rejected, is there still hope?

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    • rejected, is there still hope?

      hi people.
      right, on tuesday i asked a girl out for the first time. for the first tme 1)partially because i didn't have the balls, 2)all my other relationships just happened (i didn't ask them out.)
      I was very confident she liked me maybe cause i don't have all that much experience with girls but for example whenever she saw me she smiled and when i said somthing that she didn't hear to my friend she would want to know straight away, i made her laugh a lot and she wantd to sit with me in class.
      she already knew i fancied her because my so called friends wer telling her everything i was telling them (e.g. "were practically married!" and the amount of aftershave i put on "by accident" but she could probably smell the latter. :D )
      anyways I felt really under pressure to tell her, i had recieved "threats"
      such as "if you don't ask her at break im asking her for you" so i spent my break searching the school for her i found her like a minuite before next lesson and all her friends were there. she looked sightly embarresed and kind of went off to her lesson in a smiley brisk walk. when i got to my lesson my teacher was not there so we went to the cover lesson room. on my way there i saw her at her class, our eyes met for about 5 seconds so i approached her and asked if i could talk to her. she agreed and this is the conversation as i remeber it.

      me: heyyyy ***** i think you know what i want to say.:o

      her: ye ***** and ****** and ****** told me in catering.:o
      i share a little inside joke "evils" glare
      she laughes
      me: first i want you to know i probably wouldn't be doing this now but *** said if i didn't do it now he would do it for me
      me: anyway errrm you obviously know how i feel.... i was wondering if you maybe feel the same way............
      5-10 seconds of me looking into her eyes for an answer

      her: eerm, oscar i like you as a friend but not like....

      me: oh.....fake laugh right later then
      i go round the corner:cries:

      and thats what happened

      when i got home i went on facebook and sent her this message
      im sorry if i made you feel embarresed at school today. To be honest the last thing I wanted to do was ask you out today because i only just started talking to you outside R.E like yesterday. I kinda felt pressured into telling you personally because ***was saying if i didn't ask you out at break time then he would do it for me. i didn't want it to be like that.i hope we can still be friends though?

      its ok dnt worry.
      + yeh sure its fine :)

      thanks. :)

      And i havent talked to her since. when we see eachother we have both avoided eachothers glances. i see her quickly turn away whe she has been looking at me and i do the same but i still love her:confused:
      this happened on the 11th of november it's now the15th.
      The day after i asked i was talking to the guy that was going to ask her for me and he had asked her. he toldme what she had said and that was : i think i have some feelings for him but i dont know hm well enough to go out with him. i felt slightly better after that until i found out that shewas ignoring me.

      please give me some advice and bear in mind when you comment that i do still love her and i don't think much can chage that now unless she keeps igoring
      me for ever :( please don't post things about what i could have done because it's happened and i don't owna time machine like so many of you lucky people out there seem to.

      thank you
      (sorry for any typing mistakes you have to push the keys really hard on my keyboardforthem to work properly)e.g space bar.

      ---------- Post added at 10:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 AM ----------

      BTW i kinda forgot the point in this post it took me like an hour and a half but by what she said to the other guy
      "The day after i asked i was talking to the guy that was going to ask her for me and he had asked her. he toldme what she had said and that was : i think i have some feelings for him but i dont know hm well enough to go out with him."

      Does this mean that i could still have a shot. if so, im willing to wait as long as i have to wait for that shot. (a year)
    • Re: rejected, is there still hope?

      personally i think you should make an effort to talk to her, try sending her an email saying that you dont want to lose her as a friend and you want to carry on talking to her... or something like that

      then just talk to her in school as if the asking out never happened.. then after a few weeks or something, you could ask again

      it would help to become friends with her friends too, that way if she asks them about you in any way, then they can be honest and nice (since your their friend too) rather than guessing
      we all got troubles, we all got pain, we try to hang onto love, try to keep it the same, we all got issues, i put mine in my songs, sometimes im not fine but im carrying on
    • Re: rejected, is there still hope?

      ATR wrote:

      You should avoid her as much as possible. You like her as more than friends - she does not. That is not a compatible friendship.

      At least you had the balls to ask her out, takes allot of guts.:) Unlucky this time dude, time to move on.

      thanks but no thanks. considering i sit next to her in some lesson seating plans i would have a very hard time avoiding her and also i really don't want to end the bond. other people have done it. time can heal many wounds i guesse.