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    • Re: Steroids.

      Nope, might give em a shot in my mid 20's if ive really plateaued and need something to take me from big to beyond natures intent :wink:

      Dont do em as a teen, youll regret it, for fully developed adults only, and still dangerous, especialy if you use them without doing your research.

      Legal to possess for personal use here so problems with the law are low but i dunno what its like over there, in the US i know you get bbq'd for having em, especialy dealing em.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sharkbait ().

    • Re: Steroids.

      Its not really a slacker way to strength, it doesnt just build muscles by itself.

      A more accurate statement would be that steroids alow you recover faster and and make the most out of the work you do. So basicaly they allow you to work out harder and more often than you usualy would.

      A total amateur cant come along, inject a bunch of steroids and get huge, not going to happen, steroids only really have an effect when combined with a proper regime and diet.

      Everyone thinks steroids is giving yourself an unfair advantage in most sports, which is a naive view, steroids is allowing you to compete with everyone else because theyre all doping aswell. Trust me, in competitive sport at top levels, especialy sports like football and rugby, EVERYONE dopes, whether its on roids or HGH, they can get away with it if theyre smart and even if theyre caught the authorities usualy turn a blind eye because theyre more interested in the sport being popular than being fair, who would be happy if their favourite football star was banned for doping?

      Even in olympic sports, if people think they can get away with something, they all do it, i know most pro cyclists dope, usualy not on roids though, too easy to detect. In cycling you either a freak of nature or a doper at the top levels and most of the very top level cyclists are both.

      Same goes for rugby, and i'd assume football but i dont know any footballers so i cant say for certain, but you only have to look to know :wink:

      Moral of the story, You have to cheat to compete with cheaters.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sharkbait ().

    • Re: Steroids.

      creatine isnt like steroids.

      Creatine is a source of energy for your muscles, if you supplement it, your body will have more than it needs, and apparently store it up for when it needs it, therefore allowing you to do an more intense workout, in my experience, only a very slightly more intense workout, you definaetly dont swell up into a big blob of water as some people would have you believe, i stopped using creatine for a month or so and didnt loose any weight at all, which you'd imagine i would if i had 7 pounds of water on me due to the creatine.

      Anabolic steroids are basicaly an artificial testosterone boost, theyre an androgynizing drug, in other words, they artificialy make you more manly. When your injected artificial testosterone comes into contact with say, a muscle cell, it attaches itself onto a receptor site and gets the cell making protein, your normal testosterone does this aswell, infact a normal man fills most of his receptor sites, injecting steroids basicaly fills up the left over ones, allowing your muscles to produce more protein for self improvement, therefore allowing them to repair faster and more effectively, leading to more mass faster when the proper materials and training are provided.

      You actualy dont need to take a large dose of steroids to maximise your muscle growth, large doses just increase side effects like liver damage and all the other fun side effects.

      The problem with teens using steroids is that it stunts your growth, when your growing your body is producing alot of testosterone, and once it reaches a certain level, the long bones harden and you stop growing, when you give your testosterone an artificial boost beyond this level, you have just successfully stunted your growth forever, you will NOT start growing again if you stop taking the steroids once the damage is done.

      Oh and the ball shrinkage occurs when large amount of synthetic testosterone are introduced to the body (anabolic steroids) so the balls stop producing testosterone and become virtualy inactive untill you come off the steroids, inactive balls = no sperm production = temporary infertility (possibly permanent if you use huge doses or for a long time) =small balls

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sharkbait ().

    • Re: Steroids.

      agreed with shark on basically everything.

      teens using steroids are really stupid.. I am an active member on a site where you can get discounts for steroids (elitefitness) and whenever a teen has a question about roids, the answer ALWAYS goes back to diet...

      not much else to say because shark has covered it all, but people who take steroids aren't morons who just decided to start lifting. They are usually experienced lifters who have hit their body's physical limits for strength, so they take steroids. When they take roids, they need to workout more frequently, and i think that in today's society they are WAYYY too frowned upon.
    • Re: Steroids.

      Most of the people on here are happy for people to smoke tobacco, weed, drink alchohol, or even take harder drugs, the second someone mentions steroids the same people are in uproar...

      Why should one person be allowed to harm their body for the sake of experimentation and fitting in with the crowd and another person persecuted for harming their body for the sake of taking their bodies beyond their natural limits?
    • Re: Steroids.

      Sharkbait wrote:

      Most of the people on here are happy for people to smoke tobacco, weed, drink alchohol, or even take harder drugs, the second someone mentions steroids the same people are in uproar...

      Why should one person be allowed to harm their body for the sake of experimentation and fitting in with the crowd and another person persecuted for harming their body for the sake of taking their bodies beyond their natural limits?

      yeah man i know what you're saying.... as you said, it's the fact that drugs/alcohol are more socially acceptable in a school environment and people do them to fit in. Not many people drink alone for their love of drinking and for the purpose of harming themselves. All you hear about on TV (ESPN mostly) is that people who do roids should be suspended from their sport.. i can name a shitload- but one closer to my team is Merriman.. and not make the hall of fame (barry bonds)
    • Re: Steroids.

      Im speaking in general. Not neccessarily about you, however it is very hypocritical of someone who smokes, drinks and does weed to criticise someone using steroids, ESPECIALY someone using steroids outside of competitive sport(im not including pro bodybuilding in that category because your basicaly expected to use steroids).
    • Re: Steroids.

      Because of a medical condition i have, i take HGH as my body doesn't create it like a normal person's would, so i have quite alot of it in my fridge xD

      But i wouldn't take extra to gain muscle, as at the moment i dont do alot of excercise and i dont go to the gym (even though in a few months i plan on going to the gym, i wont be upping the amount i inject, just so i can gain muscle) ..

      But i agree with what others have said, it's not to be used by people as an easy way out of stuff, cause it isn't, you have to work still..
    • Re: Steroids.

      Ive heard of people (online and stuff) using steroids intended for farm animal use... cause they cant get a hold of regular steroids/HGH..... im pretty sure that cant be too good for them, or is there no difference?
      And how much does HGH cost? (ive had it all my life but have no idea what it costs... like street value :lol:) and no im not planning on selling any =]
    • Re: Steroids.

      HGH costs thousands of dollars a month. Steroids are alot cheaper, even in countries where they are illegal and have to be bought over the black market.

      And people using steroids intended for animal use are often not doing it intentionaly, they buy it from a dodgey dealer who is selling them animal steroids without telling them.

      Steroids intended for animals have different names so if people bothered to read up on the drugs theyre about to take, they would have a reduced chance of taking steroids not intended for humans.

      Animal grade steroids are usualy as potent as human grade steroids but the manufacturing guidelines arent as strict so they may not be as potent or as sterile.

      Oh and some people buy HGH tablets which is pointless and theyre being fobbed off, because the HGH is destroyed in the stomach acid, injection is the only way to use HGH. Most of the pills only containt about 1% hgh or lower anyway, then a load of rubbish which they claim boosts it, but probably doesnt.

      Injected steroids take longer to leave the body but are kinder on your liver than steroid tablets, usualy.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sharkbait ().

    • Re: Steroids.

      Ahh i understand.... and yeh i had a feeling it was in the thousands i've been told its expensive

      ---------- Post added at 02:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 PM ----------

      I also take levothyroxine, which ive just read apparently increases metabolism. It's also used by bodybuilders etc. (just checked online, figured i might aswell find out what my other medications do) xD

      I have quite the collection it seems :lol:
    • Re: Steroids.

      Sharkbait wrote:

      creatine isnt like steroids.

      Creatine is a source of energy for your muscles, if you supplement it, your body will have more than it needs, and apparently store it up for when it needs it, therefore allowing you to do an more intense workout, in my experience, only a very slightly more intense workout, you definaetly dont swell up into a big blob of water as some people would have you believe, i stopped using creatine for a month or so and didnt loose any weight at all, which you'd imagine i would if i had 7 pounds of water on me due to the creatine.

      Anabolic steroids are basicaly an artificial testosterone boost, theyre an androgynizing drug, in other words, they artificialy make you more manly. When your injected artificial testosterone comes into contact with say, a muscle cell, it attaches itself onto a receptor site and gets the cell making protein, your normal testosterone does this aswell, infact a normal man fills most of his receptor sites, injecting steroids basicaly fills up the left over ones, allowing your muscles to produce more protein for self improvement, therefore allowing them to repair faster and more effectively, leading to more mass faster when the proper materials and training are provided.

      You actualy dont need to take a large dose of steroids to maximise your muscle growth, large doses just increase side effects like liver damage and all the other fun side effects.

      The problem with teens using steroids is that it stunts your growth, when your growing your body is producing alot of testosterone, and once it reaches a certain level, the long bones harden and you stop growing, when you give your testosterone an artificial boost beyond this level, you have just successfully stunted your growth forever, you will NOT start growing again if you stop taking the steroids once the damage is done.

      Oh and the ball shrinkage occurs when large amount of synthetic testosterone are introduced to the body (anabolic steroids) so the balls stop producing testosterone and become virtualy inactive untill you come off the steroids, inactive balls = no sperm production = temporary infertility (possibly permanent if you use huge doses or for a long time) =small balls

      I must admit, I never knew most of what you just said, so consider me enlightened!
    • Re: Steroids.

      permanent testicular atrophy is directly related to length of use and proper Post-cycle-therapy, not dosages used.

      Contrary to the popular belief, steroids-induced muscles are permanent. what is NOT, is the water retention induced by steroids, which often cause someone to gain seemly 20 pounds of muscle over three weeks. this mass, bloating, WILL be lost upon coming off steroids, but everything you gained, as muscle, will be treated by the body like the rest of your natural muscles. If you take steroids and workout or eat innaproriately, you will still get big, just from water retention, but gl keeping that off-cycle.