Body Builders - A good workout?

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    • Body Builders - A good workout?

      Hey, everyone, I was just wondering a few things about weight training and such, seeing as me and my friends are now lifting weights. I've been lifting about 4 or 5 months now, not on a regular basis though because of school, but for the first 3 i've worked out everyday, and i haven't gained much muscle. I want to gain quite a bit of arm size, and i really want to get rid of my stomach and get abs, though it doesn't have to be a six pack. So a few questions...

      -How old are you and what is your weight? I think age and weight has to do with gaining muscle.

      -How long have you been lifting weights? And how long did you have to weight train to get favorable results (if any)?

      -Does using things like protein shakes and supplements work during weight training? I haven't been using them, and I think I might have to.

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for biceps and triceps?

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for pectorials?

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for abdominal muscles?

      -Also, did you go on any special dietary plans, or did you not change your regular diet?
      We sing the Death Song kids
      Because we've got no future...
      And we want to be just like you...

      The post was edited 1 time, last by iamivabe1992 ().

    • Re: Body Builders - A good workout?

      How old are you and what is your weight? I think age and weight has to do with gaining muscle.
      15, 145

      -How long have you been lifting weights? And how long did you have to weight train to get favorable results (if any)?
      3 months

      -Does using things like protein shakes and supplements work during weight training? I haven't been using them, and I think I might have to.

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for biceps and triceps?
      two different muscle groups can't be worked at the same time

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for pectorials?
      bench press, try it

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for abdominal muscles?
      leg leifts

      -Also, did you go on any special dietary plans, or did you not change your regular diet?
      don't go to mcdonalds, kid


      Up The Irons!
    • Re: Body Builders - A good workout?

      iamivabe1992 wrote:

      Hey, everyone, I was just wondering a few things about weight training and such, seeing as me and my friends are now lifting weights. I've been lifting about 4 or 5 months now, not on a regular basis though because of school, but for the first 3 i've worked out everyday, and i haven't gained much muscle. I want to gain quite a bit of arm size, and i really want to get rid of my stomach and get abs, though it doesn't have to be a six pack. So a few questions...

      -How old are you and what is your weight? I think age and weight has to do with gaining muscle.

      18 135lb, all depend on body type so somewhat yes weight has to do and genetics.

      -How long have you been lifting weights? And how long did you have to weight train to get favorable results (if any)?

      a little over a year.

      -Does using things like protein shakes and supplements work during weight training?

      During? Protein shake before workout and after workout. Especially after, your body is like a sponge.

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for biceps and triceps?

      triceps - Bench dips, tricep extensions. Biceps - pretty much any curls, and chin ups.

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for pectorials?

      Don't do butterflys lol they are absolutely pointless. Medium grip bench.

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for abdominal muscles?

      You have 3 sets of abdominals, lower middle and upper which are affected differently by workouts. Captain chair leg raise, Bicycle crunches are great IMO.

      -Also, did you go on any special dietary plans, or did you not change your regular diet?

      eat more, but healthy stuff.

      Flying over Lanier - GA
    • Re: Body Builders - A good workout?

      -How old are you and what is your weight? I think age and weight has to do with gaining muscle.

      18 years old, 185 pounds

      -How long have you been lifting weights? And how long did you have to weight train to get favorable results (if any)?

      I've been lifting for about 3 years. I started seeing results within the first month.

      -Does using things like protein shakes and supplements work during weight training? I haven't been using them, and I think I might have to.

      Whey protein has worked for me in the past, however eating some healthy meat (aka non-fried or grilled) and having a glass of milk would probably give you more protein.

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for biceps and triceps?

      (sets X reps per set)
      Pull Ups- 4 sets to failure
      Skull Crushers- 4 X 5-8
      Bicep Curls - 3 X 5-8
      Dips - 3 X failure
      Preacher Curls - 2 X 5-8
      Tricep Push Ups - 3 X failure

      Also, you should not be neglecting your back or your legs-

      Back workout (should be combined with bicep workout):
      Dumbbell Rows 3 X 8-10
      Standing Rows (where the bar is at ur waist and you pull it up to ur chin) - 3 X 8-10
      Shoulder Shrugs 3 X 10

      Legs workout-
      Squat 3 X 5-8
      Weightless Squat - 3 X failure
      Deadlift 3 X 5-8
      Calf Raises 3 X 10
      Lunges 3 X 10
      Step Ups - 3 X 10
      Prone Leg Curl 3 X 8-10
      Mountain Climbers to failure

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for pectorials?

      Bench Press 1 X 50 (warm up)
      Bench Press (switch every two weeks between this and dumbbell press) 4 X 5-8
      Incline Press (
      switch every two weeks between this and dumbbell press) 4 X 5-8

      Then, alternate between push ups to failure and dumbbell flys for four sets each. It's important that you don't rest during these 8 sets.

      You can also do decline press if you want but I never have.

      Also, you should have a shoulder workout-
      Military Press 3 X 5-8
      Side Raises 3 X 10
      Front Raises 3 X 10
      Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 X 5-8

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for abdominal muscles?

      This is what I'm currently doing:

      Max sit-ups in 2 minutes
      Flutter Kicks
      Leg Lifts

      -Also, did you go on any special dietary plans, or did you not change your regular diet?

      You can eat almost whatever you want and still gain muscle, but
      for optimal muscle gains you should strive to eat as healthy as possible and eat 6 small meals a day rather than 3 big ones. Losing fat is a different story altogether. To lose fat you have to eat healthier and do cardio.

      Here is my suggestion for a weekly workout schedule-

      Monday: Chest
      Biceps + Back
      Wednesday: Shoulders
      Thursday: Legs
      Friday: Biceps + Triceps
      Saturday: Cardio
      Sunday: Rest

      It's important that you lift regularly. Just do the workouts I posted on the right days, eat lots of protein, drink lots of water, and don't have too much junk food, and I guarantee you will see noticeable increases in size, strength, and endurance within a month.


      The post was edited 2 times, last by Assaultrifle ().

    • Re: Body Builders - A good workout?

      -How old are you and what is your weight? I think age and weight has to do with gaining muscle.
      16% BF

      -How long have you been lifting weights? And how long did you have to weight train to get favorable results (if any)
      Two years
      If you do it right you will see results straight away, so you are doing it wrong

      -Does using things like protein shakes and supplements work during weight training? I haven't been using them, and I think I might have to.
      Yes, but these are not necessary, PLEASE do some research before wasting your money on these over priced pices of shit.

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for biceps and triceps?
      Curls, dips, skull crushers

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for pectorials?
      Bench press

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for abdominal muscles?

      -Also, did you go on any special dietary plans, or did you not change your regular diet?
      Not initially, however you will need to eat more than you currently are if you want to grow.

      PLEASE please please, do not try and get your information from sites that are not geared specifically towards fittness in general, it is painfully obvious that you know very little and are a beginner to muscle building as a whole. THerefore it is best you learn everything you can.

      Please look at all these sites

      They will all help explain every question you could imagine and the people answering will be people who have been training for YEARS not months.

      Also PM me for any specific questions you have.

      Now a question for you: Why do you only want to work chest arms and core?

      I mean if you want a nice upper body you should be including back and delts as well, the V taper comes from the developement of your lats which are on your back.
      If you want to look balanced in the future you should also work legs.

      jordan132;1506655 wrote:

      when i joined guys privacy i figured there would be nothing here except a hole in the wall to peak into the girls privacy

      The post was edited 1 time, last by _Frank_ ().

    • Re: Body Builders - A good workout?

      -How old are you and what is your weight? I think age and weight has to do with gaining muscle. Age: 14 1/2 Height: 5'5 Weight: 158 LBS

      -How long have you been lifting weights? And how long did you have to weight train to get favorable results (if any)? 2 yrs. About 7 weeks before bi's and tri's began growing

      -Does using things like protein shakes and supplements work during weight training? I haven't been using them, and I think I might have to. Yes,

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for biceps and triceps?
      Hammer Curls
      Barbell Curls
      Overhead Extensions

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for pectorials?
      Dumbbell Flys
      Bench Press

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for abdominal muscles?
      Crunches, Leg Raises

      -Also, did you go on any special dietary plans, or did you not change your regular diet?
      I ate like horse
    • Re: Body Builders - A good workout?

      -How old are you and what is your weight? I think age and weight has to do with gaining muscle.

      18, 165 pounds 5' 10"

      -How long have you been lifting weights? And how long did you have to weight train to get favorable results (if any)?

      seriously lifting, 4 months, i was doing on and off rubbish before that for about 2 year but didnt make any real gains, it was more of a keep fit.

      i saw results pretty quickly, biceps seemed to shoot up first but recently ive been noticing definate gains on triceps and chest. id say, noticeable gains within a few weeks and very noticeable gains aka other people noticing within about 6 weeks.

      -Does using things like protein shakes and supplements work during weight training? I haven't been using them, and I think I might have to.

      they work, but theyre not crazy omg awesome, protein supplements are useful but really i think they just make it easier to get the necessary amount of protein into you for that day, i did fine without them, its just easier to get that extra 40-50g of protein a day in with a shake than with a tonne of extra food.

      creatine, havent been using it very long so im gonna leave it a while before i make my final judgement but yet again, no miracle powder, maybe a tiny bit extra growth but ive definaetly noticed that it takes me longer and i can work harder before my muscles fatigue, its not crazy but maybe an extra 5-10%.

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for biceps and triceps?

      triceps: any chest exercise that uses triceps aka bench press.
      biceps: any back exercise that uses biceps aka bent over rows.

      biceps and triceps are very easy to get growth out of in my experience, any dont require isolated exercise, compound movements that involve these muscles will do the trick.

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for pectorials?

      bench press
      incline bench press
      dumb bell fly's

      do em properly or you wont see any growth, form is the key, in my experience the pecs are a hard muscle to work properly, probably because im very dependant on my arms, if you dont keep your form perfect, your pecs wont grow.

      -What, in your opinion, is a good workout for abdominal muscles?

      crunches, weighted sits, leg raises, w/e.

      -Also, did you go on any special dietary plans, or did you not change your regular diet?

      i ate more, i spread it out more over the day and i drasticly increased the amount of protein i took in a day, thats all.