What Planet Does Your Name Come From?

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    • What Planet Does Your Name Come From?

      Your Name Comes From Neptune

      You are able to adapt to any situation, surroundings, or groups. You are highly flexible.
      You tend to hang back and observe before you show your cards. Because of this, you are often seen as mysterious.
      You are very intuitive and sensitive. You have a deep understanding of the world, even though the world doesn't understand you.
      At times you feel like you could be psychic. You read people that well.
      What Planet Does Your Name Come From?
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]She's the wild orchid in your ugly swamp[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: What Planet Does Your Name Come From?

      Your Name Comes From the Moon

      You are a moody person, and you are constantly seeking balance in your life.
      You feel connected to all beings. You are very sympathetic and understanding.

      You are very influenced by who is around you. Too much negativity is certain to overwhelm you.
      You are happiest when you are alone with nature, especially when you're around water.

      What Planet Does Your Name Come From?