How to get off my mind of this girl

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    • How to get off my mind of this girl

      I've met this girl only once, and I'm totally obsessed with her. I cant stop thinking about her 24/7. Its distracting me from class. And I was depreesed the whole day. I was awake the whole night yesterday when I found out she had a boyfriend and I even cried in bed. Each time I see her pictures on facebook, I cry because I feel like a piece pf crap compared to her. We live 700 miles apart. When I met this girl, I found her to be the perfect human being: she was hot, talented, nice and clever. The last time I was this obssessed about a girl almost cost me a school year, in other words, I almost failed a grade because I was thinking too much about a girl. So how do I get to stop thinking about her before it ruins other aspects of my life?
    • Re: How to get off my mind of this girl

      Think about how she's keeping you from your life: your friends, your studies, your future, your hobbies, and just say, screw it, is it worth it to trade one girl for your whole future and perhaps future relationships? There's nothing to do about the problem now, you just got to sit it out until she's out of her relationship, otherwise you'll never be happy.

      Pretty much just recognize that she's in a relationship and drill that into your mind...that you cannot date her. Change your mental view on this situation until the point that she's out of her relationship.

      I also think that talking to her and being in contact with her is also a good way to keep this infatuation out. That way it won't seem to you like she's unobtainable because you're still in contact with her.
    • Re: How to get off my mind of this girl

      hey you know what, we all have our dream girls or dream boys and we have to accept sometimes that we are not who they want and you should know where to draw the line, crush on her but do not obsess on her, if you think that it will ruin you and school, it would be best that you remove her from your facebook friends. There are lots of girls around, you should learn to appreciate some other girls. Good Luck honey!
    • Re: How to get off my mind of this girl

      kobeman wrote:

      I've met this girl only once, and I'm totally obsessed with her. I cant stop thinking about her 24/7. Its distracting me from class. And I was depreesed the whole day. I was awake the whole night yesterday when I found out she had a boyfriend and I even cried in bed. Each time I see her pictures on facebook, I cry because I feel like a piece pf crap compared to her. We live 700 miles apart. When I met this girl, I found her to be the perfect human being: she was hot, talented, nice and clever. The last time I was this obssessed about a girl almost cost me a school year, in other words, I almost failed a grade because I was thinking too much about a girl. So how do I get to stop thinking about her before it ruins other aspects of my life?

      It's never good to obsessed with anyone, It could damage you mentally, and physically. Have you tired to join sports and stuff around the school, spend time with family, go see a movie. Something to get your mind off this girl. I mean the statement perfect human being is dumb because as well all know no one is perfect. You shouldn't let one girl ruin your school year or even bring down your grades, It's not hurting her, it's hurting you in the end.
    • Re: How to get off my mind of this girl

      Like Allie said, obsession is never healthy. I'd recommend seeing a psychologist about it, they can give you coping skills to get over your obsession. You don't have to be crazy to see a shrink, but if your obsessive tendencies effect your school that much, then you definitely should seek their guidance. Don't be afraid to talk to your parents about it, they can give good advice as well, and also set you up with a counselor.

      Just try your best to distract yourself from the girl. Do join some sports, and get out a little bit more. I'd even recommend taking up an instrument, as that will force you to focus on something other than the girl. I used to get obsessive like that, but I got over it. This won't last forever, I promise. This seems like one of those impossible relationships, since she lives so far away. It sucks, it really does, but you can't ruin your life over a girl. It may seem like it's worth it, but it's not.

      Good luck!
      [CENTER]The only angels we need invoke are those of our better nature; reason, honesty and love.
      The only demons we need fear are those that lurk inside every human mind; ignorance, hatred, greed, and faith.


    • Re: How to get off my mind of this girl

      You get that feeling don't you, she's beautiful, she's wonderful, she's delightful; she's perfect. Just remember they're human and the emotion that comes over you denies you from the fact they have flaws and bad points too. You have to get to know a person these days, one meeting doesn't define who they are. The fairytale love at first sight conundrum usually only works one way. There are other things you can do to keep yourself happy, enjoy your life, you don't need one girl by your side to give you that happiness.

      I agree with talking to her occasionally though, like a hello and how are you. Keep tabs with her and let her know you're a nice person so she'll be nice in return. That is something I know you can't resist surely; friendship is more than just a good cushion for the fall...