If you can help me? 13 yr old

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    • If you can help me? 13 yr old

      Ok, so... there's this girl...i havent talked to her since the 5th grade but i've had her in the back of my mind since we first met. I recently talked to her for the first time in over 3 years, and pretty much immediately realized how great she was. We talked online for over 3 hours that night, and more over the next couple days. She seemed to really want to talk to me, and was pretty much holding up a great conversation.
      One of the first couple topics was whether or not i liked anyone. I told her the truth, that i didn't. She responded with "ohh, cool!". I asked her the same question.
      She said she sorta liked somebody, but wouldnt tell who even if i probably wouldnt know the guy since
      we havent been in the same school for 3 years.
      Almost as soon as i started talking to her, i
      remembered how cool and fun l she was back in 5th grade. She's such a great girl, and shes beautiful!
      We kept talking until around 11PM, when she said had to go. i looked through all her pics quickly and commented on a few of them telling her how pretty she is. a day or two after that, her status was "we belong together". being a 13 year old, i immediately got excited and wondered who she was talking about, or if it was just some lyrics to a song.
      It mght just be be because alot of my friends and
      classmates are getting involved in relationships, but ever since i talked to her, i cant seem to stop thinking about her. i'm pretty sure i like her but i really dont know what her feelings are, and i dont have the balls to just ask her straight up. we're going to the same highschool after we graduate middle school this year. until then, i dont think i'll ever see her but just talk to her. maybe by highschool we can build up a good friendship and i
      can ask her about being more than friends? i dont
      know when/who she plans to start dating or if i
      might gain feelings towards someone else by that time...How do i talk to her aboutstuff like this or should i even try to talk to her about it? what do i l do?? any advice helps :)
    • Re: If you can help me? 13 yr old

      If I were you, I'd definately try and get a little out of her. Maybe you guys can hang out outside of school. Really get to know each other, that way you can kind of put to the test if there will be any type of chemistry.
      As for the status message, it could be either. Sometimes I set my status to song lyrics, but usually only song lyrics that associate with how I feel.
      You're still young, so her liking someone, doesn't mean you won't ever have a chance. There's always hope. :)
    • Re: If you can help me? 13 yr old

      I think it's worth pursuing and you should definitely keep showing an interest in her. I think it's impossible to gauge someone's maturity or anything on their age, sure you're 13, but I have met and hung out with people twice your age and you'd never know, by how they act and the things they say. So, don't let your age hold you back in any shape.

      The quote she had as her status could mean anything, but it's a good sign, as she changed it after talking to you, so it would be a huge coincidence if it's not. Keep doing what you're doing, and make sure she knows. If she asks you who you like, don't say nobody, say the same thing as her. There is someone, but you're a little scared to say who. And then see what she says.
      [SIZE=2]Aaron - [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Support Leader[/SIZE] :kiss:

      Saradactyl;2086538 wrote:

      Haha, Aaron. I wuv youuuu.
    • Re: If you can help me? 13 yr old

      I would talk to her about it, but do it slowly. There's no need to rush anything. Considering how soon after the two of you talked she changed her status to that is a really good sign, but don't dwell on it. It might mean something, it might not.

      You both go to different school apparent, but you will go to the same high school. That's a drag, but with how close you are, there is no reason that you can't see her before next year if you really want to.

      I happen to like MSN and text messaging because it's a very non-committing way of talking to someone without showing what your real interest is. But it's not enough, you need to move past that at some point to more intimate communication. I think you should start trying to talk to her on the phone, something that you are having real and direct communication rather than just text on a computer screen. that would be a really good next move. but nothing beats face-to-face contact... you need to do that before next year.