
    • aaargh so frustrated i want to rant. k last year my 2 suposedly closest friends always used to go out together every weekend and never asked me to go cos supposedly i looked too young even though i was older than them. neway then i had to go through every Monday and Tuesday with them going on about the weekend. Recently now i they started to ask me out and also to cinema mid week but Ive been really busy with loads of homework and i work weekends so i haven't been able to go to the cinema and they always are getting at me so i feel really stressed but i have gone to party's and pubs when they ask me .But i feel awkward with a lot of their conversations cos their always talking about people i don't no from when they go out together i feel really secluded.Then they went out to the pub this Friday and sat didnt text to ask me to go out and i asked her why today and shes just said 'cos u never go out so we've just given up asking you' i just feel really frustrated and really left out of the group. and i just want to tell her that i hate going out with them when they actually bother to ask me cos their always talking about people i don't no and leaving me out of the conversation but i don't want to say anything cos i hate arguments.
    • they dont sound like they're really your friends... you should hang out with people that wont pressure you to come out with them and wont leave you out.

      maybe you should try to tell them how you feel? I mean ranting is good but you're not going to get anywhere if they dont know what's up.
      They probably dont leave you out on purpose, so try to see it from their point of view.

      If you really cant handle being around them try making new friends that you'll feel more comfortable around :)