug off the addiction.
      You have no power over it as it takes complete control over every aspect of your
      life leaving you utterly lost and confused and with no choice but to fall
      to your knees and hail it.[/RIGHT][/SIZE][/FONT]
    • Re: I lol'd at 9/11

      redforeva wrote:

      i don't think deaths of 3,017 is very funny, do you?

      On the other hand ^ that made me lol


      ---------- Post added at 11:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 PM ----------

      Why the hell did you guys laugh at that? Shit...

      And, all you guys need to go to NYC and stand where those buildings were. I imagined all the craziness that must have been going on, right were I was standing... :(

      Peace & Love
    • Re: I lol'd at 9/11

      Sasha wrote:

      This year, I will again host a party to celebrate the WTC and Pentagon attacks in the night of 11th September. All in the name of humanity - for justice, fairness and equality.

      Justice - For over 11 million people who have been massacred by Americans in the last 50 years (and continuing).

      Fairness - Americans get a taste of what they and their ilk have been meting out to people from weak and helpless countries for years.

      Equality - Celebration of the WTC and Pentagon attacks emphasises that the sanctity of non-American life IS NOT less than the sanctity of American lives.

      So now you're celebrating their deaths.

      That's taking it a little far, isn't it?
      [CENTER]To the dumb question, 'Why me?' the cosmos barely bothers to return the reply, 'Why not?[/CENTER]
    • Re: I lol'd at 9/11

      Sasha wrote:

      This year, I will again host a party to celebrate the WTC and Pentagon attacks in the night of 11th September. All in the name of humanity - for justice, fairness and equality.

      Justice - For over 11 million people who have been massacred by Americans in the last 50 years (and continuing).

      Fairness - Americans get a taste of what they and their ilk have been meting out to people from weak and helpless countries for years.

      Equality - Celebration of the WTC and Pentagon attacks emphasises that the sanctity of non-American life IS NOT less than the sanctity of American lives.

      Sasha, you are just trying to be a dick now. I know it comes naturally to you, but come on now.

      It is because of people like you that this world sucks so much. You thrive off of hate.

      ---------- Post added at 02:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:49 PM ----------

      I look at your Signature Sasha, and the I look at your posts, and I realize how much they contradict each other.

      Sad really.
    • Re: I lol'd at 9/11

      Sasha wrote:

      You see a 'contradiction' because as an American, you care only about your side of the issue.

      For you, the fact that your countrymen killed 11 million people for your economic or political benefit is irrelevant. You don't care about justice. You believe fairness is negotiable. Equality is relative. The loss of American life is the only thing that matters, the rest are expendable - like cows in a slaughterhouse.

      You might not openly admit it, but your attitude mirrors your subconscious beliefs. It is because of hipocrites like you that millions of people get killed, raped and predated on year after year, by your fellow Americans.

      Alright, yeah. I am the hypocrite. I am the one who fights everyday against the murder of innocent people and at the same time applauds it.

      I simply have no interest in anything you have to say anymore. Come on here and bitch about America all you want. Fact is you aren't doing anything about it either.
    • Re: I lol'd at 9/11

      The Guardian wrote:

      Do You honestly believe, that I as a United States Marine enjoy aiming down the open sights and an M16 or M4 and slowly squeezing the trigger until you hear that all to familiar "bang"? Or watching as that single person although he may have endangering me, fall to the ground never to rise again?

      Yes, there is hell... But that is war. It is hell and heaven colliding into a painting that to some appears to be mayhem.

      Young men and women giving their all for people like and you don't deserve it. Because undermine them. I've seen young men run so far and hard that they pass out on the run. Their face hitting the ground grinding into the dirt. Another runner behind him, sliding to the ground behind him to help him out.

      Or when climbing a mountain, another young man tore his Achilles. But he did not give up, he began crawling, until two other marines took his arms, and began to haul him up the mountain.

      Bias is there against America yet not against other nations? Joesph Stalin? Killing millions of his own country men? You do indeed have a sickened and twisted mind.

      I'm going to ignore every paragraph but your last one because it's completely irrelevant to discussion and I don't want to hear your brave Marine training.

      I too detest Stalinist Russia. Did I say I didn't? This topic is about 9/11 and should concern only the United States. If you would like to raise a thread about the atrocities conducted by Stalin, by all means I'll support it.
      [CENTER].::ANIME is DOPAMINE to me::.

    • Re: I lol'd at 9/11

      Sasha wrote:

      Unfortunately for you, I am not. I'd rather not fight for an organisation that was previously funded and trained by Americans against my people. I also can't imagine a life without vodka, bacon sandwich, rock music and pretty women..

      Really? I was under the impression that the Taliban was trained by the Americans and funded by them, not the Al-Qaeda. Wasn't the Al-Qaeda funded by the Bin Laden family? No, just Osama.
      [CENTER].::ANIME is DOPAMINE to me::.
