
    • Today, Thursday, October 1, 2009 AD (Gregorian calendar) at 2:25(ish) PM (GMT-6 / Central Standard Time) was the best time frame in my life. Alright, so I 'like' (you should know what I mean by that) a certain individual (she is a Freshman and 14; I'm a Junior and 16). Well, we formally met today for the first time (we ride the same bus). I sat in the seat across from her on the way home from school. I "broke the ice" (spoke to her for the first time) and asked a question (and sort of made a joke). She then told me her name and I told her mine. Then we stopped talking and about 2 minutes (well it may have been 30 seconds, but it felt like 2 minutes) later she started talking to me. We talked about what we like to do, our favorite music, etc. We got along great, we just connected on so many levels and were happy. Then about 10 minutes later (we were talking like the whole time before this moment) some Egyptian kid sat next to her and kinda joked around with her. I then nudged the Egyptian kid and asked him if he could please go back to his seat (and told him that three is a crowd, in a very polite and respectful manner), apparently he got my meaning (or just decided to do what I said because I'm older, stronger, and he realized he was intruding) and decided to sit in a seat behind me. Brittany then said I could sit next to her and so I did. We then talked some more and she gave me her MySpace profile and told me to add her. Then it was her stop so I got up and she left. I then got off at my stop (at about 2:45 PM [GMT-6 / Central Standard Time]) later on and I went home, created a MySpace account, and added her as a friend, she accepted and we have talked online some. Please don't say anything stupid like "Why are you so specific with the time and stuff?" (because I like to be that way when posting online) or "Have sex with her." (because I don't believe in sex before marriage) or anything else that is rude, sarcastic, stupid, or just plain trolling. Do you think she likes me too?
    • Re: fantastic

      glad to see someone who agrees on my views of sex before marriage =]

      Firstly, you might try just becoming good friends with her before you consider a relationship. If you havent noticed, conventional dating(especially when people just view relationships as a fun stint) doesn't have a high success rate. It usually ends up hurting yourself, and the person you care about. I would personally just continue as you have and become her good friend. Time spent together as friends, is less awkward, and you really get to know the person better(without any of the '[in]love is blind' stuff. If something develops from it, then that's great. If not, great; You still have an amazing friend =]

      books I recommend from personal experience:

      every young mans battle(not totally relevant, but an extremely good book)
      the five love languages(awesome totally relevant book for friends, family, and 'romantic' relationships)
      'I kissed dating goodbye'(just started it, and its not nearly as scary as the title sounds.)

      good luck! =]
    • Re: fantastic

      Hey there :)

      Personally, if I were in the same situation as you, I would just try to develop a friendship first. That'll give you some time to get to know her and see if you can pick up some signs from her that she may be interested in you as more than just a friend. Obviously she likes something about you if she asked you to sit next to her, and that also shows that she's comfortable with you. It's hard to say if she likes you or anything like that, but you can at least be confident that she thinks you're a cool guy.
      [CENTER]The only angels we need invoke are those of our better nature; reason, honesty and love.
      The only demons we need fear are those that lurk inside every human mind; ignorance, hatred, greed, and faith.

