How can I be allowed to date him?

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    • How can I be allowed to date him?

      So here's the story: I became friends with my sort of friend's boyfriend, Nate. My sort of friend is my age maybe a little bit older. Nate is 18 as of 2009 and I'm 15 as of 2009. It took forever to convince my mom to let him come over to watch movies and she made me promise I didn't like him (I didn't) and that he wouldn't drive me anywhere. Now they are broken up (not because of me) but I am still friends with him. They broke up about 2 or 3 months ago as of January. Nate has admitted to me that he likes me as more than a friend and I like him back. We have gone on a sort of date to the movies but my parents don't know about it. My dad doesn't even know about Nate at all and my mom has met him and thinks he's a nice guy.
      Now some details: Nate is in the army and is quite religious and shy when it comes to girls. He also doesn't smoke or do drugs and besides the occasional drink he doesn't drink heavily. I don't drink or smoke or do any bad stuff and I don't see the need to. I'm also very stubborn and I can't be pressured into anything. My mom says she trusts me, yet she made sure I didn't like him before letting him come over. She made me promise I wouldn't date him. Now I really want to date him and I think Nate wants to date me too. I'm sick of lying to my parents and I don't want to be caught and never trusted again. How can I persuade them to let us date?
    • Re: How can I be allowed to date him?

      Honestly you and him needs to work this out with your parents and talk it over. The sooner the better. Did your mom made you promise AFTER she met him or before? If before then she might have changed her opinions on him. ALSO, please talk to them on how much u guys mean to each other and lay out some ground rules so it makes them feel better and safer about you dating someone that's 18.
      [CENTER]I'm probably not a good role model.

    • Re: How can I be allowed to date him?

      You should sit down with them and talk to them about it. Maybe you should talk to your mom first, since she already knows of him. However, just go with what you think is best. Think it through before bringing it up. Make sure you have answers to any questions they might ask. They're your parents and they're going to be protective, you can't really change that. What you want to do is make them feel more at ease, so give them some details about Nate. Let them get to know him. If things go well, invite him over so they can meet him and talk to him themselves. Just be mature about this and understand it from your parents point of view.

      Good luck.