COD: modern warfare 2

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    • Re: COD: modern warfare 2

      Oats&squats wrote:

      1. Remember Mario? Games like that never come out now. All games today are crappy over priced pieces of shit. 2. Multilayer is slapped on every game that comes out now to justify 3. its short 4 hour story mode. PC gaming is still okay since valve is still making great games but 4.consoles are pretty much dead. Consoles used to be about having friends over to play but now split screen is dead. All I need is my pc ,my snes,my n64 and my ps2.

      ......*sigh* OK I'll bite the elitist PC trollbait......
      1. Comparing Mario to CoD:MW series? Seriously? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
      2. The multiplayer of MW2 is not slapped on.
      3. I would take the 8 original, intense hours of CoD4's campaign over a medicore 100+ hour game (*cough* Oblivion *cough*) any day.
      4. Consoles seem to be pretty alive to me.....
      [COLOR="Blue"][/COLOR] Captain: "What do we alway say?"
      [COLOR="Red"][/COLOR] Crowd: "1....2....3.... DON'T GET ELIMINATED!!!"
    • Re: COD: modern warfare 2

      Oats&squats wrote:

      Remember Mario? Games like that never come out now. All games today are crappy over priced pieces of shit. Multilayer is slapped on every game that comes out now to justify its short 4 hour story mode. PC gaming is still okay since valve is still making great games but consoles are pretty much dead. Consoles used to be about having friends over to play but now split screen is dead. All I need is my pc ,my snes,my n64 and my ps2.

      You're a big silly billy. All of what you said is wrong and poor.
    • Re: COD: modern warfare 2

      Are you kidding? consoles are great, to be honest computer gaming is soon going to be a memory.

      And so what if there are no dedicated servers? Yeah its a shame. But if its that big a deal then just dont get the game, the amount of whingers is ridiculus.

      Remember Cod4? That was way amazing. Only modern warfare 2 has really surpassed it. Although this is from what I have heard.

      bad news is that my parents are making me wait untill Christmas to get it.
    • Re: COD: modern warfare 2

      Alex wrote:

      Are you kidding? consoles are great, to be honest computer gaming is soon going to be a memory.

      And so what if there are no dedicated servers? Yeah its a shame. But if its that big a deal then just dont get the game, the amount of whingers is ridiculus.

      Remember Cod4? That was way amazing. Only modern warfare 2 has really surpassed it. Although this is from what I have heard.

      bad news is that my parents are making me wait untill Christmas to get it.

      computer gaming won't be a memory, you forget MMORPGs like world of warcraft
      My Blog ---
      Last Updated: Sunday, November 29, 2009
    • Re: COD: modern warfare 2

      Like 2 months ago I'd of said that console games are better but PCs actually win in the gaming category. People who think its a controller problem can just plug in a 360 or PS3 controller into their computer and use it. But everything is superior on the PC, better graphics, better sound, and if you have a good monitor you can get a crystal clear large resolution. Not to mention you can usually mod PC games easily and play online on custom servers for free. Consoles are superior in that you can buy the games and play without worrying about system requirements (not that I need to.) I think console developers are getting as sloppy as PC developres though as they don't have to perfect the game 100% before shipping since they can be patched now.

      Anyways, PC gaming is superior to console gaming hands down, and I'm pissed that these developers are dumbing down the PC versions of games so they can run on PS3 or 360. I'm also pissed off that Squaresoft is dumbing down FF13 so it can run on the 360, and they did dumb it down because I've played the PS3 demo. Squaresoft is a bunch of morons if they think they're going to make money on a 360 version of FF13. Last time I checked they made their millions off of Sony but they're out of their minds if they think that their going to sell as much games on the 360, the market for the Madden and FPS games than the PS3, with a market for RPG and strategy games. the PS3 PS3 exlusives, like Uncharted 2 or Demon Soul are much better than the 360 exclusives.

      COD4:MW2 could've had much more potential if they made a 'pristine version' that had the best possible graphics that could run on PCs and just reduce the graphics quality for the 360 and PS3. I was playing it earlier and if they think that they can get me to waste $60 on that game then they must be out of there minds. Besides the fact that the game is on the news today, it doesn't vastly improve anything from the previous game, much less FPSs. I'll just wait for Bad Company 2 to come out, if you want to get a better game than this just buy InFamous or Uncharted 2.
      I give cam shows every now and then, but I MUST know you and be comfortable with you before I will do them for you! If interested, contact me and get to know me!
    • Re: COD: modern warfare 2

      Alex wrote:

      Are you kidding? consoles are great, to be honest computer gaming is soon going to be a memory.

      And so what if there are no dedicated servers? Yeah its a shame. But if its that big a deal then just dont get the game, the amount of whingers is ridiculus.

      Remember Cod4? That was way amazing. Only modern warfare 2 has really surpassed it. Although this is from what I have heard.

      bad news is that my parents are making me wait untill Christmas to get it.

      Yeah consoles like the Nes, Snes, Saturn, N64, Dreamcast and Ps2 are a amazing. PC gaming is still where its at.

      Do you even know what dedicated servers are? If you did you wouldn't say them being dropped is no big deal.
    • Re: COD: modern warfare 2

      I loooooove single player. Oblivion and Fallout have stolen so much of my life from me.

      Don't get me wrong, I like multiplayer, but only with friends. Alone I just get tired of it. Same old shit over and over. You can say the same for single player, but at least there you have epic moments or some freedom, depending on the game. And plot, and characters. Not just stupid, mindless, senseless killing over and over and over.

      As for the whole Console versus PC thing, I play happily on my 360, because I like a controller and to play on a TV. Also, I cannot afford to buy an at all decent gaming computer.
    • Re: COD: modern warfare 2

      I like single player to some extent, but I did not purchase MW2 for single player. However, MW2 does have a very good campaign, and it's something to do on an off day if your internet isn't working or Live is down and you need your CoD fix.

      And for the PC elitists...LOL@YOU. I cannot wait till PC gaming is completely dead because of piracy.
    • Re: COD: modern warfare 2

      DamnImGood wrote:

      If you had played a first person shooter on the PC with dedicated servers you wouldn't be saying "so what?". I've played COD4 extensively on the PC and the 360 and I can confidently say the PC version is better in every. Single. Way. There is not ONE thing better about the console version of COD4 compared to the PC version. The only thing that the console version has "over" the PC version is prestige mode, which is nothing more than creating a new profile on the PC (and is a rather pointless and unskillful endeavour).

      I agree w/this. Alot of Pc gamers are pissed off at Iw cuz there are no ded servers and everything. Me and my bf were gonna get it on pc before we found that out but now we might as well just get it for the 360 and play it on there....