Am I right to be mad at this guy?

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    • Am I right to be mad at this guy?

      So I have a friend whos been close to me since 2-3 years. The thing is now that he has a GF, he acts all cocky: he's using me. See in our culture, parents are severe and they definately dont allow dating. What this guy does now is tell his mom that hes with me. He is telling the truth; partially. He is also with his GF. He invites all of his friends all tell his mom that he was with his friends, when he doesnt even talk to us. He just makes out with his GF and sweet talk to her. I even tried to talk to him, but Romeo is too busy making out with his girl. When his mom calls, he doesnt answer the phone. Then she calls ME 80 times.

      I'm really tired of protecting this guy when in fact, hes using me. I dont know if I should be mad at him. I'm not going to brag, but people tell me that I am the most forgiving person. So is it OK if I'm mad at him or am I overreacting?

      Another question: Me and my friends dont know if we should ditch this guy from our group?

      Because first of all, he used one of my friends so he can have a ride at a restaurant. He called my friend up just for a ride, and didnt even talked to him at the restaurant because he was making out with his girl.He pretends that we dont exist when we call his name. Oh and his GF is a girl my friend liked, and he snatched her away.

      And second of all, the guy wants me to do his homework, pay his food,etc. He never pays me back. And once I payed him for the food and just asked him to throw at the burgers and the fries he wasted he said : "what, im not your slave...and im not a janitor".

      The only thing is, the guys a good guy at heart, but has way too many flaws.
    • Re: Am I right to be mad at this guy?

      i thing it's just because he is with this girl and i think you need to put your foot down even though he is your friend making you pay for everything and do not do his homework ever you are damaging his chance of a better future if you do because he is not learning anything is he the point of homework is to learn. Do not ditch this guy he will see sense soon don't worry the relationship he is in now may come to an end and well put your self in your friends shoes if that does happen feeling like there is nobody to talk to if his parents are strict about dating then it could make things diffcult he may have gone off a bit but just hang with your other friends he will eventually see that he does not have to spend every second of every day with this girl.
    • Re: Am I right to be mad at this guy?

      I'd be feeling used, too. I don't blame you for being upset about it. It sounds like he's using your friendship to get a lot of things out of you - free food, homework, an excuse for his mom when he wants to hang out with his girlfriend..

      I say dump the guy as a friend. You're too good for him.
      [COLOR="Silver"][FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"]Back me down from backing up
      Hold your breath, now, it's s t a c k i n g up!
      Etched with marks, but I can deal
      And you're the p r o b l e m, and you can't feel.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
    • Re: Am I right to be mad at this guy?

      After reading your story I feel I can help :)

      If he makes you stressed and is not a loyal and friendly person, then he is not a friend. Good friends don't be mean or ignore you, good friends are nice, forgiving, friendly and are always interested in what you have to say.

      I only have time in my life for those who treat me as I treat them. I feel honesty and trust are two very important virtues, and if your friend cannot return your nice attitude towards him, then he is not a friend.

      It also seems that he is using his girl friend to make him feel better than you. You don't need him, there are plenty of honest people in the world for you to meet. You just need to go out and find them :). I think that he has problems with his self image and he wants to make himself feel good. Real friends wouldn't try to compare themselves to you, real friends are that, friends.

      I hope I have helped you.

      Be true to yourself & be happy. You will be successful in life!
      Be happy :)
    • Re: Am I right to be mad at this guy?

      First of all, talk to him. Let him know that you're not going to be his scape goat. You count yourself his friend, but you're not going to be his cover up. If his mom calls and asks you a question, tell her the truth. Don't go out of your way to rat on him, but don't lie. Tell him that if his mom talks to you, you will tell her the truth.

      I wouldn't ditch the guy for one stupid mistake, but I would leave him alone for a while. If he misses you, he misses you. If not; well, if he doesn't care about you enough to want to hang out with you, for you, then you should leave him alone. Still, there's nothing wrong with being forgiving. If he changes his ways, then you don't have to ignore him. If he invites you over, ask him if she will be their, and if she will, say you won't go. Nothing against the girl, but this guy needs to take care of his friends too.
      It has been said many times before... But it is no less true; The most important things in life are not things. The simple special moments in life, end up being the ones you remember for a life time.