my ex is suicidal

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    • my ex is suicidal

      I broke up with this guy, cuz i found out he was cheating on me. He said that he was thinking about comitting suicide because of what he did. I know he used to be a cutter, and he's attempted suicide before.. so I'm not sure what to do. Should I be concerned when he said that he was thinking about it, but he didn't? What should I do?
    • Re: my ex is suicidal

      There are two things he could be trying here:

      One of them is hes just saying that to try to get you back. I think he might feel really bad about what he did, but he may not know how to get you back any other way, so he just sticks with an easy out. You should use your better judgement with this one. I suggest you try talking to him about him, simply explain that he shouldn't be thinking those thoughts because of a mistake that he made.

      The other option is that he actually is considering it, and even if you don't THINK hes serious, you should never doubt anyone who says hes thinking about killing themselves. With his past especially, i suggest you take some kind of action. Like I said before, try talking to him, and if that doesn't seem to be helping, to his parents if you really think hes a risk to himself.

      The last thing you would ever want to happen is something horrible because of the common situation "you knew about it, but didn't do anything about it". The best thing you can do is try talking to him periodically to make sure hes not doing anything irrational. Try to keep his mind off doing anything bad, or bad thoughts. Theres a number that you can suggest to him, or you can even call yourself. They give great advice- a suicide hotline. Theres different numbers to call depending on where you live, most of them are within close range.

      “We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are.”
      -J.K. Rowling
    • Re: my ex is suicidal

      thanks.. i really should talk to him, but i don't have a phone, and my internet is unreliable..
      he lives in another city and i'm not sure where he lives..

      i hope he won't do anything, but i think if i talk to him it'll clear everything up, but i'm tired of him saying not to leave him, i want to help him, not get back together..

      He told me one of his ex's drove him to cutting. i don't want that to happen again w/ the current circumstances
    • Re: my ex is suicidal

      Hiya :)

      It's hard to tell what this guy's motives are from the given information. I understand that you are in a difficult situation because of him, and I know that you are the victim in this - don't you forget that. He's the one who cheated. Keep that in mind.

      Firstly, he could be using his past reputation as a self-harmer and a sufferer of depression as a form of emotional blackmail. Let me explain: you know what the best lie is? One mixed with the truth. "I feel so down about what I did and losing you that I could just kill myself. I tried it before, remember? I think youd' better take me back and have mercy before I do this". Personally, I would say that this is his most likely motive. I've seen it done a thousand times before by my friend, Allie, who use to lie about things so evil, knowing that I loved her, just to make me feel for her, give her attention, and to twist me around her little finger.

      The other option is that he could genuinely be feeling guilty for what he did or that he may really feel that he needs you in his life as a lover. I think you should weigh up the possibilities. What are the chances of him cheating again? Why did he do it in the first place if he lvoes you so much? Why would he risk losing you if you meant so much to him?

      Consider whether or not he would seriously commit suicide or not. Is it just a dark secret far in the past, or is it something that could come into being now, if he has been unstable recently or something like that?

      Only you can decide what to do. Will you answer to his calls, take pity on him and take action, to pacify him, help him get through this, and perhaps forgive him and take him back? It's up to you hun.

      Good luck.

      [LEFT][SIZE=4]My mind turns to metal, its gears are turning,[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]And my sanity withers and dies.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]This world all around me, it's bitter and twisted;[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]Reality, madness or lies?[/SIZE][/LEFT]
    • Re: my ex is suicidal

      Suicide is no joke. I suggest you confront him and talk things over, explain to him in detail you have moved on and that he should, too. You can't avoid him for the sole reason you two were in a relationship for however long it was. After all, if he stays true to his word and takes his own life, you will feel guilt and regret for the rest of your life.

      If he lives a considerable distance away and you have no means of contacting him, get his number from the phone book and use a pay phone or your home phone to call him. Ask one of his mates for his address and then drive there, or go to your local library or Internet cafe and get on his MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Surely there's some way to contact him.
    • Re: my ex is suicidal

      last year, i was in this situation where my friend came to me saying that she was going to c ommit suicide..
      at first i didn't think anything of it.. but a few days later i figured she was serious and i tried talking her out of it, saying what you would typicially say

      she actually attempted.. and told me about it.. i didn't have her # didn't know where she lived..

      well she survived she was trying to OD on some pills..
      the next day i brought her into the counselor at school..

      i don't want this to happen. i know how it is to feel guilt that you didn't do anything about it when a friend comes to you with this secret...