HELP Losing my virginity soon SHUD I???

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    • HELP Losing my virginity soon SHUD I???

      Hi me and my boyfriend daniel have been going out for two years and im still a virgin and so is he his mates are all egging him on to have sex with me and betting on weather i will we love each other very much and the last time we went on a date we went back to his and we allmost did it until his parents came home. Hes got the house to himself this upcoming weekend cause his sister and parents are going to a concert but he didnt want to go. His sister (who is 16) said he asked advice on having sex for the first time from her boyfriend and apparently he gave daniel a condom. I want to do it but im nervous why?? and should i do it ?? please help i only have a week:eek:!!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by kiah_Danielxx ().

    • Re: HELP Losing my virginity soon SHUD I???

      xNerRadx wrote:

      Are you sure you're ready? I'm getting vibe that you aren't ready. Because if you were ready, you wouldn't be on here asking us if you should have sex or not. My advice is, save your goodies for a time or person that makes you comfortable.

      The thing is i think im ready but im just worried about it but doesnt everyone cause i love him and i wanna do it with him but im scared what if i dont like it or anything

      ---------- Post added at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at 11:58 PM ----------

      ThatGuyBrett wrote:

      Only do it if youre ready, no guy... NO GUY, is worth rushing something that means that much. If he really cares for you he will wait till you are ready.

      ok well i asked his sister for advice and she said that daniel is a bit unsure
    • Re: HELP Losing my virginity soon SHUD I???

      kiah_Danielxx wrote:

      The thing is i think im ready but im just worried about it but doesnt everyone cause i love him and i wanna do it with him but im scared what if i dont like it or anything

      ---------- Post added at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous post was Yesterday at 11:58 PM ----------

      ok well i asked his sister for advice and she said that daniel is a bit unsure

      Well yea I think those feelings are normal. Everyone is nervous their first time.
    • Re: HELP Losing my virginity soon SHUD I???

      If you are asking US you are probably not ready. It seems to me that you are panicking, it's not good.
      Having sex because "his mates are all egging him on to have sex with me" is not good enough reason to do it.
      Did you do other sexual things? Because it's not good to jump right to vaginal intercours.
      Also, have more then one condom with you, if you decide to do it. Condom may brake so it's good to have another one near, or you could do it more then once.
    • Re: HELP Losing my virginity soon SHUD I???

      ivaiva wrote:

      If you are asking US you are probably not ready. It seems to me that you are panicking, it's not good.
      Having sex because "his mates are all egging him on to have sex with me" is not good enough reason to do it.
      Did you do other sexual things? Because it's not good to jump right to vaginal intercours.
      Also, have more then one condom with you, if you decide to do it. Condom may brake so it's good to have another one near, or you could do it more then once.

      Ok and ive seen his and hes seen mine but we dint do it cause his parents came home and weve been thinking bout it for a while
    • Re: HELP Losing my virginity soon SHUD I???

      well, ya like, its a big step, and you dont seem ready, but he obviously seems like he doesnt pressure you, like ye have been together for 2 years, and if he is a nice lad he will not force you to lose your virginity, so dont do anything if you are not 100% sure that you are ready, and dont read too much into the whole condom thing, most guys will carry one just to be on the safe side, hes just covering the basis like!! but most ppl that are about to have sex for the first time are feeling the exact same way as you, questions like, am i ready? will i like it? and it it perfectly natural, just have a long think about it before you make a desicion!!
    • Re: HELP Losing my virginity soon SHUD I???

      kopite wrote:

      well, ya like, its a big step, and you dont seem ready, but he obviously seems like he doesnt pressure you, like ye have been together for 2 years, and if he is a nice lad he will not force you to lose your virginity, so dont do anything if you are not 100% sure that you are ready, and dont read too much into the whole condom thing, most guys will carry one just to be on the safe side, hes just covering the basis like!! but most ppl that are about to have sex for the first time are feeling the exact same way as you, questions like, am i ready? will i like it? and it it perfectly natural, just have a long think about it before you make a desicion!!

      Ok i will.

      because i only gave him a handjob the other week hes coming round soon so we might do it early i dont know but i know its him i want to do it with definatly
    • Re: HELP Losing my virginity soon SHUD I???

      you think you're gonna do it cause you want to do it?
      not to sound ... w/eves
      but when it's your first time
      of course you're going to be nervous
      but you shouldn't do anything unless you know in your heart that you're ready.
      Advice from people won't really help cuz it's you that has to decide
      Just make sure you know consequences.
      and you shouldn't do it just cuz his friends are raggin on him..
      n .. im rambling.
      but in time.. sex is good.
      might be bad at first but so is most of everyones first time\
    • Re: HELP Losing my virginity soon SHUD I???

      shorty wrote:

      you think you're gonna do it cause you want to do it?
      not to sound ... w/eves
      but when it's your first time
      of course you're going to be nervous
      but you shouldn't do anything unless you know in your heart that you're ready.
      Advice from people won't really help cuz it's you that has to decide
      Just make sure you know consequences.
      and you shouldn't do it just cuz his friends are raggin on him..
      n .. im rambling.
      but in time.. sex is good.
      might be bad at first but so is most of everyones first time

      ok well hes on his way round now cause he text me so i gotta go x
    • Re: HELP Losing my virginity soon SHUD I???

      kiah_Danielxx wrote:

      I want to do it but im nervous why?? and should i do it ?? please help i only have a week:eek:!!

      That's really up to you, love. I mean, sex for the first time is such a serious thing and it's such an intimate act. You can't let others really influence your decision, because in the end - it should be your decision to make. The worst decision to make is when you do it because you're pressured into having sex and not because you feel ready. Like you said, Daniel's friends are giving him a hard time for staying abstinent with you. That's not how it should be; it should be on your own terms.

      And if you do decide that you really want this, you have to prepare yourself. Do you feel like you know enough to have sex? Do you know what comes after having sex for the first time? Do you know about condoms and birth control? If you don't, get educated.

      And honestly, there are a lot of people in your shoes right now that feel the same way you do: nervous. Of course you're going to be nervous. Just as long as you know what to do, then you should be fine.

      Good luck!
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by armyforthebroken ().