I lol'd so fucking hard at this 9/11 theory

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    • Re: I lol'd so fucking hard at this 9/11 theory

      DamnImGood wrote:

      Only the seriously messed up conspiracy theorists believe planes didn't hit the towers.

      Um, what?

      No conspiracy theorist I have ever talked to or heard is trying to deny the attacks. They obviously happened. What they're trying to say is the US government framed Al-Qaeda or some other terrorist organization, and part of that is by somehow producing a passport of one of the suspected hijackers.

      yeh i didnt mean to imply that the whole attack didnt happen, what i was trying to say is basicaly what you just said, its all a lie as in, its all full of lies, badly worded. what i was trying to say is, just because they lied on one thing, doesnt mean you have proof of a major conspiracy, they could have lied about finding a passport for a million other reasons other than to use as a cover up, it was undoubtedly so they could blame al qaeda but that doesnt mean al qaeda didnt do it.
    • Re: I lol'd so fucking hard at this 9/11 theory

      /sigh You people need to open your eyes.

      The hole created by the "plane" hitting the Pentagon was what, 15 feet wide/in diameter? The fucking engine alone on a standard 747 passenger plane would cause a fucking massive hole by itself, much less the whole fucking plane. If you read the original explanation of the cruise missile and you open your eyes and mind to the possibility, you'd be surprised at how many of these theories can be explained and how much the "official" explanation is false. (Crappy but true picture: thewebfairy.com/nerdcities/Hufschmid/eh29.jpg)

      In the previous 9 months, the world largest elevator renovation was going on inside the WTC towers, allowing ample time and workspace to plant high explosives on the building's inner core.

      WTC 7 was indeed hit by debris, and fires were present on some of the lower and mid-floors. However, taking into consideration how much damage was inflicted upon the building and from the angles, the building's collapse makes no sense at all. It is that same with the Tower's collapses - all look like controlled demolition. Had the WTC 7 building been taken down from debris and fires (assuming even the slightest amount of damage was caused to the inner structure), it would either have not collapsed or the side with the fires and debris damage would have fallen, not the whole building straight down.

      AE911Truth <= Great site, wonderful documentary
      AE911Truth Online Store <= Aforementioned wonderful documentary
    • Re: I lol'd so fucking hard at this 9/11 theory

      finnally !! my eyes are open "Steven" in the other 9/11 thread I got laughed by Dr. Carter and others cuz I said the planes didnt cause the collapse... I swear say the media has brainwashed ppl with this whole war on terrorist thing, all of this was jus a whole hoax to gain more power(controlling oil in Iraq). America staged the attack on itself to gain power. One news report said that they had so much evidence linking Bin Laden to these 9/11 events.. The Al Queda publically asked for the US to show them the evidence link Osama to it and they would hand him over to them.

      LOL, if the US did that then they would not have needed to invade Iraq, they could have avoided all of this. But they didnt. Then later on they said they didnt have any evidence to directly link Osama to the 9/11 attacks.

      Thanks for saying something about the pentagon. Exactly what I thought too bro, how can a 15 feet wide hole be left after a 757 Airplane hit it... FFS the captains cabin is more than 15feet wide. If the government say that a 757 hit the pentagon why didnt they show clear footage of it? why are there only a few frames? They have 80+ vids that would show what really hit the pentagon, and only 3 half ass frames are shown to the public? Also, instead of taking soil samples, building samples, etc. at the pentagon after the crash to test for any real causes of this or to do any testin to see if they found any human remains, they immediatly covered the whole lawn of the place with new gravel/soil so that no one would ever independantly test it to find out what really hit it. Even @ the twin towers all the rubble was moved out, and was only internally tested by the government.

      I wish you all that really believe the official 9/11 report would sit down and question it. Shit doesnt match up... if you all would have thought back on the all the bullsh*t evidence found, the free fall collapse due to fire, and the smallest 757 to ever crash into the pentagon they could have prevented this "war on terrorism"

      Watch this Vid and see for yourself:
      [ame='http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-594683847743189197']Zeitgeist, The Movie - Remastered / Final Edition[/ame]#[ame='http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-594683847743189197'][/ame]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Dongada ().

    • Re: I lol'd so fucking hard at this 9/11 theory

      Cat wrote:

      The one about how jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel, therefore the towers shouldn't have come down

      The jet fuel burns at around 800 to 1200 while steel melts at 2700ish.

      Now, the jet fuel only served as a ignition, other factors such as all the flammable things in the buildings including electricity supplied enough fuel to the fire brining it up to around 1800. Tetrahedron would cause other things to be ignited, chemical chain reaction and at 1800, steel weakens and can collapse.

      This is why I lol'd cos who ever wrote it doesn't know fire behaviour.

      Focus on NORAD standing down and the hijackers being trained on secure US military bases.
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