The One That Slipped Away???

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    • The One That Slipped Away???

      I have been asking for advice quite a bit and I thank everyone who has helped me but I was wondering what I could do in this situation.

      I metioned how I never really had a friend that was a girl and that I couldn't talk to girls, but there was one that I think I connected with well.

      The Story

      I was in my junior year in high school and I still rode the bus because I had a late birthday and didn't have my license yet. I usually just sat down anywhere there was a seat because I was the last kid to get picked up since I lived so close to the school.

      The Girl - her name is Kaitlyn, she was a grade below me but under a year younger then me and lived the street over. I did play with her as a kid because everyone would in the neighborhood. She is a very cute girl but she has an even better personality, she is very smart and took honors class in HS and took classes I did previous (like Cisco Networking). She basically likes a lot of the same music that I did.

      Anyway, I sat next to her one day on the bus ride home and she happily let me sit down, because there wasn't any room. We talked and became friendly, she would sit with me every once in a while and we would talk about anything. I wouldn't sit with her everyday but lets say an average of 2x a week.

      Anyway summer came and I didn't see her until one night when I was taking a walk because I was feeling down and I talked to her about the school year coming up, I met her boyfriend and since he was there I didn't ask her anything.

      When my senior year came around the routine started again and I would talk to her until I got my license and started driving to school in October. I didn't see her for a week or 2 because I didn't notice her but I realized that when I got out of my 2nd period class, she was in the classroom next to me and since we were at the end of the school, we both had to walk far to our next class.

      She actually said "Hi" the first time she saw me (hence me not paying attention till then) and we would talk every once in a while. Now if she was talking to someone else or was just ahead of me I didn't always try to talk to her to make me look creepy. We got along pretty good and we would talk every once in a while. She was the only girl that ever told me about things that happened in her life like over the weekend, etc... I never flirted with her, because I was shy and I knew her boyfriend and he was a nice kid and I respected him so I never really asked for a means of contact with her.

      Anyway I thought about asking her to the senior ball but I just never did, I feared that it would ruin her view of me being friendly and plus I wasn't seeing her as often in the latter of the year and that wasn't the best place to ask.

      I didn't see her, yet I would go by her house occasionally, but never saw her. I did see her when I went to a huge fair but she said "Hi" and walked by with her boyfriend and I wanted to stop and talk but she didn't get my sign (a lot of people were there)

      That was the last time I saw her and even though she lives the street over and I still go by every once in a while, do I still have a chance to at least be friends. Because I think it would be creepy/stalkish if I went to her house and actually rang the doorbell and attempted to talk to her.

      So should I just forget about the only girl that was friendly with me, because I honestly would get nervous talking to her, more nervous than even the hottest girl in my grade.
    • Re: The One That Slipped Away???

      dude this is gonna sound so harsh but ive been in that boat

      you dont go fishing, catch one fish then go home and never do it again

      You have OVER THOUGHT this sooooooo much, like wow bro, i guess when you only have one girl to focus on it gets like that, honestly man, you just need to get out there and meet more girls, you really should, your will get more confident around them and you will meet another one that you will start to like and she will be single this time

      If Kaitlyn already has a good bf then you should really let it go, as the old saying goes, there are always more fish in the sea, so go out and socialize, practice makes perfect :)
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    • Re: The One That Slipped Away???

      Kevmo7 wrote:

      dude this is gonna sound so harsh but ive been in that boat

      you dont go fishing, catch one fish then go home and never do it again

      You have OVER THOUGHT this sooooooo much, like wow bro, i guess when you only have one girl to focus on it gets like that, honestly man, you just need to get out there and meet more girls, you really should, your will get more confident around them and you will meet another one that you will start to like and she will be single this time

      If Kaitlyn already has a good bf then you should really let it go, as the old saying goes, there are always more fish in the sea, so go out and socialize, practice makes perfect :)

      Not really harsh, I understand what you mean. But I would like to just even be friends with her, but what can I really do now?