Guide To Make Patinate Love

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    • Guide To Make Patinate Love

      I have heard many story of people on here who are just bad at it! So heres a few pointer's that woman love.

      First ill break it down into 2 sections, sensual and sexual. Sensual being the details that just make it great sex, And sexual is pretty self explanatory.


      - Mood Lighting These follow up on the details, you know it's optional but it makes it great. So dim the light's and light some candles. Since your eyes are half the turn on its important not to over due it :hugs:.

      - Aromas Smells can be the difference between getting some and being left home alone to do what only god know's with yourself.. So slap on some cologne and if her parents are not home maby light some intents.

      - Set The Mood Its important for her to "Agree" to it first, Well... Anyways getting her in the mood is a rule in my book. Going at it like animals is fun only when you are drunk, or on some sorta drug *Cough Cough Weed*. Give her a nice massage and work your way up to it.

      Sexual: Now the fun part comes :allnight:

      -Sensitive Most people are unaware of all the places on the human body that can drive her to go wild! We all know about blowing softly in are partners ear, but thats only scratching the surface of all the possibility's. Personally i love to pull her in closely and slowly kiss from the neck up spacing about 1 inch apart each kiss up to her cheek. Then while making out i very very softly using only my finger tips rub in circles up and down her spine till she cant take it anymore and starts undressing me :wink:.

      - Oral Sex Oral is one of my person Favs. But be warned it can be your best friend or your worst enemy so proceed with caution. Start by gently licking around the vagina. Now gradually work your way to opening the vagina lips with to finger spaced like a peace sign. Slowly insert your tongue and move it sorta in and out but more in a licking motion. After that slowly one or two fingers in and begin to slowly finger her.after about oh maby a minute or 2 go for the G-Spot, it is at the top of the vaginal wall. You will feel it, its a rough patch of skin.

      - Positions There are many many many positions! Theres Oral positions like 69 and then there are from behind or infront. I don't really want to go into to much details on this since its very different for each person. So check out this site, it will show you almost every position there is with full details and pictures of 3d images. Since im new to the thread they dont let me post url's so go to:
      Sexinfo101 Dot Com

      Thats about all i can say about making it happen and making it speical.
      Bye and keep the fantasies down to earth :wink:

      -Nick Out
    • Re: Guide To Make Patinate Love

      Haha wow
      [CENTER] Cassie: Do you remember when you rode with me in the ambulance after I tried to kill myself?
      : Of course.

      : That's what love feels like.
      [SIZE=4]I Love You Dylan[/SIZE][SIZE=4] [SIZE=3]♥[/SIZE][/SIZE][SIZE=1]