Story Time From The MVP

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  • Story Time From The MVP

    MVP has a penis. This girl in the teen forum loved the MVP and his penis. And she was all over the MVP penis. On a daily basis, she used to be on the MVPs dick. Until one day, the MVP met a new chick in the teen forum. She was cuter and willing to show what MVP loves. So MVP dedicated more attention to the new girl and the old girl was jealous cuz she had no more attention from the MVP. So the old girl started to retreat and "tried" dissing the MVP. But the MVP is too good for that and ignored her like he always did. So the new girl was from Australia and is my number 1 girl right now. So the old girl can go where ever she wants to go. I don't wanna curse, cuz I don't wanna sink to her level. Also, she had the audacity to insult the themvp forum. Ain't that something?