My Parents Broke Up, I'm depressed, Help please

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    • My Parents Broke Up, I'm depressed, Help please

      My life has been kind of complicated. My parents broke up without any particular reason (my dad just wanted it) when i was only at the age of 8. My family is full of alchoholics, but not my parents. We have had some money problems after my parents broke up and my dad (who lives in another country) has a girlfriend, who my mom doesnt know about. I felt pretty crashed when i visited my dad and saw the girlfriend and stuff. In the summer, i began to wonder, why i even exist. What is the meaning of me... So many of my friends had left me, my mum yells at me constantly and i can barely make it through each day. Now i've been having problems with my friend such as, receiving hateletters where i am adressed as a "slut, whore, bitch" etc. And at school, there are ppl i occasionally hang out with but seems like i'm always on the way.There even was a time when i felt like i didnt love my mother or want to hug her or anything. I just felt like i didnt know her. Everyday i cry myself to sleep thinking is it all worth it.. just a same old routine everyday.. feels like nobody really cares..

      Sorry for the lenght guys :/

      thanks to anyone who answers :hugs:
    • Re: Don't know what to do...

      Zzer0, hang on, it will be worth it. What you might want to do is think of it this way: You can look at what's bad in your life and think bad thoughts and think that you're alone in a bubble that nobody seems to see through, but what you can realize is that there are people who understand this. Instead of focusing on this bubble you're in, try to break out of it; rise above it. Live your life, despite it. And just thinking about that? And actually acting on that? It's the secret to happiness. If you can apply this, it's incredible. If you can't, that's fine, just remember, there are people who understand.
      [SIZE=4]"A man can do any amount of work, granted it's not the work he's supposed to be doing."[/SIZE][SIZE=4][SIZE=3][SIZE=2] -I completely forget who said this[/SIZE][/SIZE]
    • Re: Don't know what to do...

      I agree with Sharkie... again..., anyways. if you live your life HOPING someone will understand you and be your friend forever. they won't. live your life and be strong because if you don't live your life and persue your dreams.... then no one can see you for who you really are. it's hard... true friends are very rare. but they are out there. so if you get betrayed by one... try to forgive them... and understand them... then I'm sure they will do the same for you. the only way to have a true friend is to be one. and the thing is with many single mothers I see... they hurt. they are confused. but they don't want to say anything for their childrens sake. and end up trying to hard to do the right thing and end up making things worse. this is a very simple answer. but talk to your mother... as many time as needed. understand her. then let her understand you. it will happen as long as you don't give up. and about the hate letters... people let negative emotions control them. like jelously if it's not true. ignore them... the best you can. because they "want" you to get upset. be strong. you have infinite strength inside of you ^^

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Rixxen ().

    • Re: Don't know what to do...

      wow it's like reading about myself! or how my high school life used to be! but just wait, hang on and things will get better, high school will be over before you know it and you'll start running your own life and do great, those meanies are messed up and are missing on some braincells! ^__^v peace
    • Re: Don't know what to do...

      Hi :)
      You know, everyone goes through times like this in their life - I've started to believe that it's merely a part of growing up; getting over this state of depression and not letting it consume you. I understand that when it gets too far it will seem impossible to get through it - I know that better than anyone. So don't you let it get you down now, otherwise you won't get up again.

      Your parents - I know it's difficult to live with the fact that they would be apart simply because your father wants it, and that that ahs caused many problems. But what you have to remember is, it's much better to be alone than with the wrong person. If your mother and father were not happy together, then it is for the best, despite financial difficulties, that they are not together. Admittedly, your father could help with some payments towards you, but that's a diffierent matter.

      your friends - the feeling that you are getting in the way has to go - simple as. Now, I'm guessing that you "getting in the way" is due to a confidence issue, yes? If so - then I know the perfect solution. Simply pretend that you are confident. Force yourself to get involved, make friends easier, try your best, talk to those around you - anything! In time, it will get easier and easier as you adapt to new personalities, and you will gain confidence. This is true, I know it, because I went through it.

      Alcoholics - I regret to say that there is little you can do about this situation. Just don't follow their path, and ensure that you keep your chin up and keep working at it. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to change your family members away from alcohol - just don't you make the same mistake. Learn from them, okay?

      Hate letters - for whatever reason they are being sent, I won't ask. But what these people are doing is out of order, and something must be done. Try telling people like your mother or people in school, and hopefully action will be taken against them to sort this problem and ensure it doesn't happen again.

      Everyone goes through difficult times in their life - don't ever forget that. You can't hide from it, escape it, or cheat it - you can stand up and fight it. That's the path to start walking it.

      Good luck.

      [LEFT][SIZE=4]My mind turns to metal, its gears are turning,[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]And my sanity withers and dies.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]This world all around me, it's bitter and twisted;[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]Reality, madness or lies?[/SIZE][/LEFT]