The girl across the road

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    • The girl across the road

      I thought I'd start off with saying that I'm 18, just finished my A levels and I'm going to university in September. I'm staying at home for my first year so bear with me. Theres a girl across the road from me, shes two years younger, and shes a very pretty. I've never spoken to her, but I added her on facebook a while ago, and from the post she makes on there, I can tell we both seem to like the same things (guitar hero, stand up comedy etc). The only communication I get from there family, is when my dad talks to her mum, and he tells her how I'm getting on, and she tells my dad how her daughter is getting on. I'm not saying I have a crush on this girl, because I don't, but what would be the best way for me to at least let her know I exist lol.
    • Re: The girl across the road

      You say you don't have a crush on her, so it depends what you want to achieve from this. If you like her, and maybe want something more to happen, then you could start by certainly saying hello to her when you see her. Or actually stop and go to talk to her. Another option, as you're both already talking in Facebook, is you could message her and ask if she wants to pop over for a coffee one day, it would be nice to have a chat.

      How you play things depends totally on what you want to happen. If you don't like her in that way, then try not to flirt too much or you will give her mixed signals. But if you do, then it seems you have nothing to lose by at least trying. She's 2 years younger, but that's not much really, and if your dad and her mum already talk, then it's going to be quite easy to get her parental approval I am sure.

      Another option, find out what she's doing in college and if there's any subjects you have already done, then you can offer to help her if she needs it, as I am sure she will be a little nervous making that transition from school to college.
      [SIZE=2]Aaron - [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Support Leader[/SIZE] :kiss:

      Saradactyl;2086538 wrote:

      Haha, Aaron. I wuv youuuu.
    • Re: The girl across the road

      That's kind of weird, because my mom and dad met this way. I mean he moved in across the street from her when they were both 17, and he likes to tell the story of secretly waiting and watching through the curtains until she finally came outside one afternoon, then he came outside too and looked over at her and caught her eye. He says she sort of half waved at him and that was all it took to give him the nerve to go over and talk to her. So, maybe something like that would work for you. By the way, my parents have been married now for over 20 years and they are very happy, so the across-the-street thing might not be a bad way to get a relationship started.
    • Re: The girl across the road

      Yes you do have a crush on her, otherwise you wouldnt blog about it here right? =) well, since she is already your friend on facebook, why dont you try to message her and ask about something like where is she planning to go for college etc etc.. just message her with casual conversation. Oh, and dont go stalking her with binoculars.. hehe just kiddin!