Story of my life ...

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    • Story of my life ...

      Okay, I'm new here and I'm just going to spill my guts about everything that's going on right now coz everything is SHIT (I'll try to keep this short) ...

      Firstly, my boyfriend of 7 months dumped me coz he found out i still smoke even though i said i'd stopped (LONG story short ... i tried to stop coz he asked me to, but basically everyone i know does so i couldn't keep it up). But I'm kinda cool with that coz, even though he's the best shag ever, he's a bit of a dick.

      Secondly, my dad moved here (australia) from america two months ago with his wife and their kids (the older one is my age and she's not his). I hate my dad with a passion. He's seven years older than my mum and her god-brother, they had a one-night stand when Beth was 16. when he found out he ran off to the states. His parents made him come back to marry beth, but instead of getting married like the proper conservative christians their parents wanted them to be, they ran away and lived together for two years (as friends).
      Another long story short: he ran away again to america, dropping in on us every few years and throwing us money (he's rich). Everytime he's here, he breaks my mum's heart. Now he lives here and she's being really nice to him and trying to play happy families ... I have been fighting with her for days (we NEVER fight) about how she's acting.

      Today she dropped a bombshell: she's going to sydney to see her sister who she hasn't spoken to for 16 years and ... get this ... I have to stay with my dad while she's gone. I am so annoyed coz i hate him so much and I met his wife and her daughter a few years ago when they visited and they are the biggest bitches ever.

      And lastly (for now), my fake-brother (i've known him all my life, our mum's are best friends ... etc.) who has a great job is at uni and has been going out with the nicest girl for about six years cheated on her with one of the waitresses at his mum's cafe and now she's pregnant.
      I know I should be there and support him, but right now I just want to slap him coz he hasn't even told his girlfriend yet and I know he will eventually and I know she will leave him and I know he just won't be able to handle that and his mum will be really disapointed with him and they're like my family and with me and Beth fighting, my family is cracked enough as it is!!!!!

      There, that's the bulk of my rant.

      Please, if anyone has any advice or ANYTHING I'd really appreciate it

    • Re: Story of my life ...

      Aw, honey, that's tough!
      How long is your mom going to be gone? It's too bad that she's not taking you with, but I imagine she realizes her situation, at least, and needs to get away. Otherwise why choose this, of all times, to go see a long distanced sister? You know what I mean?
      Hold on, and do the best that you can in the situation. I know you must be angry at your mom, but I'd apologize, or at least tell her you wish you hadn't fought. My mom gets uptight whenever we fight, and it usually takes me apologizing or in some way showing that I'm sorry for our disagreement before she'll lighten up again. Let her know somehow that you still love her, even though you disagree with her.
      I know how hard it is to live with someone you hate. But be strong, and don't give way to that hate.
      I especially know how hard it is feeling unable to help a friend in need. That's what hurts me the most. But just being there so she has someone to talk to is amazingly helpful. Also, I find putting myself out of my way to be there for someone, even going so far as to leave the house for a while just to get away from my trouble so I can focus an my friend really helps take me out of myself. Seriously, being able to think about someone else's troubles really helps me.
      Anyways. I'm not that good at advice at all. But don't be hesitate to talk to me.
      If I can stop one heart from breaking, then I shall not have lived in vain.