
    • advice,advicee

      soo basically I'm new at a school, well I'm about a little more than 2 months in. and I'm naturally a little shy, but usually end up being friends with almost everyone. Now, I'm having a little trouble with becoming friends with some of the girls in my grade. like I guess they're pretty popular and they always go out partying. and that's how I am...i just can't seem to be cool around them. its like I'm intimidated by them or you guys have any tips?
      i don't want to come over as a desperate wannabe I just want to get to know them better...
    • Re: advice,advicee

      Do you hang with anyone else each day?
      It's good that you want to get to know a wide range of people, however it seems difficult when a few build a good friendship and form into a group, and usually stick to that group. Why do you think there's possibly intimidation though? If you have similar interests to them you'll probably mix well, and as long as you be yourself and just try your best to talk and mix with them, that's the best you can do=] I pressume they aren't shy, or are they? If they're not, you probably just feel like you do because you are. I feel the same when i try mixing with a group of people, i just try my best to be sociable and if it doesn't work i know i'll always end up finding someone to mix with anyway.=]
    • Re: advice,advicee

      black jim morrison wrote:

      just find the hottest bitch there and make it your goal to bang her, ASAP! and if you have the skill and succeed in having sex with her, you'll be the man.


      While I don't agree with the above poster, I find it a great suggestion! :wink:

      Just be yourself! Don't worry about if you can't be friends with EVERYONE - you don't need to be. That's a goal I once had for myself when starting high school, but it died down after I realized that not EVERYBODY is going to like you, and the smaller amount of friends you have, the closer you are to that group. GL!
      :drink: [SIZE=2][SIZE=3]Livin' tha gud lyfe[/SIZE].[/SIZE]