Quick Q about asking out a girl

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    • Quick Q about asking out a girl

      In a post a while back i think i said about asking out a girl to try and keep back my depression. Anyways i've been feeling i'm too depressed to do it, but now i realise its getting worse and worse (on a dangerous scale) and i gotta try it to try and pull myself out of this thing.

      I heard she had a crush on me a while back, but i've never really talked to her. I honestly don't have any real feeling for her - i havn't had feelings for anyone else for the last 4 years as i've been in love with my best friend, which i need to get out of - but that doesn't matter. I hope they will come in time. (Sorry if it sounds like i'm 'using' her. I just need to get out of this rut i'm in.

      Anyway questions. How would i go about asking her out seeing as we've never really spoken? I've got a friend who said he will help - hoping he'll keep bugging me till i do it - but really don't know how to approach it. Also, if she says no, would it be wierd to ask if i could just like get to know her, spend time with her and her friends? I'm not scared she'll say no because of the normal reason, it's just if she said no i have noone else in mind i could ask out and i have no other ideas to help bring me out of what i'm living through atm. If she said no, at least making a new friend group would help me a lot i'm sure. Just don't know if its wierd after you've been refused already lol.

      Thanks for any advice, sorry for my mishmash, im a bit of a wreck atm, can't think straight. Hopefully i can get back to posting properly soon, it was what kept me going a while back =]
      [CENTER]If you want something, set it free. If it comes back then it's yours forever. If not, then it was never yours to begin with.[/CENTER]
    • Re: Quick Q about asking out a girl

      I've told my best friend everything - well apart from quite how bad the last few weeks have been. I really only speak to her over msn now, she said i was affecting her relationship with her bf as well as with me so i'm trying to keep clear. She just keeps saying i gotta do something or talk to someone to stop me feeling this way.

      It's not just her thats making me depressed, it's other stuff in life too. I remember how i was 4 years ago before i met her, it feels just like i've started back up again from where i left off, but just with another 4 yers of shit piled ontop.

      I just see this as something that might help, start fresh, help clear my mind sort of thing. I know it's not the best idea, but i really have nothing else. I was depressed all last year of college, and now.. well each day is a real real struggle to get through. And the thought of having no ideas on how to get out of this honestly scares the crap out of me.
      [CENTER]If you want something, set it free. If it comes back then it's yours forever. If not, then it was never yours to begin with.[/CENTER]
    • Re: Quick Q about asking out a girl

      By asking out what do you mean? as in getting into a relationship? Because that would obviously be a mistake, especially if you don't know the girl. I've never understood that at all. Step 1. befriend/get to know, that's how you become attracted unless it's purely superficial right? Step 2. THEN you ask her out. But how do you befriend her? I don't know the situation and how she knows you, so i can't really give advice on how to approach this without further information. It's definately not a bad idea opening a whole new group of people up to you, you never know one of them may change your life. Just make sure you open with friendship with this girl, that way you don't risk your feelings and especially hers.

      soz about the wall of text.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Quill ().

    • Re: Quick Q about asking out a girl

      Thats what i would normally say, but i don't know. Basiclly i'm in the girls tutor class. 10 mins every friday. Never spoken to her, never really see her. Just another strager i guess. It's wierd, in my head i think that it's fine going up to someone you don't know and asking them out - in a relationship - is fine, but asking them to be friends is wierd. Logic tells me thats backwards but thts how i feel for some reason lol. I guess it's just what i see around me all the time.

      So how would you go about becoming friends with someone in your college, who you never really see or have ever spoken to? lol. Oh and i don't think she's friends with any of my friends so there's no one i know who can introduce me. I know what people are thinking, this is sounding like a worse and worse plan. I have nothing better though so shhh :P
      [CENTER]If you want something, set it free. If it comes back then it's yours forever. If not, then it was never yours to begin with.[/CENTER]
    • Re: Quick Q about asking out a girl

      As much as i hate starting up an old thread, just wanted to update. I've been through a week of hell. Somehow i'm still here at the end of it. I've become close friends (via facebook chat) with someone new and they're helping me out.

      Tommorow i will see the girl i mentioned above again. I'm still determined to talk to her, maybe i see it as some kind of hurdle. However, I've decided trying to make friends with her is the better option, so thanks for the advice.

      Not sure how i'm going to do it. I've never spoken to her. If i'm lucky, we'll sit next to each other for under 5 mins before we leave for an hours free. Maybe i can tell her i want to have a chat with her after, tell her what position i'm in, and tell her i really need to make new friends. Then i can see what she says and go from there.

      If she says no, well i don't have to see her for at least 2 weeks so no big deal :) Anyway thats my update, thanks =)
      [CENTER]If you want something, set it free. If it comes back then it's yours forever. If not, then it was never yours to begin with.[/CENTER]
    • Re: Quick Q about asking out a girl

      I think you should one day if one of your friends is talking to her go up to him and start a conversation with both of them so you get to know her more. Then after a while of getting to know each other you can try and ask her to a place to hang out or watch a movie together. And if she says yes a lot of times and always wants to be with you then i suggest you ask her out as she would obviously like you.