Help Please!

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    • Re: Help Please!

      Just say something funny to ease the tension, that always helps. Or act interested in her life and ask a question like if she's on a sports team or something ask her how her last game or meet went. Girls like it when guys are interested. :) Just talk to her whenever it looks like she has a free moment. It doesn't really matter if she's with her friends or not. Just walk up to her and "hey... I was wondering if you won your game last night? How did it go?" Just any casual conversation.
    • Re: Help Please!

      benbonigan wrote:

      I REALLY REALLY need tips on how to talk to my ex girlfriend. we havent talked in like 4/5 months so as you can immagine things are quite awkward!! she is quite a nice, open girl so any suggestions please!!
      I need advice on like when to talk to her (when shes with her friends or what not) and what to say?

      The reason why i REALLY REALLY want to get friends again is because we were best friends before we went out and now we don't even talk (IT SUCKS)

      HELP.... PLEASE

      Just say hi jane, how are you? If she gives you a one answer response. ABORT! So just say, that's good, nice talking to you again. Tootles or bye.
      You probably wanna ask me, why abort? Well, if she gives you a 1 word response, it means she does not want to talk. So instead of you looking like a fool and stuttering and shit. Just cut it short and say bye. Remember, smile, smile, smile and don't be nervous.
    • Re: Help Please!

      ANTI CONDOM wrote:

      Just say hi jane, how are you? If she gives you a one answer response. ABORT! So just say, that's good, nice talking to you again. Tootles or bye.
      You probably wanna ask me, why abort? Well, if she gives you a 1 word response, it means she does not want to talk. So instead of you looking like a fool and stuttering and shit. Just cut it short and say bye. Remember, smile, smile, smile and don't be nervous.

      To think MVP (I refuse to call you by your new name) would have decent advice. I agree 100%. A 1 word (or even a "Im fine") answer pretty much tells you she does not want to talk. Though, tone plays a big part.
    • Re: Help Please!

      ive been through this twice now,

      the first time i just tried talking to her on msn and she was fine with it and we just rebuilt our friendship, then i sort of messed it up by starting to like her even more than when we were going out

      the second was more comlicated, she really didnt want me trying to get her back coz she knew i wouldnt be able to change her mind... (my history has had me trying to get exes back long after the last chance to get them back had past... see the first time lol)... anyway, she had dumped me a few days before i went on holiday so i couldnt talk to her in person at all. i had tryed texting but she wouldnt respond and when i got back i found she had blocked me on msn, and would avoid me at school... anyway in the end i thought "f**k it, even if i did manage to ge her back it wouldnt be the same" so i emailed her asking if we could just go back to being friends

      she responded saying ok, but she thought it would be wayy too awkward... anyway it was at first but we can talk on msn like we did before we went out, only this time less flirting... we still cant talk in person though, due to her friends making it awkwarder
      we all got troubles, we all got pain, we try to hang onto love, try to keep it the same, we all got issues, i put mine in my songs, sometimes im not fine but im carrying on