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    • So every year my school has a camping trip for the seniors and sophomores on the first week of school. I was really looking forward to it and was staying in a tent with my best friend. There was this senior there (captain of the wrestling team, really hot and sincere) who I knew from passing and he kept talking to me through out the day, and me and my best friend ended up being in the same camp ground as him. We actually had a lot in common and it was a really great time. Later he asked me if I wanted to go swimming with him and some of his friends at night and that I could invite who I was staying with to come along. Well my tent mate wanted to sleep so i just went alone, and it turned out that all of his friends had left too. So it ended up just being me and him sneaking off.

      At this point i was really anxious that we would get caught and shit (I was also kind scared about swimming with him alone :cool: ). I hadn't told anyone that I was gay at the time (I live in a pretty homophobic community in general) and I had no idea that he would be gay, so I just assumed either he was just really cool, or was going to do some kind of asshole move. So we finally got to the lake about a mile away from where we were camping (fun time coming over) and he striped down to nothing and asked me to come in. Playing it cool, I put on my really surprised/scared face and starred at his crotch. He just kind of stood there for a minute and then jumped in. I was really nervous. I was taking off my jeans and shit and I fell into the water. I was ready to die. I was just kind of floating there, not wanting to see what a retard I was, when he came over and and picked me up (I think I scared him, I'm on the swim team so it's not like I would have drowned). He ended up taking me to shore and I was like "I'M OKAY. IT'S FINE." and he started to make out with me. I was so excited but freaking out. I was on a beach, with a hot and horny naked man on top of me. I guess I can just leave the rest to you...

      He had a single tent and I stayed in it with him that night (space wasn't a problem) and was in there when everyone woke up. Thank god they didn't come in and my friend was happy that he got to sleep alone. We made up some lame excuse for why I was in there and they were cool with it. I've been hanging out with him ever since and he's my first boyfiend :p.

      (So corny.)