Maybe I need a

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    • Maybe I need a

      Ummm..... Okay how do I start this.... Well im depressed and ive been dealing with alot in my life right now. I've attempted suicide and I cut myself. I have not told any of my family and only told like one friend. I read some of this stuff posted on here about depression and self harm. but im not getting any of it. They all say the same thing and that is to tell someone and/or to stop and how it is not good for you and how there are alternatives. Well.. I hate to sound mean and im not trying to but really dont speak inless you know how we feel. Because It's not right I know how I feel and I feel there are no alternatives.

      I dont feel like any of these people had mentioned about why people cut themselves and why they self harm. Well if you want to know the truth about why we do it you can ask me. But i need help which is why I kind of came here. So if you know how I feel and really actually care then could you like message me... It would be nice to talk to someone who understands me. I need to vent. I write poetry too which is how i get some of my anger or depressinon out. But if you are interested in helping someone. Im here please I would love to talk and maybe I can help you with something too. But please??? :confused::cries::confused::cries::confused:
    • Re: Maybe I need a

      foreverdepressed wrote:

      Ummm..... Okay how do I start this.... Well im depressed and ive been dealing with alot in my life right now. I've attempted suicide and I cut myself. I have not told any of my family and only told like one friend. I read some of this stuff posted on here about depression and self harm. but im not getting any of it. They all say the same thing and that is to tell someone and/or to stop and how it is not good for you and how there are alternatives. Well.. I hate to sound mean and im not trying to but really dont speak inless you know how we feel. Because It's not right I know how I feel and I feel there are no alternatives.

      I dont feel like any of these people had mentioned about why people cut themselves and why they self harm. Well if you want to know the truth about why we do it you can ask me. But i need help which is why I kind of came here. So if you know how I feel and really actually care then could you like message me... It would be nice to talk to someone who understands me. I need to vent. I write poetry too which is how i get some of my anger or depressinon out. But if you are interested in helping someone. Im here please I would love to talk and maybe I can help you with something too. But please??? :confused::cries::confused::cries::confused:

      i cut, and have given advice in this forum. so, i do understand all about it in every aspect. what is it about it that you would like to talk about?
      My Blog ---
      Last Updated: Sunday, November 29, 2009
    • Re: Maybe I need a

      I know life can be a bitch, but it is not that bad. It just seems that way because you are depressed. I know how you feel. A couple of years ago I wanted to kill myself because I could not take the abuse I was receiving from other kids. But I decided not to do it and prove to myself and others that I am better than them. Recently I went through a short stage of depression, but I got out of it.
      What exactly is bothering you so much that it is making you so depressed?
      Another thing, please stop cutting yourself! What is the point? There is no logical reason to cut yourself! It just makes you feel worse.
      I know a guy who cuts himself. I get really angry with him when he does, because he has no particular reason to. He himself makes his life miserable because he is constantly getting into trouble, and he thinks his life sucks so much and then he follows some weird shit like vampirism.
      The point I'm getting at is life is as miserable as you make it out to be. I don't have a really fantastic life either, but I manage to get up and carry on. I know it is easier said than done, but it is the only way.
      One way I make myself happy is looking at Stand-Up comedy shows on YouTube. It cheers me up. Also, happy music. I'm not saying listen to Lady GaGa or some other stuff. If you like rock, there are bands such as Rooney, Bowling for Soup, The Killers, Yellowcard, All-American Rejects, The Dirty Skirts, etc. that are really cool.
      You said you like poetry. That is good, keep that up. It feels good to release your emotions into literature. But try to be a bit more positive, and enter some creative writing competitions. Who knows, you could just win!
      Feel free to send me a message if you want to talk.
      But I must apologize. I'm quite straight forward when I'm helping somebody. I care, but I don't beat around the bush, I face the issue head on.

      For now, here is a virtual hug <hug> :hugs:
    • Re: Maybe I need a

      Hiya :)

      You know, a lot of people get depressed. I think that everyone goes through a stage of it through their life at some point. It's a part of growing up. goes too far for some people, like you, and you get trapped.

      People can be depressed for many reasons. The mere strain of the difficulties or what lies ahead can be enough, something traumatic, something that plays on their mind - anything. You have your reasons, like everyone else. I'm not here to say "stop, it's bad for you", because I know it's damn hard to stop. Trust me, I've been through it too.

      So I'll tell you how I got over it; I forced myself. First of all, I forced myself to be confident, and I got involved with different people. Then, I forced myself to act happy - and after a while, you start to think, "why was I depressed?" While you may think that it's "fake" at first, it won't be. You do get better. It just takes time, yeah? Don't worry about it, it fades away with effort.

      If you find it's not working, find something to put your mind on - something that takes all your patience, dedication and skill. Soemthing regular. Yes?

      Good luck :)

      [LEFT][SIZE=4]My mind turns to metal, its gears are turning,[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]And my sanity withers and dies.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]This world all around me, it's bitter and twisted;[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]Reality, madness or lies?[/SIZE][/LEFT]
    • Re: Maybe I need a

      i used to cut, attempt suicide, make "death plans", and just be a mess. but then i found a really good friend that i could talk to about anything. maybe waht you need is a friend too.
      [SIZE=4]Make Life Worth Living:hugs:[/SIZE]
    • Re: Maybe I need a

      I still feel like I am going through what you are going through.

      And you asked WHY people do these things?

      Well, I think you would have to ask someone more advanced, but I just have to say that everyone will go through this at least once in their lifetime.

      Some steps to help are of course, to tell someone. Then you need to identify what's causing it. Are people pressuring you into this, being abusive? Or is it just immense stress?

      Then your going to have to work at it. Like stress, there are other ways to relieve yourself. There are breathing exercises and stress balls. Unfortunately I have to go now so I can't tell you anything else, but if you can please reply to all of these people who are here to help.
      [SIZE=4][SIZE=3]They see me trollin'...they hatin'... Moderatin'...Tryna catch me writin dirty.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Maybe I need a

      Rise of Gatlinock wrote:

      i cut, and have given advice in this forum. so, i do understand all about it in every aspect. what is it about it that you would like to talk about?

      Thanks... its just Idk anymore I feel theres no one who cares and I have nothing to live for....

      ---------- Post added at 05:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:05 AM ----------

      Tombgeek wrote:

      I know life can be a bitch, but it is not that bad. It just seems that way because you are depressed. I know how you feel. A couple of years ago I wanted to kill myself because I could not take the abuse I was receiving from other kids. But I decided not to do it and prove to myself and others that I am better than them. Recently I went through a short stage of depression, but I got out of it.
      What exactly is bothering you so much that it is making you so depressed?
      Another thing, please stop cutting yourself! What is the point? There is no logical reason to cut yourself! It just makes you feel worse.
      I know a guy who cuts himself. I get really angry with him when he does, because he has no particular reason to. He himself makes his life miserable because he is constantly getting into trouble, and he thinks his life sucks so much and then he follows some weird shit like vampirism.
      The point I'm getting at is life is as miserable as you make it out to be. I don't have a really fantastic life either, but I manage to get up and carry on. I know it is easier said than done, but it is the only way.
      One way I make myself happy is looking at Stand-Up comedy shows on YouTube. It cheers me up. Also, happy music. I'm not saying listen to Lady GaGa or some other stuff. If you like rock, there are bands such as Rooney, Bowling for Soup, The Killers, Yellowcard, All-American Rejects, The Dirty Skirts, etc. that are really cool.
      You said you like poetry. That is good, keep that up. It feels good to release your emotions into literature. But try to be a bit more positive, and enter some creative writing competitions. Who knows, you could just win!
      Feel free to send me a message if you want to talk.
      But I must apologize. I'm quite straight forward when I'm helping somebody. I care, but I don't beat around the bush, I face the issue head on.

      For now, here is a virtual hug <hug> :hugs:

      Thank you... and I honestly do know where you are coming from but there are reasons for cutting. there are points to it. I do it because its like a drug once you do it there is no easy way of stopping. Its called being a pain addict. Im addicted to the feeling. Pain doesnt hurt when its all you have ever known. It makes me feel better in soo many ways... Seeing my blood is something I enjoy. It is right now the only thing keeping me alive.
    • Re: Maybe I need a

      foreverdepressed wrote:

      Thanks... its just Idk anymore I feel theres no one who cares and I have nothing to live for....

      that's not true, people DO care for you, i know i do. you have plenty to live for and you can make a bright future for yourself. seems to me like you need some motivation?
      My Blog ---
      Last Updated: Sunday, November 29, 2009
    • Re: Maybe I need a

      Rise of Gatlinock wrote:

      that's not true, people DO care for you, i know i do. you have plenty to live for and you can make a bright future for yourself. seems to me like you need some motivation?

      I'm guessing thats it but I just don't know anymore. I know i'm not the only one out there but I know I'm sick and I'd rather die then tell an adult....that I know... This is because I know they just dont understand and will just send me to a mental hospital or something... That willl make things worse not better if i will have to spend my life like that then i dont want a life..
    • Re: Maybe I need a

      if you'd rather die than tell an adult, tell a friend =]. really. most likely it will help you out a ton. i know what's like to want to die every day of your wish that someone would gun you down on the street. you just have to build yourself up. surround yourself with people who care about you and won't judge you.
      My Blog ---
      Last Updated: Sunday, November 29, 2009
    • Re: Maybe I need a

      foreverdepressed wrote:

      Thanks... its just Idk anymore I feel theres no one who cares and I have nothing to live for....

      ---------- Post added at 05:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:05 AM ----------

      Thank you... and I honestly do know where you are coming from but there are reasons for cutting. there are points to it. I do it because its like a drug once you do it there is no easy way of stopping. Its called being a pain addict. Im addicted to the feeling. Pain doesnt hurt when its all you have ever known. It makes me feel better in soo many ways... Seeing my blood is something I enjoy. It is right now the only thing keeping me alive.

      Please man, I urge you to stop. It is not good to put your body through unnessessary stress and pain. I understand how you feel, like I said, I have a friend who cuts himself. But I know how miserable he is when he does. Like you said so yourself: "I do it because its like a drug..."
      But like any drug you can stop. I know it is hard, but it can be done.
      Please, I urge you to speak to an adult. Is there an adult you trust, such as a teacher? An aunt or uncle, maybe? I know, it is difficult to speak to your parents, so that is why you need somebody else that you trust. If all else fails, why don't you speak to a councillor or psycologist? It is embarrasing and feels horrible, I know, I've been there. But they really do help. You can contact Childline, because it is anonymous, and free.
      But I'm here if you need me, just send me a message and I will reply.
    • Re: Maybe I need a

      hey i read ur tread and it kinda upsent me but me realise to

      im 17 and tryed killing my self 4 times i have bin cuttin 4 5 years and find it really hard to cope most days i no wot ur goin through 100% hope ur ok hun

      i always feel like im leting people dwn

    • Re: Maybe I need a

      leona171992 wrote:

      hey i read ur tread and it kinda upsent me but me realise to

      im 17 and tryed killing my self 4 times i have bin cuttin 4 5 years and find it really hard to cope most days i no wot ur goin through 100% hope ur ok hun

      i always feel like im leting people dwn


      You must stop. Seriously, cutting yourself is a bad habit, and I know life is quite tough, especially now. But remember life is what you make it to be. If you feel like you are letting people down, then you believe it. I seriously doubt you are letting people down. It feels like that, but it is not really like that. Unless you can tell me why exactly, maybe I can help you.

      Just go easy on yourself, and when things get too much, give yourself time to cry. You will feel better afterwards.