Forum rules

  • Welcome to the Depression, Self Harm & Suicide forum. Do you know that 90% of all teenagers who attempt to commit suicide suffer from one of the following:

    • Depression, which causes a teen to feel sad, lonely, withdrawn, and unable to accomplish simple tasks.

    • Bipolar disorder, where a teen alternates between periods of depression and mania, characterized by exuberance, insomnia, irritability, and inability to concentrate.

    • Schizophrenia, a complicated condition where a teen has hallucinations or distorted perceptions of reality.

    • Alcoholism or drug addiction, especially when combined with another mental health disorder; 20 to 50 percent of suicide attempts are related to drug or alcohol use.

    Obviously, asking for peer support is a huge first step, and it's clear that you are wanting some help - the time it's taking you to ask for help means you're not quite ready to do anything right now, so harness this time. I hope you do get answers to your problems, but however much I or your peers try to help, we may not be able to solve your problems. But there are people out there who can.

    They include:

    1. Your own Dr/GP
    2. Suicide Hotline 1-800-SUICIDE (USA) 08457 909090 (UK)
    3. Self Harm (Self-Abuse Finally Ends) 1-800-DONTCUT (USA) 0287 126 6999 (UK)
    4. Depression 1-800-422-HOPE (USA) 08451 232320 (UK)
    5. Drug Help Hotline 1-800-378-4435 (USA) 0800 776600 (UK)
    6. Violence/Child Abuse/Sexual Abuse 1-800-799-SAFE (USA) 08451 221331 (UK)
    7. Rape 1-800-656-4673 (USA) 01962 848024 (UK Women) 01962 848027 (UK Men)
    8. Childline/Teen Crisis 1-800-448-4663 (USA) 0800 1111 (UK)
    9. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Youth Support Line 1-800-850-8078 (USA) 0845 3 303030 (UK)

    *note that all above telephone numbers starting 1-800 within the USA are free calls, and can be dialed from any phone or payphone. 0845 nunbers within the UK are local call rate only. 0800 numbers within the UK are free.

    If you can help one of your peers by posting advice, or your own experiences to a situation or question, then thank you. Please note that, as a support forum, senseless or pointless replies will not be tolerated, these will be deleted and you possibly may be warned. If you encourage anyone to hurt themselves, others or suggest/intimate that a member should harm themselves, the post will be removed, and you will be warned or banned.

    It goes without saying that usual site rules apply, these can be found here

    I hope we can help with your issues. If you feel that your problem is too sensitive, or do not wish for it to be public knowledge, you may post your question/problem in the Private Teen Support System, where only Support Leaders can read and reply your threads, giving you peace of mind that anything you say will remain confidential. There is also the Seek Help Anonymously section, where you can seek help from all forum members without posting your name.

    Any question, please message a Support Leader and let them know. And I hope any problems or issues you may have are quickly sorted out for you, remember, what may seem like the end of the world to you today, will probably be quickly solved with the right help and advice. Don't lose hope, and never be scared to ask for help.

    Support Leader Manager/Trainee Moderator

    (statistics gained from this site)
    [SIZE=2]Aaron - [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Support Leader[/SIZE] :kiss:

    Saradactyl;2086538 wrote:

    Haha, Aaron. I wuv youuuu.

    The post was edited 3 times, last by Trillium ().