Why is she like this?and what should i do?

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    • Why is she like this?and what should i do?

      There is a girl that i used to love a few years ago. she loved me 2 but unfortunatly, it didnt worked out.(long story)we lost contact for nearly a year, and she sent me a message asking how i was doing and all.I replied, we started to talk to each other again, and even more recently, she said that i had changed, i looked more confident maybe a little too much.a few days after, i talked to her on msn and she was really cold to me. i asked what was wrong, she replied that i disapointed her (WTF?) she said she used to love me when i was kind,loving and caring."Sometimes i just feel like stabbing you to see if u can keep your cocky attitude with a knife in your chest"(thats exactly what she said) i know she didnt really meant it.two days after, i met her on my way home. we talked,i asked her why she felt like killing me, why did i disapointed her,she just said: "i dunno man,you changed.u said thing that hurted me".I told her i didnt remember saying anything to make her feel that way.but if i did, i was sorry.
      Then i had to go, so i smiled and said i gotta go. I just hope that someday you can have a better opinion of me.She smiled and said, i hope so.
      and now here I am, trying to figure out what to think,
      what to do, and i know all this may sound stupid, but i really suck at emotional things so thats why i need your help cause i kinda like her
    • Re: Why is she like this?and what should i do?

      AH dude don't fall for it! What she's saying is "I miss the old guy who I told what to do. I don't like/I'm not sure what I think of this new confident guy that won't put up with my tests."

      Just keep on doing what you're doing. You're not doing anything wrong. She is the one with a problem because she wants you to change yourself for her
    • Re: Why is she like this?and what should i do?

      Abyzzian wrote:

      well, its true taht im over confident sometimes. and i know ive changed a lot. sometimes, i act as if the world was all mine

      and there's not a thing wrong with that! You go on and keep doing what you're doing. When she brings up how you are now, you just say something like "All the other girls seem to love it" or something silly. Just let her know you're here to stay and you won't change because she wants you too
    • Re: Why is she like this?and what should i do?

      Well, everybody changes some in their life.
      I had that problem too though.
      I tried to date an ex again and he was too different than I remembered him.
      It's normal for somebody to change, it's life.

      It didn't work out for a reason and there isn't really anything you can do about it, but move on.
    • Re: Why is she like this?and what should i do?

      it sounds to me like she still has feelings for you like you do for her. but she has feelings for the you she dated over a year ago. if you really want to go ahead and try to start again with her, you need to talk with her and let her know that this is who you are now, and if she can't accept that, then maybe it's time to move on. the attitude you have now is great! that's the kind of attitude you need these years of your life. it will help you excel in building your future.
    • Re: Why is she like this?and what should i do?

      It's pretty much impossible to say for certain what she is thinking or feeling, but the first thing that pops into my head is that she wants attention. You've changed, obviously for the better, and perhaps she is jealous or lonely, but girls have a thing for drama.

      I can't imagine that you've changed so drastically in such a short period of time that would lead you to purposefully hurt people without even knowing it, so her saying that you said things that hurt her and that you're like some terrible person leads me to believe that she's overreacting.

      Maybe she just wants to be comforted, maybe she just wants to you apologize and say you're sorry (even if she has to make up something that you did to get it).

      Either way, she seems too drama, and it's likely that moving on is for the best.
    • Re: Why is she like this?and what should i do?

      loll to anti-hero14 XD the thing is that, and every guy has to agree on that one, you can have thousands of girls in your life. But you will always remember one.i think it's the case with her. I don't think i love her as i used 2 but i still have feelings for her.
    • Re: Why is she like this?and what should i do?

      I think that she wants attention,because when a girl is hot and cold all the time(figure of speach)means that they want your attention.First they are all over you making sure u r liking them and when they think that u like them, she will go all cold on you, so that way she makes sure that she is in your mind worrying about what you've donne to uppset her...in other words it a way to play with peoples emotions(control).(Iknow because i used to do it all the time...pathetic r8t?)
      Its aither that or:She fell in ''love'' with the guy u USED 2 be before...
      My advise to you is to just leave be,let HER come to YOU,just be nice to her when you see her(act indifferent)What i mean by that is that don't let her know u like her!
      Girls are like that,when they have the guy they don't want him,but when the guy show's no interest they want him...or sumit like that...geezz...i hope that made sense!lol:rolleyes:
      Good luck!
      U should try it...there is no harm trying...:wink: