just looking for some help

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    • just looking for some help

      hi. my name is jenn. im 15. and i have been cutting since about 3rd grade. and i hate every minute of it. the thing is i want to stop i really do. but, i cant. i think what was once a release of pain and anger has become a full blown addiction. i have a really close friend that has been trying to help me stop but for some reason i cant. please if anyone has any kind of advice im just looking for some kind of help. i hate trying to hide the scars i hate that the only time i can smile is when im causing myself pain. is there help for someone who has fallin so deep in this downward tunnel of pain? anything you say can help please i just want to know im not helpless.

    • Re: just looking for some help

      hmmm...maybe you can't see it, but cutting isn't really a physical addiction. like you won't have immense withdraw symptoms if you stop so that's on the good side of quitting. well, can you give anymore insight as to why you cut or something? how often? how severe? i need to get a general idea of what your dealing with.
      My Blog --- gatlinock.blogspot.com/
      Last Updated: Sunday, November 29, 2009
    • Re: just looking for some help

      May i just say, it's great you want to stop this, some people won't even try helping/seeking help, however it seems you are really wanting to overcome this.=]
      I think the main thing here is to find someone to help you overcome the problem. Are there any people around in your area to help people with this kind of stuff? Does anyone know you are doing this? It's best that someone knows so they can help you to stop, despite being sad to hear. I have felt urges to harm before now, and distracting yourself from it is hard, as you probably know. To be honest i couldn't have overcome that urge without the people i have seen over the past year, whom in which have helped a lot. It's good you have a close friend that is trying to help you, however issues like these may require professionals as they have trained to help in the needed way. I'm not sure if you have ever done this or thought about it, but i'd honestly reccomend it. I understand completely how this must be affecting you.=[ What is it specifically that makes you want to harm or is it just an addicted feeling?
    • Re: just looking for some help

      number one hi
      i do understand its not a "true" addiction but its the only way i can explain it
      why do i cut ... well i guess you can say it started with my parents. all i want is for them to accept the person i am and yet everyday i here how i was unwanted and a mistake they give me a lot of crap all the time and i guess it gets way to much for me. i cut when i get extremely upset or really angry how often... yet another good question. foryears it was very controllable maybe once of month every other month but lately its been kind of out of hand. about everyday. the infection of it really depends on what happened how bad my parents yell at me how much someone tells me im terrible most of the time not terrible deep but a few times enough to make me pass out.
      i hope that gives you some kind of insight.

      ---------- Post added at 08:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:01 PM ----------

      CalifornianDream wrote:

      May i just say, it's great you want to stop this, some people won't even try helping/seeking help, however it seems you are really wanting to overcome this.=]
      I think the main thing here is to find someone to help you overcome the problem. Are there any people around in your area to help people with this kind of stuff? Does anyone know you are doing this? It's best that someone knows so they can help you to stop, despite being sad to hear. I have felt urges to harm before now, and distracting yourself from it is hard, as you probably know. To be honest i couldn't have overcome that urge without the people i have seen over the past year, whom in which have helped a lot. It's good you have a close friend that is trying to help you, however issues like these may require professionals as they have trained to help in the needed way. I'm not sure if you have ever done this or thought about it, but i'd honestly reccomend it. I understand completely how this must be affecting you.=[ What is it specifically that makes you want to harm or is it just an addicted feeling?

      thank you.
      i do have a really good friend that helps me the best he can as for as getting professional help theres no way my parents will buy into that. htey have found may razors of mine and just say nothing. so ive tried everything else. thats why i came here so maybe someone can help me. what makes me want to harm ... alot parents friends school mostly juts trying to be perfect for my parents casue i know if im not they will never accept me.if that makes any kind of since
    • Re: just looking for some help

      impulse wrote:

      number one hi
      i do understand its not a "true" addiction but its the only way i can explain it
      why do i cut ... well i guess you can say it started with my parents. all i want is for them to accept the person i am and yet everyday i here how i was unwanted and a mistake they give me a lot of crap all the time and i guess it gets way to much for me. i cut when i get extremely upset or really angry how often... yet another good question. foryears it was very controllable maybe once of month every other month but lately its been kind of out of hand. about everyday. the infection of it really depends on what happened how bad my parents yell at me how much someone tells me im terrible most of the time not terrible deep but a few times enough to make me pass out.
      i hope that gives you some kind of insight.

      yes, perfect insight, now on a scale of 1-10 rate your will power and motivation to quit cutting(1 being none and 10 being the most possible). also, how many objects do you keep in your household for the purpose of self-harm? your best bet to begin with is actually take any and all objects and find a way to permanently dispose of them. as it seems you have cut so bad you have passed out, i have to stress heavily that you take care of your wounds! if you get the wrong kind of bacterial infections then you will find yourself in a terrible situation. as with any "addiction" you have to quit gradually, to ensure that it happens easily. maybe try to tone it down to every 2 weeks, then onto every month, then onto every 6 months and so on until you forget to cut.

      you do need willpower to quit, otherwise you won't be able to do it. i can help you to the best of my knowledge as needed.

      any questions or concerns? ask away. =] best of luck.
      My Blog --- gatlinock.blogspot.com/
      Last Updated: Sunday, November 29, 2009
    • Re: just looking for some help

      Rise of Gatlinock wrote:

      yes, perfect insight, now on a scale of 1-10 rate your will power and motivation to quit cutting(1 being none and 10 being the most possible). also, how many objects do you keep in your household for the purpose of self-harm? your best bet to begin with is actually take any and all objects and find a way to permanently dispose of them. as it seems you have cut so bad you have passed out, i have to stress heavily that you take care of your wounds! if you get the wrong kind of bacterial infections then you will find yourself in a terrible situation. as with any "addiction" you have to quit gradually, to ensure that it happens easily. maybe try to tone it down to every 2 weeks, then onto every month, then onto every 6 months and so on until you forget to cut.

      you do need willpower to quit, otherwise you won't be able to do it. i can help you to the best of my knowledge as needed.

      any questions or concerns? ask away. =] best of luck.

      thank you very much
      as far as will power i guess i havent even thought that far into it
      all i know is i just want to stop.
      i understand the caring for the wounds ive gotten terrible infections before when i was younger from it i take good care of them all now however.
      i will try you method to the best of my ability
      i thank you very very much for you words
    • Re: just looking for some help

      impulse wrote:

      thank you very much
      as far as will power i guess i havent even thought that far into it
      all i know is i just want to stop.
      i understand the caring for the wounds ive gotten terrible infections before when i was younger from it i take good care of them all now however.
      i will try you method to the best of my ability
      i thank you very very much for you words

      no problem, PM me as needed.

      seriously, think about willpower! now! if you don't evaluate it, then you won't get anywhere. point blank.
      My Blog --- gatlinock.blogspot.com/
      Last Updated: Sunday, November 29, 2009

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Rise of Gatlinock: Grammer ().

    • Re: just looking for some help

      jenn i tell you this all the time (and Gatinlock has the same idea) you really need to believe in yourself. I realize there are other problems contributing to it, but if you tryuly believe in your head that you can stop this then it will happen so much more easily. good luck in finding help. i love you
      [CENTER][SIZE="2"]"I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat, I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me." - Dr. Seuss[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: just looking for some help

      Æxitosus wrote:

      jenn i tell you this all the time (and Gatinlock has the same idea) you really need to believe in yourself. I realize there are other problems contributing to it, but if you tryuly believe in your head that you can stop this then it will happen so much more easily. good luck in finding help. i love you

      alex you werent actually supposed to read this
      you know where i stand first hand on this and you know how i truly feel
      thanks for everything you have done tho
      i can not tell you how amazing you are.
    • Re: just looking for some help

      impulse wrote:

      alex you werent actually supposed to read this
      you know where i stand first hand on this and you know how i truly feel
      thanks for everything you have done tho
      i can not tell you how amazing you are.

      tooo late
      jenn i just want you to be okay. i want my best friend to be with me my whole life. i dont want her to have a hard time dealing with problems. i only want whats best for her. you dont need to thank me, just be okay. i know its hard, but its all i ask of you. be okay.
      [CENTER][SIZE="2"]"I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat, I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me." - Dr. Seuss[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: just looking for some help

      impulse wrote:

      hi. my name is jenn. im 15. and i have been cutting since about 3rd grade. and i hate every minute of it. the thing is i want to stop i really do. but, i cant. i think what was once a release of pain and anger has become a full blown addiction. i have a really close friend that has been trying to help me stop but for some reason i cant. please if anyone has any kind of advice im just looking for some kind of help. i hate trying to hide the scars i hate that the only time i can smile is when im causing myself pain. is there help for someone who has fallin so deep in this downward tunnel of pain? anything you say can help please i just want to know im not helpless.


      The statement in bold is by no means true, you can stop. Overcoming an addiction is anything but easy, but it certainly is possible.

      You have already completed the first step to overcoming, and that is realizing that it is a problem and that you want to stop.. however that is sadly enough the easiest part. What comes next is exercising will power and self discipline. Though quitting may seem like an impossible feat, it is all truly about mindset and self control. You are in control more than you think, you have always been in control. Everytime you pick up the razor, or whatever it is you use to cut, you are making the conscious decision to self inflict. What you need to do is fight the urge, whenever something triggers the need to cut just ignore the calling.

      I found a very useful method of quitting an addiction is to replace it with something else, or do something to take your mind off of it. In other words, find another escape. This could be anything at all.. such as confiding in someone whenever you feel the urge to cut, writing, working out. My own personal course of action for overcoming my drug addiction was playing video games to take my mind off of my need to do them and focus it on something else. Really, it can be anything you enjoy doing, just find something to replace cutting with. Though it will ease the tension a little bit, doing so will not completely take away the urge.. though it will most certainly help a tad bit to focus on something else, so don't be alarmed if when you are doing whatever it is you choose as a replacement does not completely take away your addiction on the first few tries. Just keep on the said replacement everytime you feel the need to cut, and practice self control whenever you want to cut by not doing it and sticking to quitting.

      You have the strength. Just remember that you are the one in control, not the addiction.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?