how can I make him call me?

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    • how can I make him call me?

      So there's this guy im into and well we would love to date and all that.. But there is one thing, im done with school and I work and hes still in school so he always has stuff to do after school and plus he has hockey that takes up even more of his time, so that mean we see eachother even less. Its been about 2 weeks I haven't seen him and im getting really annoyed, since we don'd really talk, We text but usually its takes him forever to answer and I wish he would call me, but he's always busy so he doesn't and I dont want to call him since I know that he's doing something like hockey or homework.

      And lately ive been so angry, since everything is falling apart in my life once again and I just dont know what to do with myself.

      How can I make him call me more and "hint" that I wish I could see him way more,, and why is my anger getting out of controle? Is there ways I could controle it?
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]It's the little things that cause a storm inside me.[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: how can I make him call me?

      lol.. you said it was obvious the textin wasnt goin well... however awkward it may seem or make you feel, you got to call him...

      jus do this,

      call him. if he answers, ask him if he has a few mins to talk, if so jus level wit him and tell him wa gwan and your situation, dont be afraid to tell him how you feel about everything ffs.
      if you call him and he says he's busy then jus ask him when can you call him back.
      if you call him and he doesnt answer jus leave him a voicemail saying "Hey [said person], ... it feels like its been forever...when you get a chance please call me back."

      dont second guess, beat around the bush/etc.. jus do it.
    • Re: how can I make him call me?

      I think you guys need a better plan. OK, so he's busy with school and hocky, I understand that, but you obviously really miss him when you don't see him, so you need to think of a system where it's going to help you miss him a little less, but it won't take up too much of his time.

      For example, can he not call you quickly for a few minutes before a hocky game? Or, if he's doing school work, just a 5 minute call before he starts or when he finishes?

      If you both can do something like that, at least you're not only going to get text messages, and you won't be waiting around for ages waiting for him to reply. If you love someone, or are very close to someone, you always can find some time to get in touch, even just a couple of minutes. Nobody in this world is ever that busy they can't spare some moments for someone special in their life. Even the president probably has a few minutes each day to call his wife, and ask what's for dinner =]

      I think you also need something to look forward to. You said you can't meet up that often, which must be hard, so again, plan when you can meet up. So you know, in your mind, you're seeing him on a certain date, then you have something to look forward to.

      You need these things, it's not unreasonable and he should understand that. We all need to know when we can see the person we care about, otherwise, it's like being single.
      [SIZE=2]Aaron - [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Support Leader[/SIZE] :kiss:

      Saradactyl;2086538 wrote:

      Haha, Aaron. I wuv youuuu.