What AM I?

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    • Ever since I was twelve and developing in sexuality etcetera I have acknowledged my attraction to both females and males (I'm a female), even though I was in the closet for over three years thereafter
      after I came out and began accepting my sexuality I preferred to identify as Pansexual or Polysexual as while these are both sexual identities they affirm the belief of not defining oneself to the gender or genders they are attracted to (ironically)
      I'm kind of a late bloomer where others aren't and fast bloomer where others are slower in general and didn't start dating until I was fifteen and I don't really like to be bad or inferior which has resulted in my shying away from most things...
      most recently I have had a couple experiences with guys, me performing oral and stimulating myself upon the dudes' requests' and I haven't been able to find myself sexually attracted to the male gender at all- I guess it feels like I just assumed I was as I am attracted to males on most other levels (though definitely not as much as females)
      it's as if I'm a sex worker, I just go into a robotic state
      I know I'm sexually attracted to girls even though I've never had sex with a girl

      I'm still attracted to males on other levels
      am I a lesbian?
      Do I need to experience more in general before I can identify at all?
    • Re: What AM I?

      You sound similar to me. I am definitely into women, but confused about guys. I like them physically, in some ways, however the sexual side puts me off. It's not important to know what you are exactly, you will realize what you are more so by future experiences with a person. You may feel sexual towards a guy one day though. You sound bi, but lean more towards women.
    • Re: What AM I?

      Thanks, I guess I kind of figured that
      Question for you, CalifornianDream, do you identify at all? I find it hard not to identify but given the complexity of my sexuality I guess I can't right now?
      I try to be fairly involved in the (gbltqa) community and I guess that's why I like to have a sexual id
    • Re: What AM I?

      Hello :D

      im also bisexual, and I think I'm leaning more towards guys (Im a guy) but I don't really know how to identify myself, so I don't... All it is really is a title that most people use in a derogitory manner so I don't find a point.
      Right now If people ask, I tell them I'm bisexual, and just don't know which attraction is more prominent yet, and it's reletively true and dosent close me off to either relationship.
      Like, if I titled myself as just gay, I can immagine less female relationships will arise, so saying I'm bisexual, pansexual, etc. Just keeps my options open.

      If a very specific title is what your after, that's something you should figure out on your own after some experimenting, when other people try throwing me under catigories it kind of an AOL and it's harder to think for myself and what I like and want.

      Good luck, hope it all works out for you :D