Does he like me?

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    • Does he like me?

      A little about me...I'm shy, but outgoing around my friends. I'm studious, but I just don't understand boys. :rofl:

      My situtation is kind of complicated. I hope you guys can help!

      I met this guy in my band class my freshmen year of high school. We both played the baritone and we usually talked during class. He was also my lab partner in Biology, meaning that he sat next to me. I had 4 classes out of 7 with him in total.

      For the first week of school, I thought he was weird. However, we got assigned to do a lab together. I was really nervous because I had never been paired up to where it was just a boy and I. So, I was nervous and I would assume that he was too. After a few comical mishaps, we were laughing and joking around. It was fun...and I started liking him.
      Sometimes after class, he would catch up to me in the hall and walk with me to our last class (we were in the same class).
      One time, this girl was giving out stickers in my Biology class and instead of keeping his, he said, "BAM!" and stuck it on my arm. I didn't know how to react, so I kind of just shrugged it off. We were getting to be pretty good friends by the end of first semester.

      At the beginning of second semester, he transferred out of band (he wasn't the BEST baritone player) and into a different biology class (he hated our teacher). That's when...we kind of grew apart. I had other classes with him, but those were the classes where I interacted with him the most.

      At the beginning of sophomore year, I didn't really talk to him, even though we had 3 classes together. He (who we will call Sebastian) also started making new friends...specifically, a "bad" girl (who we will call Rowena). Sebastian, Rowena and I were in the same AP EURO class and before lunch, Sebastian and Rowena would go to her locker. I would see them do this EVERY day. I thought they were going out, but none of the usual signs were there. They didn't hold hands. They didn't kiss. They didn't hug. She was actually kind of bitchy and rude to him. So, I was kind of put off and we didn't really talk (even though I sat right next to him in Geometry). We were grouped together with two other girls in an english project. We had a couch in the room and I was stuck between Sebastian and another girl. I was so stiff the entire time that I couldn't write straight. Sebastian never moved away or said anything. At the end of the year, Sebastian started talking to me again. We had the AP EURO test at the end of the year and a bunch of people thought that Rowena was cheating (she looked suspicious), but no one said anything because there was no proof.

      I had 4 classes with Sebastian. We didn't sit that close to each other during first semester, but there would be the occassional comment about a homework assignment to each other. He still hung out with Rowena (BTW, our school found out about the "cheating" thing and there were LOTS of interrogations. Rowena cried when she was questioned and the issue was dropped).
      One day...this OTHER guy (who shares a mutual dislike with Sebastian and don't talk to each other) asked me to "help" him with his chemistry take-home test (in other words, he wanted to see my answers). SOMEHOW Sebastian found out and came up to me and said, "If Brian asks you for help. Don't help him. He's a bad person." I have no idea how he found out because no one else was around when Brian asked me for "help", but I said "Okay." Sebastian walks away and class is over. During my free period, Brian comes in and instead of just looking at my answers, he copies everything I have written down. I wanted to say something, but I just couldn't say "No" once he started. I kept thinking back to what Sebastian said and I don't know if he found out that I helped Brian. That never came up again. Though sometimes, Sebastian would pull his desk right next to mine and ask for help with his ap chemistry homework.
      During second semester, I sat at Sebastian and Rowena's chemistry table because I didn't know anyone else (they still had their "weird" friendship-thing going on). Rowena was still kind of rude to him. We did labs together as a group, it was fun. Though I noticed that Rowena tried to copy off me during tests and she seemed to be sharing answers with Sebastian. I was nice to her though. We would talk about the colleges we were applying to next year and stuff. Sometimes we would make plans to have matching outfits with Sebastian. Sebastian and I started talking more, not as much as freshmen year. Sometimes after history, we would walk to chemistry together. I had said to myself that we would be friends and I thought I was doing a good job of getting over him. I still got butterflies around him and my heart would still beat faster, but I was kind of getting used to it. So...the year ended and I was trying to get over him.

      Then SENIOR YEAR started...THIS life was going normal as usual. I have 4 classes with Sebastian and I see Rowena on a daily basis. I sit in front of Sebastian in AP Bio and AP Gov (with Rowena). In Ap Bio, I sit next to my best friend and we talk alot. I tell jokes and I'm talkative. I think Sebastian kind of eavesdrops sometimes. In Ap Gov, I don't really know anyone so usually I end up turning around and talking to Rowena (who sits next to Sebastian). Everything was going as normal. Then, Sebastian joined the club that I am in. Supposedly, he joined because his friend's girlfriend wanted his friend in the club, so Sebastian joined so that his friend wouldn't be "alone" (There are only 4 guys and about 7 girls in the club now). I guess Sebastian noticed that I can be outgoing and funny.

      Now to the PRESENT...A few days ago, no one else was online on Facebook, so I HAD to message Sebastian in order to find out if we had a quiz the next day.
      He said, "yes" but then he says, "It makes me sad that the only time that you message me is to find something out about school :(."

      I was totally shocked, he has never said something like that to me before (BTW, I had only messaged him TWICE on facebook. TWICE). I say, "sorry :(" and then he says, "That's okay. I just feel bad that we've had more than 1/2 of our classes together for 3 years and I feel like I don't really know you :(."

      At that point, I'm pretty sure I was blushing, confused, and unsure of what to say. I said, " know my favorite color. :) I'm just quiet." He doesn't reply, which I didn't think he would. I had no idea how I was going to face him at school the next day. I felt cornered, confused and a little upset (like NOW he notices, when I'm trying to get over him).

      I didn't even look at him during 1st hour. During 5th hour, I didn't look at him or speak to him for the first half. We had some free-time and I was looking through my biology notes and Sebastian finally says...

      "Are you studying?"
      I say, "No."
      "Are you pretending to study?"
      He kind of chuckles and goes back to talking to Rowena. When class ended, I kind of dashed out the door so he couldn't say anything to me. While I was at my locker, I caught his eye while he was at the water fountain. I took an extra few seconds so that I wouldn't have to walk past him...and possibly have to mention that facebook-convo.

      One of Sebastian's ex-friends told me that Sebastian may seem sarcastic and stoic on the outside, but that he has other feelings on the inside. He stopped being friends with her because Rowena said a few lies and separated them.

      Lucky me, we had a club meeting that day (YESTERDAY). I was kind of hoping he wouldn't go, but at the same time, I wanted him to go. As he walks in, my friend Tyler is apologizing for not knowing if our quiz was that day and as I am about to say, "it's okay," Sebastian slams his hand on a table and says, "Apology accepted!" while looking at me in the eyes. It was strange...and I kind of think it has a double-meaning.

      Today, I didn't really say anything to him. I caught his stare a couple of times, but we didn't say anything.

      I don't know what to do about this. :( It worries me that Sebastian is still friends with someone so manipulative and bad like Rowena. I want to get him away from that, but I don't know how.

      I have conflicting feelings for him and I don't know how to interpret his sudden realization that he's sad that we don't know each other that well even though we've had more than 1/2 of our classes together for 3 years.
    • Re: Does he like me?

      Why don't you just ignore Rowena and focus on getting to know Sebastian better? He's obviously interested in you, otherwise it wouldn't matter to him how well you know each other after all this time.

      He probably never said anything before because you never said anything either, so he just figured you didn't care. If Rowena is a bad person, eventually he'll realise it. It's clear there's nothing other than friendship between those two, so she shouldn't stop you from going ahead and getting to know Sebastian. Just go for it, and if and when you feel you can, put your feelings out into the open. You have nothing to lose.
    • Re: Does he like me?

      Confusion wrote:

      Why don't you just ignore Rowena and focus on getting to know Sebastian better? He's obviously interested in you, otherwise it wouldn't matter to him how well you know each other after all this time.

      He probably never said anything before because you never said anything either, so he just figured you didn't care. If Rowena is a bad person, eventually he'll realise it. It's clear there's nothing other than friendship between those two, so she shouldn't stop you from going ahead and getting to know Sebastian. Just go for it, and if and when you feel you can, put your feelings out into the open. You have nothing to lose.

      THIS EXACTLY. We're both being serious...Plus, why do you not want to be with him? Are you scared? Try it, have fun. :)
    • Re: Does he like me?

      I think there are a couple of issues here. Firstly, you can't stop someone from being friends with someone else. I totally understand your point about her being manipulative and not nice, but, you just can't. The more you try and distance 2 people, usually, the closer you end up bringing them together. You end up turning them into a 'unit', you know, both of them feel irate that someone is trying to come between their friendship. He may just be being friendly with her, and I am sure he is aware of her repuation, so no doubt is careful anyway.

      Secondly, it does seem that he's kind of inviting you to get to know him better, and sort of saying he wants to get to know you better as well. When he said about how sad it was that he didn't really know you, that's sort of obvious to me. So, he does want to get to know you better, and the only person that could stop that happening is you, really.'re better off changing how you think about it. What I mean is, rather than trying to decipher what he's meaning and what he wants, focus on getting to be good friends first. If you both get closer, get to know each other more, and then eventually, I am sure it will become quite clear and apparent what he is wanting after that. Let's face it, you might get to know him better and change your mind - I know unlikely - but possible.

      If you do it that way, then you can take all the pressure off yourself, you don't have to worry about expectations or anything, because you're just building on your friendship. And let's face it, a relationship based and built on a solid friendship is much better anyway. And if nothing does come of it, or you think it's not going to go in the romantic direction, then you will have at least cemented a friendship and will be clear on what's going to happen. So, you can't really fail that way
      [SIZE=2]Aaron - [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Support Leader[/SIZE] :kiss:

      Saradactyl;2086538 wrote:

      Haha, Aaron. I wuv youuuu.
    • Re: Does he like me?

      Wow. you wasted a lot of time, specifically three years of your life. Not really talking to Sebastian and worrying about Rowena. Why do you care about eh she has nothing to do with you. It seems like you aren't really friends with her so why care. After Sophmore year when you did like him you should of been more focused on getting him then worrying abotu some chick. Well you could do that now, since this is your last year in high school.
      [SIZE=3]Everyone Tries to be Different. Thats why all of us are the same. [/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: Does he like me?

      stellaire wrote:

      A little about me...I'm shy, but outgoing around my friends. I'm studious, but I just don't understand boys. :rofl:

      My situtation is kind of complicated. I hope you guys can help!

      I met this guy in my band class my freshmen year of high school. We both played the baritone and we usually talked during class. He was also my lab partner in Biology, meaning that he sat next to me. I had 4 classes out of 7 with him in total.

      For the first week of school, I thought he was weird. However, we got assigned to do a lab together. I was really nervous because I had never been paired up to where it was just a boy and I. So, I was nervous and I would assume that he was too. After a few comical mishaps, we were laughing and joking around. It was fun...and I started liking him.
      Sometimes after class, he would catch up to me in the hall and walk with me to our last class (we were in the same class).
      One time, this girl was giving out stickers in my Biology class and instead of keeping his, he said, "BAM!" and stuck it on my arm. I didn't know how to react, so I kind of just shrugged it off. We were getting to be pretty good friends by the end of first semester.

      At the beginning of second semester, he transferred out of band (he wasn't the BEST baritone player) and into a different biology class (he hated our teacher). That's when...we kind of grew apart. I had other classes with him, but those were the classes where I interacted with him the most.

      At the beginning of sophomore year, I didn't really talk to him, even though we had 3 classes together. He (who we will call Sebastian) also started making new friends...specifically, a "bad" girl (who we will call Rowena). Sebastian, Rowena and I were in the same AP EURO class and before lunch, Sebastian and Rowena would go to her locker. I would see them do this EVERY day. I thought they were going out, but none of the usual signs were there. They didn't hold hands. They didn't kiss. They didn't hug. She was actually kind of bitchy and rude to him. So, I was kind of put off and we didn't really talk (even though I sat right next to him in Geometry). We were grouped together with two other girls in an english project. We had a couch in the room and I was stuck between Sebastian and another girl. I was so stiff the entire time that I couldn't write straight. Sebastian never moved away or said anything. At the end of the year, Sebastian started talking to me again. We had the AP EURO test at the end of the year and a bunch of people thought that Rowena was cheating (she looked suspicious), but no one said anything because there was no proof.

      I had 4 classes with Sebastian. We didn't sit that close to each other during first semester, but there would be the occassional comment about a homework assignment to each other. He still hung out with Rowena (BTW, our school found out about the "cheating" thing and there were LOTS of interrogations. Rowena cried when she was questioned and the issue was dropped).
      One day...this OTHER guy (who shares a mutual dislike with Sebastian and don't talk to each other) asked me to "help" him with his chemistry take-home test (in other words, he wanted to see my answers). SOMEHOW Sebastian found out and came up to me and said, "If Brian asks you for help. Don't help him. He's a bad person." I have no idea how he found out because no one else was around when Brian asked me for "help", but I said "Okay." Sebastian walks away and class is over. During my free period, Brian comes in and instead of just looking at my answers, he copies everything I have written down. I wanted to say something, but I just couldn't say "No" once he started. I kept thinking back to what Sebastian said and I don't know if he found out that I helped Brian. That never came up again. Though sometimes, Sebastian would pull his desk right next to mine and ask for help with his ap chemistry homework.
      During second semester, I sat at Sebastian and Rowena's chemistry table because I didn't know anyone else (they still had their "weird" friendship-thing going on). Rowena was still kind of rude to him. We did labs together as a group, it was fun. Though I noticed that Rowena tried to copy off me during tests and she seemed to be sharing answers with Sebastian. I was nice to her though. We would talk about the colleges we were applying to next year and stuff. Sometimes we would make plans to have matching outfits with Sebastian. Sebastian and I started talking more, not as much as freshmen year. Sometimes after history, we would walk to chemistry together. I had said to myself that we would be friends and I thought I was doing a good job of getting over him. I still got butterflies around him and my heart would still beat faster, but I was kind of getting used to it. So...the year ended and I was trying to get over him.

      Then SENIOR YEAR started...THIS life was going normal as usual. I have 4 classes with Sebastian and I see Rowena on a daily basis. I sit in front of Sebastian in AP Bio and AP Gov (with Rowena). In Ap Bio, I sit next to my best friend and we talk alot. I tell jokes and I'm talkative. I think Sebastian kind of eavesdrops sometimes. In Ap Gov, I don't really know anyone so usually I end up turning around and talking to Rowena (who sits next to Sebastian). Everything was going as normal. Then, Sebastian joined the club that I am in. Supposedly, he joined because his friend's girlfriend wanted his friend in the club, so Sebastian joined so that his friend wouldn't be "alone" (There are only 4 guys and about 7 girls in the club now). I guess Sebastian noticed that I can be outgoing and funny.

      Now to the PRESENT...A few days ago, no one else was online on Facebook, so I HAD to message Sebastian in order to find out if we had a quiz the next day.
      He said, "yes" but then he says, "It makes me sad that the only time that you message me is to find something out about school :(."

      I was totally shocked, he has never said something like that to me before (BTW, I had only messaged him TWICE on facebook. TWICE). I say, "sorry :(" and then he says, "That's okay. I just feel bad that we've had more than 1/2 of our classes together for 3 years and I feel like I don't really know you :(."

      At that point, I'm pretty sure I was blushing, confused, and unsure of what to say. I said, " know my favorite color. :) I'm just quiet." He doesn't reply, which I didn't think he would. I had no idea how I was going to face him at school the next day. I felt cornered, confused and a little upset (like NOW he notices, when I'm trying to get over him).

      I didn't even look at him during 1st hour. During 5th hour, I didn't look at him or speak to him for the first half. We had some free-time and I was looking through my biology notes and Sebastian finally says...

      "Are you studying?"
      I say, "No."
      "Are you pretending to study?"
      He kind of chuckles and goes back to talking to Rowena. When class ended, I kind of dashed out the door so he couldn't say anything to me. While I was at my locker, I caught his eye while he was at the water fountain. I took an extra few seconds so that I wouldn't have to walk past him...and possibly have to mention that facebook-convo.

      One of Sebastian's ex-friends told me that Sebastian may seem sarcastic and stoic on the outside, but that he has other feelings on the inside. He stopped being friends with her because Rowena said a few lies and separated them.

      Lucky me, we had a club meeting that day (YESTERDAY). I was kind of hoping he wouldn't go, but at the same time, I wanted him to go. As he walks in, my friend Tyler is apologizing for not knowing if our quiz was that day and as I am about to say, "it's okay," Sebastian slams his hand on a table and says, "Apology accepted!" while looking at me in the eyes. It was strange...and I kind of think it has a double-meaning.

      Today, I didn't really say anything to him. I caught his stare a couple of times, but we didn't say anything.

      I don't know what to do about this. :( It worries me that Sebastian is still friends with someone so manipulative and bad like Rowena. I want to get him away from that, but I don't know how.

      I have conflicting feelings for him and I don't know how to interpret his sudden realization that he's sad that we don't know each other that well even though we've had more than 1/2 of our classes together for 3 years.

      yes he likes you
    • Re: Does he like me?

      If he's really serious with you, he's going to be the best man he can be. Then he'll tell you his motives. Also, I think he ought to value your heart more and not play with it.

      Here's an article of mine that I hope would help you out. It's entitled "A Woman's Question"
      Simple answers to hard I tackle topics like:
      "Why are we so competitive?" , "Did free will ever exist?" , "Did God create evil?"