I have a belly...but skinny else where.

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    • I have a belly...but skinny else where.

      Okay I have this so called Curvy belly. Around my nable it kind of dips in. I don't really eat that much. But I have always had it. I guess its baby fat. I have tried ALOT of things to get rid of it. Diets (I can usually stick to. I don't really eat much.), vitamins (they made me get neausea), walking (I love to do.), and occassional crunches (I can do fifty no problem. Favorite work out.). I'm not really an active person though. I get tired real easy. I mean dog tired, like wanting to pass out.
      I am not really over weight. I'm pretty skinny except in my tummy. Maybe considering my thighs and butt. But I'd like to keep that. Because if I lose it I have no butt. haha
      I've finally got some of the body I want in that area. But I have the tummy problem as I said. Oh also when I lose weight I lose my freaking boobs! As always....
      I really need to tighten my tummy. But guess what? I've tired cardio. I lose it else where, not where I want it. So not motivating! I use to walk 51/2 miles every other day. And I eat right. I guess... Now its winter too cold to walk really. And my Mom don't want me going by myself. :/
      I don't really get that hungry. Honestly...
      So I have been considering that Contour belt thingy. Does it work?
      Or even Dexetrim.

      I'd like to have it shed by next year because I'm going to try out for a movie. And she's suppose to have a flat tummy.

      Age: 17 1/2
      Height: 5'3
      Weight: 130-135 I keep going up and down.
      Goal weight: 115 My old weight.

      Ohhh I hate the feeling when I sit or lay down. My fat gathers up. Eck! Have that?
      But when I stand, I look pretty skinny in certain cloths.

      Have any advice?
      I'd probably went round and round. haha Sorry.
      So what? I'm a Twilight Freak. haha Team Edward!
    • Re: I have a belly...but skinny else where.

      Don't bother with those belt thingys they won't help.
      In terms of diet:
      - Have 5/6 small but frequent meals, as this will keep up for metabolism (if you don't go without long periods of eating, your body can go into survival mode where it lowers your body's metabolism and stores fat from whatever foods that come in later which you don't want)
      - Target calories should be around 1200-1800 depending on your weight, I can't be bothered to calculate but guessing by reading your weight, 1500 calories should be ok. It shouldn't be any less than 1200, for the survival mode reasons, your body needs nutrition no matter what.
      - Dieting is easy for you, as you say, so I'm trust you know what stuff to eat. Also don't exclude healthy fats from your diet, incase you didn't know about em.
      - Have loads of water.

      Now exercise, this is quite important, not as important as the diet, but still VERY important.
      There are a few things you can do such as, low intensity cardio (LIC) for quite a long time, or high intensity interval training (HIIT) for a short period of time. Personally, I would go for HITT, because although it is shorter than LIC, it can burn as much as double the amount that LIC burns due to it's interval nature, and ALSO it can burn fat after exericise as your metabolism will stay quite high after it. A 18 minute skipping rop example of HITT:

      5 mins warm-up.

      One interval of skipping:
      2 mins - Low intensity skipping
      1 min - High intensity skipping

      Do this for about 6 intervals, and it's done. How do you know if it's done intense enough? Well the first few times you do this, you will feel dead in about 5-10 minutes. Hardly time-consuming, but very effective. And you can also do this what a lot of stuff such as cycling, jogging/sprinting.

      Low-intensity cardio - Well you just jog for like 30+ mins at a steady state. Will burn fat, but not as much as HITT.

      And also, try to include abs exercises and if you want resistance training too (not necessary but it can help).

      And remember be patient with results, don't listen to those idiotic ads where they say you lose like 20 pounds in one week or some bullshit. Losing 1-3 pounds a week is good going. And remember you will lose fat from all over your body, you cannot do spot reduction.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by kapow ().

    • Re: I have a belly...but skinny else where.

      from a guys opinion.. a little bit of a belly is cute sometimes. im not saying like fat girl huge kinda thing (tho fat girls can be some of the nicest people.. my bff is one :) )

      but anyway.. id have to see, but i dont see a single prob with how you are now. if a guy is only interested in you for your bodyt hen you dont wanna dat ehim anyway..

      unless ur a nymphomaniac and just want a one nighter