I'm not supposed to be in this position.

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    • I'm not supposed to be in this position.

      hey guys...

      my best guy friend i have gotten closer recently after drifting apart slightly last school year. he dated my best friend for a month, but it didn't work out and it was just weird for them and being around them. however, before that he told he he liked me 2 years ago, but at that time i wasn't ready to be anything more than friends with him.

      lately we've been hanging out a lot though, talking and chatting and he'd always flirt with me. i guess i'd flirt back too... :)

      but a few days ago, he's been coming on really strong throwing me compliments and paying waaay more attention to me than anyone else. needless to say, like any normal human being, i got the message.

      2 problems though:
      my best friend is his classmate in almost all classes and she's all touchy touchy with him. i'm not gonna say i don't mind, because of course i do, but i've already talked about this with him and we both agree she's just being defensive haha

      BUT BUT BUT last night, our whole group went to a party and this group of girls we always hang out with from another school and a nearby city were there. 2 of them are twins and they're known to pretty much screw our guys over or flirt with them even when they have girlfriends.
      he stayed with them the whole night! except once, when the girls said they were leaving, he came to me and my best friend, but the girls changed their minds and decided to stay.

      i wasn't supposed to be expecting anything, but i was pretty hurt.
      i mean, he said stuff like "the girls aren't staying long, it's good, meaning i have more alone time with you" or "(on girls being all over him) well what if i focused all my attention to you"
      and on the way there, my friend's car was too small to fit us, so he asked me and teased my to sit on his lap. my voice was kinda cracking and low cause i had a sore throat and he kept saying how distracting it was talking to me with a bed voice.

      i still can't understand. i was walking around with a big WTF?!?! cloud over my head.
      and when i left, i said bye to everybody but him. i know he's an ass, i figured that out last night.
      or maybe he's not?
      i really don't know anymore.

      what do you think?

      The post was edited 2 times, last by mixmatch ().

    • Re: I'm not supposed to be in this position.

      Hey there

      It sounds to me like he's not really sure what he wants. After all the compliments and flirting and all that you'd think he'd be more attached to you, but obviously that's not the case. You shouldn't have to deal with being treated like that, and what he did was indeed pretty asshole-ish. Although you two aren't together, he does put off vibes of being sort of unfaithful to you. If he really likes you then he probably would've paid more attention to you; in other words, I think he's just infatuated a little bit, but not anything more than that.

      I'd personally recommend just staying friends with him, but that's just my opinion. If I was acting like that around a girl I wouldn't be looking for anything serious with her. A good way to figure all this out for yourself is to be open and talk to him about it. Ask him how he truly feels about you, because you're obviously very confused about the whole thing. Talking is always the best answer, as it gets those questions you have answered without trying to guess at it.

      Good luck!:)
      [CENTER]The only angels we need invoke are those of our better nature; reason, honesty and love.
      The only demons we need fear are those that lurk inside every human mind; ignorance, hatred, greed, and faith.


    • Re: I'm not supposed to be in this position.


      i'm so confused, i don't know what to do. he came over the next day because i was sick. we spent time together and he told me he was sorry...
      and then that he likes spending time with me and yeah all that crap.

      i want to talk to him about it... i just don't know how to do it without losing, in the worst case scenario.
      maybe he's just as confused as i am?

      thanks, by the way :)